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a. We followed the scientist down a flight of wet stone steps.

At last he stopped before a

huge oak door.
b. Dr. Frankenstein selected a heavy key, and he twisted in the lock.
c. The huge door gave a groan and it swung open on a dimly lighted laboratory.
d. Before us on a dissecting table lay a form with closed eyes. Beholding it sent a quick
child down my spine.
e. The scientist strode to the table and lifted a white-gloved hand.

Robert Jensens Argument is classic chicken before egg argument
The political system does have the potential to perpetuate erroneous and harmful views,
but can we rightly call it the origin of these views?
Progress in the American political system towards equal treatment in the eyes of the law
for both genders has come a long ways in the past half-century.
In light of this, I disagree with Jensens statement. This is a position he has to take in
conjunction with his closing statement because Jensen wont (or at least doesnt) appeal to
morality in his arguments.

Jensens argument as a whole implies that things have gotten worse. In his closing statement,
Jensen states that We face political and ecological challenges that cant be met with this old
model of what it means to be a man. So either society will collapse or worse. If this is true,
then either the previous societies that left us with these flawed viewpoints faced simpler, less
dangerous challenges or Jensen is completely incorrect in this portion of his closing statement.
To say that the challenges we face today are more serious that humankind has ever faced before
is proud; humankind has certainly been in the danger of extinction, or at least decimation. The
problem at the heart of Jensens argument is that he is driven by the wrong motive. A human
who abandons absolute morality has little to which he can appeal (so Jensen here appeals to
avoiding what he totes as imminent destruction). But the real reason why toxic masculinity as
Jensen defines it must be eliminated from our society is because it is morally wrong! Men
should treat women and other men with dignity and respect.

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