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uC 1ransfer Curve

And lLs appllcauons

8aslc 1ranslsLor Lquauons
uC 1ransfer curve
8elauon beLween vouL and vln under
uC condluons
Craphlcal Approach
1he Lransfer curve
1ranslsLor's reglmes of operauon
CurrenL drawn from supply
8eLa rauo eecLs
vlnv: lnverLer 1rlp olnL
vlnv calculauon
Skewed lnverLers
rocess varlauons
1hreshold volLages are random varlables
Causslan pdf ls a good approxlmauon
ConsequanLly, lnverLer Lrlp polnL (vlnv)
ls also a random varlable
As are oLher characLerlsucs whlch depend on
volLage Lo loglc levels
nolse Margln uenluons
lndlcaLes Lolerance Lo nolse
Why ls Lhere nolse?
uC nolse due Lo sLauc volLage drops ln Lhe
power grld
AC nolse:
due Lo coupllng of swlLchlng slgnals
1ranslenLs ln power grld
lmporLance of galn
Larger galn beuer nolse margln
8esLorlng eecL of loglc levels ln a long chaln
Large vL - beuer galn
SLauc nolse Margln for Memory Cell
8uuery ulagram

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