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Astrology Books
Books and Books and Books and ??. So I am writing a lot about books. I have written about
books on classical astrology and books on Lal Kitab (at least you have download links now. I am
also !lanning to write all books available on Lal Kitab sub"ect. #ecently there are lots o$ books on
this sub"ect that are not "ust translation%transliteration.
Anyway& I am o$ten asked about what book one should read to lean KP System. 'owadays there
are many books on the sub"ect. KP(s own !ublications brings $ew new books every year in the
market. But I have my own o!inion. I)*+ one should read only si, readers by Sri K.S.
Krishnamurti i.e. -
.. /asting the *orosco!e
0. 1undamental Princi!les o$ Astrology
2. Predictive Stellar Astrology
3. )arriage& )arried li$e and children
4. 5ransit 6ochara!ala 'irayam
7. *orary Astrology
5hese books will give you su$$icient idea o$ the system. I am not very sure but !robably 8Astrology
9 Ahrishta8& the maga:ine edited by Sri KSK& is also available in hard-bound $ormat. I$ that is
available& you can !urchase them. 5hose are another good way to learn Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
+ther than Sri KSK(s own books& there are not too many good books to learn the system. I
remember two other books those are su$$icient good. +ne is 8'akshatra /hintamani8 (as $ar as I
remember the name by )r. Bhat (again I don(t remember the $ull name o$ author. 5his book is
available in ,ero, $ormat only. +ther books are three books set by )r. ;yotindra *asve. Primarily
these books are in )arathi and I am not aware whether *indi%<nglish edition is available or not.
But I guess it would be available. As I told in introduction there are many books and many
authors. But these are the books that I like most.
P.S.= I also receive lots o$ re>uests $or available KP so$tware. I am !lanning to write in detail about
that. )eanwhile you can have a look on KP astrology so$tware o$ the com!any !romoting this

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