Team Building Activities

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Name of Activity: Differences

!"#$ &$$'$'( 3 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'( lece of 8 x 11.3 paper for each parLlclpanL
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( none
1. Clve parLlclpanLs a sheeL of paper and Lell Lhem Lo close Lhelr eyes and hold Lhe paper ln
fronL of Lhem.
2. lnsLrucL Lhem Lo fold Lhe paper ln half and ln half agaln. 1hen Lhey should form a
Lrlangle wlLh Lhe folded paper.
3. 1ell Lhem Lo rlp off Lhe lower rlghL corner.
4. Cpen Lhelr eyes and unfold Lhe paper.

apers wlll look dlfferenL. ulscuss wlLh parLlclpanLs how Lhls lllusLraLes how we are dlfferenL
and allke. Cur percepLlons and undersLandlng of Lhe same lnsLrucLlons mlghL be dlfferenL.
Pow does Lhls affecL our group? WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy?

Name of Activity: Teamwork Olympics

!"#$ )$$'$'( 20-30 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL-aL leasL flve for one Leam
415$,"103 )$$'$'(
Cne or more large meLal washers wlLh 3-7 sLrlngs Lled Lo lL. 1he sLrlngs should be 2-3
feeL ln lengLh.
1ennls balls or oLher flrm ball. Cups, cans or bowls LhaL wlll hold Lhe balls.
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( 1le sLrlngs Lo washers randomly around Lhe washer.
1. lorm Lhe parLlclpanLs lnLo Leams of 3 -7 each.
2. Clve a washer wlLh sLrlngs Lo a Leam and lnsLrucL each Leam member Lo hang onLo a
3. lace a ball on Lhe washer. lf Lhe ball falls off Lhe washer Lhey musL sLarL agaln.
4. 1he Leam musL work LogeLher Lo place Lhe ball ln Lhe cup, can, eLc. on Lhe oLher slde of
Lhe room.
3. Cne or more Leams can do Lhls aL Lhe same Llme as a Llmed evenL or one Leam aL a Llme
wlLh observers. 1eams can Lry agaln lf Lhey wanL.
6. Cbservers should waLch for communlcaLlon, leadershlp, and Leam work skllls.

Pow dld communlcaLlon change wlLhln Lhe group? uld anyone assume leadershlp?
Pow dld Lhe Leam work LogeLher? WhaL does Lhls say Lo our group? WhaL dld you learn from
Lhls acLlvlLy? Pow can you apply Lhls Lo oLher slLuaLlons?

Name of Activity: Laps

!"#$ )$$'$'( 10-20 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'(
Cne chalr for each parLlclpanL
ldeas for sLaLemenLs
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( Arrange Lhe chalrs ln a clrcle

1. Lach parLlclpanL should slL ln a chalr.
2. Cne person wlll make a sLaLemenL Lelllng how many chalrs Lo move lf Lhls sLaLemenL ls
Lrue of you.
3. arLlclpanLs should move Lo Lhe asslgned chalr. lf someone ls ln Lhe chalr, Lhe person
should slL on hls or her lap.
4. lf Lhe person wlLh people on Lhelr lap has Lo move, everyone on Lhe chalr moves Lo Lhe
nexL chalr.
3. 1hls conLlnues unLll Lhe group loses lLs enLhuslasm for lL.
6. 1hls acLlvlLy ls a good geL-acqualnLed acLlvlLy. lL also ls a 'recharger' for a group LhaL has
been slLLlng or worklng for a long Llme.
7. Lxample sLaLemenLs:
Move Lwo chalrs Lo Lhe lefL lf you are wearlng blue [eans.
Move Lhree chalrs Lo Lhe rlghL lf you have blonde halr.
Move seven chalrs Lo Lhe rlghL lf you have a drlvers' llcense.

Name of Activity: I like people who

!"#$ )$$'$'( 10-20 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'(
Cne chalr for each parLlclpanL mlnus one.
ldeas for sLaLemenLs
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( Arrange Lhe chalrs ln a clrcle

1. Lach parLlclpanL should slL ln a chalr.
2. Cne person sLands ln Lhe cenLer and makes a sLaLemenL Lelllng parLlclpanLs Lo move lf
Lhls sLaLemenL ls Lrue of you. l llke people who wear blue [eans." lf Lhe parLlclpanL ls
wearlng blue [eans, he/she should move.
3. arLlclpanLs should move Lo Lhe asslgned chalr. 1hey cannoL move Lo Lhe chalr nexL Lo
Lhem. 1he person wlLhouL a chalr sLands ln Lhe cenLer and makes Lhe nexL sLaLemenL.
4. 1hls conLlnues unLll Lhe group loses lLs enLhuslasm for lL.
3. 1hls acLlvlLy ls a good geL-acqualnLed acLlvlLy. lL also ls a 'recharger' for a group LhaL has
been slLLlng or worklng for a long Llme.
6. Lxample sLaLemenLs:
l llke people who are wearlng blue [eans.
l llke people who have blonde halr.
l llke people who have caLs.
l llke people who are ln Lhe sheep 4-P pro[ecL.

Name of Activity: Tennis Ball Get-acquainted

!"#$ )$$'$'( 10-20 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'( 1wo or Lhree of Lhe same Lype of ball and one dlfferenL ball. (1ennls balls
and a smaller or larger rubber ball or a squlsh ball.)
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( none

1. arLlclpanLs should geL ln clrcle and Lake Lurns lnLroduclng Lhemselves.
2. AfLer everyone ls lnLroduced, one person beglns Lo Lhrow one of Lhe Lennls balls Lo
anoLher ln Lhe clrcle. 1haL person Lhrows lL Lo anoLher, eLc.
3. 1he leader Lhen lnLroduces anoLher Lennls ball lnLo Lhe clrcle. 1he ball should be Lhrown
ln Lhe same paLLern around Lhe clrcle (same person lL was Lhrown Lo ln #2).
4. A Lhlrd Lennls ball can be added lf Lhe group ls large. lnsLrucL Lhe group Lo Lry and go
fasLer wlLhouL dropplng Lhe ball.
3. When Lhe group ls Lhrowlng and caLchlng wlLhouL a problem, add Lhe dlfferenL LexLured
or shaped ball Lo Lhe clrcle. arLlclpanLs wlll have a hard Llme caLchlng and Lhrowlng Lhls
dlfferenL" ball.
6. LeL Lhe group conLlnue unLll Lhey Llre of Lhe acLlvlLy or Lhe balls are all dropped.

ulscuss how Lhe dlfferenL" ball caused problems. Pow dld communlcaLlon and cooperaLlon
change wlLhln Lhe group? Pow dld you accommodaLe Lhe dlfferenL ball?
WhaL does Lhls say Lo our group? WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy? Pow can you apply Lhls
Lo oLher slLuaLlons?
Name of Activity: Grouping Ideas

!"#$ )$$'$'( 3 - 13 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'( none
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( none

1. Ask people Lo sLand or ralse Lhelr hand accordlng Lhe followlng caLegorles. Cr dlvlde
people lnLo work groups uslng one or more of Lhese caLegorles.
Same color eyes
1allesL/shorLesL LogeLher
CldesL/mlddle/youngesL/ only chlld
Where are you from? (MldwesL, WesL, norLheasL, eLc.)
Whlch parL of Wlsconsln dld you grow up ln?
8orn before 1960 (or ?) / AfLer _____
1ennls shoes
Color of shoes
Color of shoelaces
Slacks or sklrLs or blue [eans
4-P member or leader or noL
urlvers' Llcense or no urlvers' Llcense

C"3<*33 59$ 1<5"D"52E uld anyone learn anyLhlng lnLeresLlng or surprlslng abouL someone? CLher
unusual dlscoverles? uld you flnd you had anyLhlng ln common wlLh oLhers? WhaL dlfferences
dld you dlscover? WhaL does Lhls Lell you abouL worklng wlLh oLhers ln a group?

Name of Activity: Ice breaker/Get-Acquainted pictures

!"#$ )$$'$'( 20-43 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'( Cne plece of fllp charL paper for each parLlclpanL, Markers, pens, penclls,
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( none

1. Clve each parLlclpanL a full sheeL of fllp charL paper. Pave markers and wrlLlng uLenslls
spread LhroughouL Lhe room.
2. 1ell parLlclpanLs Lo lmaglne Lhe paper dlvlded ln Lo four quadranLs. 1hey should wrlLe
Lhelr name and counLy or 4-P Club ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe page.
3. lnsLrucL parLlclpanLs Lo wrlLe and draw Lhelr responses Lo Lhe sLaLemenLs ln Lhe
approprlaLe quadranL.
4. AfLer flve or Len mlnuLes, ask Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo Lape Lhelr sheeL Lo Lhemselves -wear
Lhe sheeL." arLlclpanLs Lhen mlll abouL Lhe room vlslLlng wlLh Lhe oLher parLlclpanLs.
3. AfLer Len Lo LwenLy mlnuLes, ask parLlclpanLs Lo Lake Lhelr seaLs.

C"3<*33 59$ $F6$,"$&<$E uld you geL Lo meeL anyone new? WhaL dld you learn LhaL ls
lnLeresLlng or unusual abouL someone? WhaL dld you have ln common wlLh oLhers? WhaL was
dlfferenL abouL oLhers?

Name of Activity: Team Body Spelling

!"#$ )$$'$'( As much as needed
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( Mlnlmum of 7 people - 2 Leams of 3 each and 1 [udge
415$,"103 )$$'$'( none
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( ueclde on whaL you are spelllng (examples: alphabeL, 4-
P Leadershlp 1eam)

1. ulvlde lnLo Lwo Leams. ueclde on 1 or 2 [udges.
2. 1hree people aL a Llme form Lhe flrsL leLLer wlLh Lhelr bodles on Lhe floor. (Lxample: 4-P
Leadershlp 1eam, flrsL 3 people form a 4)
3. Cnce accepLed by [udge(s), Lhe 3 musL run back Lo Leam, and nexL 3 leave Lo form Lhe
nexL leLLer.
4. 1he wlnner ls Lhe Leam LhaL flnlshes Lhe word(s) flrsL and slLs down.

1hls game helps form cooperaLlon and communlcaLlon skllls. lL can geL loud, buL ls very fun.
Pow dld Lhe group worked LogeLher? uld anyone assume leadershlp? Pow dld Lhe group
communlcaLe? 1he faclllLaLor can expand Lhe commenLs Lo dlscuss communlcaLlon sLyles,
leadershlp, group dynamlcs, and Leam bulldlng.

Name of Activity: Blindfolded Leader Game

!"#$ )$$'$'( 3 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( Large Croup
415$,"103 )$$'$'( none
/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( none

Lveryone geLs ln a llne and puLs Lhelr hands on Lhe shoulders of Lhe person ln fronL of Lhem.
Lveryone excepL Lhe flrsL person ln llne closes Lhelr eyes. 1he flrsL person who ls Lhe leader
leads everyone around, and Lhe group has Lo communlcaLe and work as a Leam Lo avold

uld Lhe group work LogeLher?
Pow dld Lhe group communlcaLe?
WhaL does Lhls say abouL our group's Leamwork or communlcaLlon skllls?
WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy?

Name of Activity: Balloon Towers

!"#$ )$$'$'( 20 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( Croups of 6-8 each
415$,"103 )$$'$'( 100 balloons and 1 roll of masklng Lape per group

1. 1oLal group dlvldes lnLo smaller groups of 6-8 people.
2. Lach group ls glven 100 balloons and a roll of masklng Lape.
3. 1he goal ls Lo make a free sLandlng Lower (le cannoL aLLach off of celllng, prop agalnsL
wall, eLc.)

1owers wlll look dlfferenL. ulscuss wlLh parLlclpanLs how Lhls lllusLraLes how we are dlfferenL
and allke. Cur percepLlons and undersLandlng of Lhe same lnsLrucLlons mlghL be dlfferenL.
uld Lhls become a compeLlLlon? Was LhaL parL of Lhe lnsLrucLlons? Pow dld your group
communlcaLe? uld anyone assume leadershlp? uld your group work LogeLher or lndlvldually?
Pow does Lhls affecL our group? WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy?

Name of Activity: The Puzzle
!"#$ )$$'$'( 30 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( Mlnlmum 8-12
415$,"103 )$$'$'( SheeL (large) of Lhln plasLlc wood, cuL lnLo puzzle pleces (8)

1. 8llndfold parLlclpanLs (as many as Lhere are puzzle pleces).
2. 1ell any addlLlonal parLlclpanLs LhaL Lhey are Lo observe.
3. 1ell parLlclpanLs LhaL Lhe ob[ecL of Lhls exerclse ls Lo assemble a floor puzzle.
4. Clve paper and pencll Lo observers so Lhey can Lake noLes.
3. ulsLrlbuLe puzzle pleces Lo bllndfolded parLlclpanLs.
6. AfLer puzzle ls compleLed, have parLlclpanLs share Lhelr experlences. Ask observers Lo
add Lhelr commenLs.

Pow dld Lhe group communlcaLe? uld anyone assume leadershlp? Was anyone noL lnvolved?
Pow dld Lhe bllndfolds affecL Lhe group worklng LogeLher?
lf deslred, have Lhe group puL Lhe puzzle LogeLher agaln afLer Lhls dlscusslon.
uld Lhe group work dlfferenLly Lhls Llme? Was everyone lnvolved? uld Lhe puzzle geL solved
Pow does Lhls affecL our group? WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy?

Name of Activity: See, Run, Do

!"#$ )$$'$'( 13 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( 4-30
415$,"103 )$$'$'( A compleLed posLer, osLer board, Sclssors, Clue, ConsLrucLlon paper,

/,$61,15"-& )$$'$' 789$1' -. !"#$:( ueclde on Lhe concepL you wanL Lo Leach a group
(example: 4-P fundralslng, communlcaLlon). Make a posLer LhaL represenLs LhaL concepL. 8rlng
all supplles needed Lo reconsLrucL Lhe posLer and enough for Leams of 4-3.

1. osL Lhe posLer ouLslde Lhe room where no one can see lL.
2. ulvlde Lhe group lnLo Leams of 4-3.
3. Cne person ls golng Lo be seer" - only Lhls person can see Lhe posLer and s/he musL Lell
Lhe runner whaL he sees.
4. AnoLher person ls Lhe runner" - Lhls person musL run from Lhe workLable Lo Lhe seer.
3. 1he resL of Lhe Leam ls Lhe doers" - Lhey musL reconsLrucL Lhe posLer as Lhe runner
Lells Lhem, based on whaL Lhe seer Lells Lhe runner. 1he runner can run as many Llmes as
necessary Lo geL Lhe correcL lnformaLlon. Clve a Llme llmlL for Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls acLlvlLy
can work for all age levels, how you sLrucLure your posLer may depend on Lhe age group
lnvolved. AL Lhe end, see whlch group dld Lhe besL [ob reconsLrucLlng Lhe orlglnal posLer.

uebrlef wlLh Lhe group Lo explaln/dlscuss Lhe concepL you are Lrylng Lo Leach and how each
plece of Lhe posLer relaLes Lo Lhe concepL.
WhaL communlcaLlon skllls were used ln Lhls acLlvlLy? WhaL Leamwork skllls were lmporLanL?
uld Lhe group organlze before Lhey sLarLed? Pow dld Lhe seer, runner an doers work LogeLher
and/or communlcaLe? WhaL dld you learn from Lhls acLlvlLy?

Name of Activity: Webs for all Occasions

!"#$ )$$'$'( 10 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( 8-20
415$,"103 )$$'$'( Cne large ball of yarn, wound lnLo a ball from Lhe skeln, lnflaLed balloons or
an 8-10 lnch rubber ball

1. AdapL Lhe acLlvlLy Lo flL your Leachlng ob[ecLlves. lan whaL quesLlons Lo ask or Lhe
lnformaLlon you wlll requesL. Lncourage each person Lo make hls or her answer
dlfferenL from oLher answers.
Lxamples of lnformaLlon for parLlclpanLs Lo share:
!"# %&'#"()*'+"&, - ask parLlclpanLs Lo Lell Lhe group Lhelr name and one Lhlng abouL
Lhemselves LhaL oLhers ln Lhe group wlll noL know.
!"# -./01)+2(+&3 - ask parLlclpanLs Lo Lell Lhe group one reason Lhey value belng parL
of Lhls group.
!"# 4.'5"#6+&3 - ask parLlclpanLs Lo share lnformaLlon abouL Lhe group Lhey represenL
and servlces/programs provlded.
!"# 7./(.#,8+9 -#/+&+&3 - ask parLlclpanLs Lo ldenLlfy one characLerlsLlc of a good
!"# :/09 :")&,.2"# -#/+&+&3 - ask counselors Lo llsL lmporLanL Lhlngs campers' need
from counselors.
2. Ask parLlclpanLs Lo sLand close LogeLher ln a clrcle.
3. Clve Lhe ball of yarn Lo one parLlclpanL and ask he/she Lo Lell Lhe group Lhe lnformaLlon
requesLed and Lhen Loss Lhe ball of yarn Lo anoLher parLlclpanL across Lhe clrcle whlle
holdlng onLo Lhe end of Lhe yarn.
4. 1he nexL parLlclpanL caLches Lhe ball of yarn, responds wlLh Lhelr lnformaLlon, and holds
Lhe yarn whlle Losslng Lhe ball of yarn on Lo anoLher person across Lhe clrcle.
3. uependlng on Llme and your Leachlng ob[ecLlve, anoLher layer can be added Lo Lhe
web" by asklng for anoLher plece of lnformaLlon from each parLlclpanL.
6. ConLlnue unLll all parLlclpanLs ln Lhe clrcle have responded. ulscuss Lhe purpose of Lhe
web (le: Lhe power of many people worklng LogeLher, communlLles/clubs can work
effecLlvely when everyone does Lhelr parL).

1oss a balloon or ball onLo Lhe web and conLlnue Lo lllusLraLe your Leachlng polnL. 1he ball can
represenL a chlld, a 4-P leader, a pro[ecL or a Leam. Ask Lhe group Lo LlghLen Lhe web Lo provlde
beLLer supporL (everyone ls needed Lo make lL work). Ask Lhe group Lo move Lhe ball around
Lhe web ln a clrcle, passlng lL Lo each person ln Lhe group (communlcaLlon ls lmporLanL Lo geL
Lhe [ob done). use several balls or balloons and ask Lhe group how a communlLy can make Lhe
web of supporL sLronger for young people.

Name of Activity: T-shirt Switch
!"#$ )$$'$'( AbouL 10 mlnuLes
)*#+$, -. /012$,3( no LlmlL
415$,"103 )$$'$'( An exLra 1-shlrL for everyone playlng

1. Clve everyone one L-shlrL Lo wear over Lop of Lhelr orlglnal.
2. SpllL lnLo equal groups of more Lhan 3 or 4.
3. Pave one person from each group go abouL 20 fL. away. 1hen have Lhe flrsL person ln
Lhe llne run down Lo Lhe player on Lhe oLher end and boLh Lake off Lhelr L-shlrL and
swlLch shlrLs. 1he shlrL musL be on rlghL slde ouL and on fully before Lhe oLher person
runs back and Lakes off Lhe shlrL and swlLches wlLh Lhe nexL person ln llne.
4. 1hls conLlnues unLll everybody geLs Lhelr orlglnal shlrL back.

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