Follow The Tracks Helpsheet Lesson3

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Purpose: 3.

Clue 2 says that our verse comes from a book

written by many people.
This activity will teach the kids how to find verses in the
Bible and to apply today’s Bible Verse to their lives. 4. Clue 3 says that our verse comes from a book that
starts with a “P”.
Description: 5. Clue 4 says that our verse is in the book with the
most chapters.
The children will “follow the tracks” to find the Bible
6. Clue 5 says that our verse chapter is 9 + 9 + 9.
Verse and read it out of the Bible.
7. Clue 6 says that our verse number is 4 - 3.

Materials needed:
Note: Have a child read the verse out loud from the
For this activity you will need this help sheet, and the Bible, or read the verse out loud yourself. Psalm 27:1
“Bible Tracks Lesson 3” from the Lesson Materials CD “The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should

The Tracks Rom. For each child you will need a Bible.

Note: To add to the activity you could have each Small

I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from
danger, so why should I tremble?” (NLT)

Group leader place their “Tracks” in the room so that

Small Group Activity the kids can follow them to where they will have After the activity say:
small group. 1. Our verse tells that we don’t need to be afraid
because God will protect us.
LESSON THREE To introduce the 2. God is always with us, even when we’re scared.
3. What are some situations where you might be
activity say: scared? (Being in the dark, getting lost, riding on a
God provides the courage 1. We are going to follow these animal tracks to find rollercoaster, talking in front of the class).
to live for him! today’s Bible Verse.
2. Each track will lead us closer and closer to
the verse.
Summary: God tells us that we don’t need
to be afraid of anything because he is always with us.
Remember that the next time you get scared.
For detailed instructions on how
to do the activity see the DVD.

Note: Make sure each child has a Bible. As you go

through the clues, talk to the children about how the
Bible is made up of different types of books (history,
poetry, prophecy, gospels, letters) and each book is
organized into chapters and verses.

During the activity say

the following:
1. Let’s look at the clues in order and track down our
verse in your Bible. If you need help, I will help you.
2. Clue 1 says our verse is found in the first section of
the Bible called the Old Testament.

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