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Name: Nicholas Ghianchan Class: 902

Teacher: Ms. Peregudova & Mrs. Weissman Date: !29!"#

$o% did lslam s&read through '(rica)
*slam came to a(rica through trade and con+uest. While *slam
s&read through ,ast '(rica through trade and- it s&read through North
'(rica .ecause o( con+uest.
Trade %as the essential (actor that in(luenced the s&read o( *slam in '(rica.
*n the &assage The /&read 0( *slam 'cross ,ast '(rica1 the %riter gives
several reasons that hel&ed to s&read *slam across '(rica. ,ast '(rica is
located *ndian ocean. 2ecause o( this geogra&hical location- man3 traders
(rom *ndia- Persia and 'ra.ia %anted to go there.These traders %anted to
create ne% trade mar4ets. Man3 o( these traders %ere (rom *ndia- Persia
and 'ra.ia and the3 %ere muslim. The Muslim traders and '(rican locals
.uilt cities along the coast. That is ho% muslim communities in ,ast '(rica
(ormed.2ecause o( this cultural di((usion .et%een Muslim traders and
'(rican locals- the *slam .ecame (amous and &eo&le (rom all &arts o(
societ3 started to convert.
*n contrast- %ars %ere the essential (actor that in(luenced the s&read o(
*slam in North '(rica. This is clearl3 evidence in the &assage 5The s&read
0( *slam 'cross '(rica1. The %riter sa3 that 'ra. soldiers %ere (rom /outh
'sia. 6irst- the 'ra. soldiers con+uest to '(rica. Then- the3 tools over. 'll
these con+uered lands .ecame the &art ,g3&t. The Muslim introduced
their religion- culture- and the 'ra.ic language into '(rica. That is ho%
*slam s&read through '(rica.
*slam came to '(rica through t%o di((erent %a3s- tradertrade and
con+uest. *t .ecame one o( the main religions in '(rica.
The contact .et%een cultures led to changes in ,ast '(rica- &eo&le
.egan to .uilt houses that mi7ed traditional. /uch as coral and mangrove
trees %ith 'ra. designs and carved doors. *n time- languages .lended into
a ne% language- /%ahili.

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