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Kenisha Davis

Final Draft
English Honors 3A
May 19, 2014
Unexpected Chance
People always judge others' relationship. People do not know his or her story.
People only know what they think. Even their thoughts about long distance relationships or
interracial couples are harsh. I'm here to share my story about both of those topics. He is
Mexican, I am black, and we are in a long distance relationship.
From spring of 2011 until now there has been only us. We met in 2011 from social media
and from that day forward he has never left my mind. We have had so many ups and downs that
honestly have made us stronger than ever. The first time we separated was in that same year we
met, but he really broke up with me. Later on, we got back together because I decided to give
him another chance. We lost contact for awhile but regained it over Facebook. From then we
were only in a flirtationship. He left me again in the summer of 2012. I only thought to myself
that he wouldn't come back this time and that I was so stupid to have given him another chance.
My summer days went on as for I was depressed; I never ate, and I didn't understand life
anymore. I had given this boy my all and all he ever did was leave. On July 28, 2012
approximately around midnight, my mom and I were in Wal-Mart getting items for our family
reunion. As I walked around the store my phone vibrated as for I didn't know who would be up
at that time of night. I looked at the screen and to my surprise it was him. I didn't know whether
to be mad as hell or excited. I was more on the mad as hell part because I did not want to deal
with him anymore. He did me dirty and I didn't deserve to be treated like that. I texted my friend
Aleyah to ask her what I should do. She said, Do what your heart tells you to do. I did so and
replied to him. We discussed some stuff and he wanted to get back together because he had
supposedly changed. I didn't know what to do. Was I suppose to refuse or give him another
chance? You wouldn't believe it. I gave him another chance as for a third time's a charm. This
time the relationship was a little more open. As a year went past our relationship turned into
something more serious than ever! You're probably wondering who this terrible guy is, but he
isn't terrible anymore as for he changed a lot! He is Alejandro in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am
Kenisha in Virginia Beach. Our wish was an unexpected chance.
When our one year anniversary arrived we had brought about the idea that we needed to
meet in person. For starters we had known each other for about two years then. For that idea was
just a wish. When 2014 came along I thought of the idea that I would go see him in person for
my birthday. I told him the idea and he agreed, but the only problem was sharing this three year
secret to our parents. He told me that his military ball was during birthday week and for a second
it was perfect. I'd meet him, hang out, and then danced the night away at the ball with my
boyfriend. We planned it out and finally decided to tell our parents. His parents agreed as well as
mine. That was a major sign of relief for the both of us, for our secret was like a weight on our
shoulders. February came and it was time! About a week before I went down to Charlotte, bad
news came about. The ball had been cancelled until March 8th due to the terrible snow storm.
My heart broke and my parents talked about whether or not to go down there since the ball was
cancelled. We came to a conclusion that my parents and I would go down there twice. I was
etastic! Next week came and my nervous breakdown began.
We left the night of February 14, 2014 and stayed in North Carolina until the 16th. The
next morning, February 15th, 2014 was the official day. I couldn't believe it at all. As the crisp
wind cut my throat while I walked to the car. The cold air giving me chills as my body increased
in temperature from my racing heart. I could hear mom and dad asking if I was nervous. My feet
shivered with me as I walked barefooted, for I had left my shoes in the car. Without knowledge,
my bowels started to move quickly and I almost shit on myself. I was ready to head back to
Virginia because I was so scared. Hands were sweating from replying to his messages. All the
trees in the neighborhood ran past me with the long open road ahead. As we turned through the
different neighborhood my insides turned as well. The snowman in someones yard caught for a
second. We turned the last corner as the GPS said, You have reached your destination. My eye
dilated to the maximum, and the only sound I could hear was a rapid, beating heart. I couldn't
believe my eyes! IT WAS HIM IN THE FLESH!! He came in the car and I turned the other way
facing the window because I was so scared. My dad forced me to say hi so I did. I was texting all
of my friends so they could calm me down but it didn't work. We went to Golden Corral to eat
breakfast and at least try to converse to break the awkwardness.
hey, he quietly said.
hi I murmured back.
you good...not nervous anymore? he asked.
Im trying to calm down, but I dont think it is working, I replied.
We talked a little, but I didn't eat. My stomach was all over my body. After we ate, we
met his mom at the Chick-FIl-A because she was selling girl scout cookies. She was really nice
and short. Then we headed to the mall in Concord, and that's when the fun began.
At the mall is where we first held hands and actually got to spend time together in person.
We went to go see The Lego Movie, and in the theater is where we kissed for the first time.
are you..going to redo my shoe laces? I asked shyly.
oh yeah, he answered. I handed him my shoes.
may I have a kiss first? he asked sweetly. I turned to him and we kissed.
IT WAS AMAZING! I finally was able to cuddle with him as I had always dreamt of.
We walked around the mall for hours since there was nothing else to do since the ball was
cancelled. Later that evening for dinner he took me to this sushi restaurant even though I think
sushi is disgusting. He fed me a piece to try and it was ok but not good. Alejandro and I then
walked back to the hotel to wait for my parents to pick us up. He was just everything I had ever
wanted. We kissed some more and sat down just staring at each other. As I looked into his eyes I
could just tell he was the one. My parents finally came and got us. We took him back home and
that was the best day ever.
On Sunday morning we accompanied him and his mom at church. That church was so
boring, tiring, and had lots of white people. I fell asleep during the sermon and Alejandro nudged
me to wake up. Afterwards we went to Steak N' Shake because that is my favorite restaurant in
the world! We had our own little booth in the corner and spent quality time for the last time.
There were awkward moments and silent moments but just being in each others presence was
the only thing that mattered. We went back to drop him off and to my surprise his mom and
stepdad were both home. They came outside and we all talked including my parents. There was
much talking and laughing but it shortly came to an end. Alejandro gave me shoes as my
birthday gift which was sweet. This lovely birthday trip ended and I went back home.
2 weeks later....
A couple weeks went by and I was packing again but only for a day. This time I was
going to the military ball with him. After many hours we arrived and picked him up. We went to
the movies again around the corner to go see Non-Stop. It was a really good movie. That
afternoon we all went to Applebees where my parents and I met his father for the first time.
There was much of good talk and questions. The time came where we had to go our separate
ways to get ready for the ball. I showered, put my make-up on, and put my beautiful, black
sparkling dress on. Once we both were ready our parents met up so he could ride with us. He
looked so handsome and sexy in his uniform.
WOW! You look absolutely amazing babe, he complimented me with excitement.
Awww thanks, I replied with the biggest smile on my face.
We went to the ball and had such an amazing time. I had never been so happy in my life.
On the other hand, he could not dance at all. It was a struggle but he was still cute. Although we
had a good time the night ended sadly with one last kiss. Then we drove him back home. All the
stars of the night came down upon us with a gloomy look. I looked to my corner to see him
falling asleep. My heartbeat slowed down as an expected depressed look appeared on my face.
As we pulled up to the driveway tears wanted to build up. I walked him to the door and went
inside. He went to his room and came back to let me have one of his sweatshirts to keep. We
gave each our last hug and I left. Sadness and joy came upon us both. The cold wind carried me
back to the car, for my tears had froze up.We never wanted the night to end. The next morning I
was headed back to Virginia and he went to church. I had the best times of my life with him. He
is my everything and I love him. Our first time meeting each other was an unexpected chance.
As of now we still are together and doing better than ever. It seems like since weve met
our relationship is great. The unexpected chances hasnt stopped yet. A bundle of joy comes over
me knowing he is coming here in June to visit. Love has no boundaries.

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