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Class of 2014 - College AccepLances as of May 23, 2014

Adelphl unlverslLy llorlda SouLhern College MonLserraL College of ArL Syracuse unlverslLy
Amerlcan lnLernaLlonal College lordham unlverslLy Morehouse College 1ufLs unlverslLy - School of 1he Museum of llne ArLs
Amerlcan unlverslLy lramlngham SLaLe unlverslLy MounL Polyoke College unlon College
Anna Marla College lranklln lerce unlverslLy MounL lda College unlverslLy of 8rldgeporL
AssumpLlon College Ceorge Mason unlverslLy new Lngland College unlverslLy of Colorado aL 8oulder
8aLes College Ceorgla SouLhern unlverslLy newbury College unlverslLy of ConnecLlcuL
8ecker College Cordon College nlchols College unlverslLy of uenver
8en[amln lranklln lnsL. of 1ech. CranlLe SLaLe College norLheasLern unlverslLy unlverslLy of Ceorgla
8enLley unlverslLy Creen MounLaln College norwlch unlverslLy unlverslLy of ParLford
8lnghamLon unlverslLy Creensboro College ace unlverslLy, new ?ork ClLy unlverslLy of llllnols aL Chlcago
8osLon ArchlLecLural College Cullford College lne Manor College unlverslLy of Malne
8osLon College Pampshlre College lymouLh SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy of Maryland, College ark
8osLon unlverslLy Parvard College rovldence College unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs, AmhersL
8randels unlverslLy Plgh olnL unlverslLy Culnnlplac unlverslLy unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs, 8osLon
8rldgewaLer SLaLe unlverslLy PofsLra unlverslLy 8egls College unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs, uarLmouLh
8ryanL unlverslLy Pusson unlverslLy 8egls unlverslLy unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs, Lowell
8unker Plll CommunlLy College lLhaca College 8ensselaer olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe unlverslLy of Mlchlgan
CenLral ConnecLlcuL SLaLe unlverslLy !ames Madlson unlverslLy 8hode lsland College unlverslLy of new Lngland
Champlaln College !ohnson & Wales unlverslLy 8lvler unlverslLy unlverslLy of new Pampshlre
ClLy College of new ?ork Cun? !ohnson SLaLe College 8ochesLer lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology unlverslLy of new Paven
Clark unlverslLy keene SLaLe College 8oger Wllllams unlverslLy unlverslLy of norLh Carollna aL Chapel Plll
Clarkson unlverslLy Lasell College SalnL Anselm College unlverslLy of Cregon
Colby-Sawyer College Le Moyne College SalnL !oseph's College-ML unlverslLy of ennsylvanla
College of Lhe Poly Cross Lesley unlverslLy SalnL Mlchael's College unlverslLy of 8hode lsland
Curry College Llu 8rooklyn Salem SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy of SouLh Carollna
uean College Loyola MarymounL unlverslLy Salve 8eglna unlverslLy unlverslLy of 1ampa
ueaul unlverslLy Loyola unlverslLy Chlcago Sarah Lawrence College unlverslLy of vermonL
urexel unlverslLy Loyola unlverslLy Maryland School of Lhe Museum of llne ArLs unlverslLy of Wlsconsln, Madlson
LasL Carollna unlverslLy Lynchburg College SeLon Pall unlverslLy uLlca College
LasLern nazarene College Lynn unlverslLy Slena College vlllanova unlverslLy
Llon unlverslLy MarlsL College Slmmons College vlrglnla Wesleyan College
Lmerson College MassachuseLLs 8ay CommunlLy College Skldmore College Wellesley College
Lmmanuel College MassachuseLLs College of Llberal ArLs SmlLh College WenLworLh lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology
Lmplre 8eauLy School MassachuseLLs College of harmacy & PealLh Sclences SouLhern new Pampshlre unlverslLy WesL vlrglnla unlverslLy
LndlcoLL College MassasolL CommunlLy College SL. !ohn's unlverslLy - ManhaLLan Campus WesLern new Lngland unlverslLy
lalrfleld unlverslLy Mercy College-ManhaLLan Campus SL. !ohn's unlverslLy - Cueens Campus WesLfleld SLaLe unlverslLy
lalrlelgh ulcklnson unlverslLy MeredlLh Manor lnLernaLlonal LquesLrlan CenLer SLevens lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology Wheelock College
llsher College Merrlmack College SLonehlll College WorcesLer olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe
llLchburg SLaLe unlverslLy Mlddlesex CommunlLy College Suffolk unlverslLy WorcesLer SLaLe unlverslLy

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