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Define poverty
Analyze factors that contribute to
Explore global poverty
Examine UN Millennium
Development Goals
Define microfinance
Examine the use of microfinance as
a tool to eradicate poverty

Become a global citizen
Help defeat poverty
Support social entrepreneurship
Make a difference in the world
through personal involvement
Gain leadership and team-work

Use social media to spread
awareness of poverty and
Maintain an active website drive
traffic to website
Meet with political leaders, NGOs,
and community organizations to
spread awareness
Present findings on poverty and
microfinance to elementary schools
and church youth programs
Collaborate with other high schools
on global research projects
Generate media coverage for project

Membership in KIVA Club
Aid in fundraising for microfinance
loans and travel
Perform community service
Lead presentations to elementary
schools and church youth programs
Collaborate with other high schools
in special global research projects
Partake in travel opportunities to
Global Youth Conferences, Poverty
and Microfinance Tours, and Critical
Language Learning

Build a solid organization that will
grow each year with new members
and new projects
Inspire students to remain actively
involved even after they graduate
from high school

2014 Biba S. Kavass

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