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Advanced Bibliology Outline

1) Administrative
2) Course Introduction
3) Teaching Method

Sec. I: Bibliology Proper: Bible Characteristics & Purpose (Review)

1. Rev.
a)Special Rev.
> Language and Accommodation

2. Characteristic of Scripture

a) Inspiration
> Authorship: Human & Divine Necessity

b) Perspicuity/Clarity

c) Inerrancy/Infallibility

d) Authority
i. Sola Scriptura

e) Sufficiency
i. Purpose of Scripture
ii. Scriptures and the Church
> HS & Illumination
> Doctrine
> Sanctification

Sec. II. Transmission, Preservation and Translation

- Introduction

a) Manuscript Support for Scripture ----ADDED: CHANGE NUMBERING
i. New Testament
b) Apocrypha
c) "Gnostic Gospels"
d) "Canon within a Canon"

2) Textual Assembly Process
A) Manuscripts
B) Textual Criticism : Canons of Criticism
C) Textual Variants

3) Translation
a) Theories& Methodology
i. "Literal"
ii. Functional Equivalence and the Dangers
iii. Formal Equivalence

Sec. III. History of the English Translations

1) Brief Overview

2) KJV-Only
a) History of the Debate
b) "Inspired Translation"
c) 3 Types of KJV-Only Defenders
d) Arguments & Proof-Texts
i. Presuppositions
ii. Hermeneutics Failures

Sec. IV: Opposition to the Bible: Classical & Contemporary

- Attacks on Inerrancy
- Attacks on Revelation

1) Neo-Orthodox: The Humanity of Biblical Authorship
i. Critical Criticism- "Errors in the Bible"
- SCheliermacher

2) Inerrancy Controversy

3) Postmodernism

4) "Digital Text"

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