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Name: Jenny Jankowski_

Age of Students :5 year olds_

Math Activity

Goal (SWBAT): Students will be able to..
2. Early Learning Exe!tation ("at#e$ati!s): %#ildren begin to de&elo s'ills o(
!o$aring and !lassi(ying ob)e!ts* relations#is* and e&ents in t#eir en&iron$ent.
+. Early Learning Exe!tation ("at#e$ati!s): %#ildren begin to de&elo an
understanding o( nu$bers and exlore si$le $at#e$ati!al ro!esses using !on!rete
,ow will t#e tea!#er introdu!e t#e a!ti&ity:
- will #a&e a re$ade !#art set u at !ir!le ti$e and gi&e ea!# !#ild a bag wit# t#e letters
o( t#eir na$e in it. - will tell t#e !#ildren t#at today we will be gra#ing our na$es.

W#at $aterials will be needed (or t#is a!ti&ity.
Letter na$e !ards
/u$ber !#art
W#at will t#e !#ildren do to de$onstrate t#eir new s'ill:
T#e !#ildren will arti!iate in utting t#eir na$e on t#e !#art and !o$are t#eir nu$ber
o( letters to ot#er nu$bers o( letters. %#ildren will also tell $e #ow $any letters t#eir
na$e #as in it.
Suorting !#ildren w#o need $ore instru!tion:
- will #a&e all o( t#e !#ildrens na$e tags resent in !ase t#ey do not re$e$ber #ow to
sell t#eir na$e !orre!tly to add to t#e nu$ber !#art.
%#allenging students w#o 0get it1 and need an enri!#$ent a!ti&ity:
- will as' t#e students to tell $e w#i!# na$e is t#e longest or s#ortest. - !an also as' t#e$
#ow $any $ore letters one students na$e #as t#an anot#er students na$e.

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