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XAT/GMAT ID : __________________

Please read it carefully and relate it to the best possible manner with your real life example.
All of us sometime or the other experience peak in our personal, family and/or professional work,
defined as moments in which we feel the highest levels of happiness and possibility. This can happen
in your daily situation or during extreme events, it can happen when you accomplish a new
goal/achievement /solve insurmountable problem or resolve critical conflicts.

1. Recall one incident/situation/event when you experienced such a defining moment. Describe the
situation in about 50 words?

2. Why did you and others around you consider it such a peak experience?

3. What was it about the situation, your colleagues, friends, family members (as the case may be) and
institutions around you that helped you to make it such a peak experience?

XAT/GMAT ID : __________________
4. Who were all affected /impacted or made an impact on the situation/event and on your action. List
them with their positive or negative consequences.
A. Made an impact on situation/event/action


B. Impacted/Affected by the event



5. Did you encounter any moral/ethical or issues related to personal integrity in the above situation? If
yes what was it and how did you resolve?


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