4 QW 8

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Students are finishing up their second
fractured fairytale based on Jack and the
Beanstalk. This week, we are working on
writing another opinion piece that includes a
main idea and 3 specific details. Students will
plan using a planning page and begin writing.
Important Dates

of the
Week 8, 4

We are continuing our science unit on
comparing and measurement. This week,
students learned how to measure using our
bodies. We traced out bodies and measured
with cubes. Students compared their
measurements with others. This
week we will talk about measuring
with accuracy.
Check your childs green folder for homework!
They will have reading, math (mClass practice),
practice for play, and spelling. Make sure you
are practicing spelling words at home!

Students are continuing to read nonfiction
stories this week. We will be using
illustrations and details in a text to describe
key details. They are also looking at texts
of the same topic and finding similarities
and differences between the two. Dont
forget about reading logs! These will really
help them meet their end of the year goal!
We are continuing measurement. Students
will continue to measure objects using
nonstandard measurement using a variety of
FACTS!!!! We will also continue to have our
math fact drills on Wednesdays and Fridays!
I will also be working on math
mClass assessments with them!

Fairytale Ball
Please be working with your child on their lines
at home EVERY NIGHT so they can do their
very best in their play! Also, be thinking about
a SIMPLE costume for their part of the play.
Please highlight their specific part with them
at home. Keep their plays in their binders as
we will be spending some time at the end of
the day to practice the plays! Next week, we
are starting to act out our parts! Cant wait to
see how they turnout!
May 29
-June 18 mClass testing
June 13
(or before) Turn in a letter to
me for your child of how you are proud of
them this year! Please seal in an envelope!
June 19
Field Day
June 20
Fairytale Ball and Picnic

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