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Bucharest Summer University 2014 10

Organized by ASE Students Senate USASE
!1" #rumoasa Street" Bucharest
Basic Information Other Information
First Name: Sex (M/F)

Last Name: Birth Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Hobbies and Interests (comment in 5 ines):
!it": #I$ !ode:
Contact Details Application details:
$hone N%mber(s): I apply for:
F% schoarshi&:
Mobie $hone:
$artia &a"ment:
'(mai address: )ota &a"ment:
Note: You can mark more than one. If
not accepted for the first option, your
application will be taken into consideration
for the others.
Educational and Professional Background
Instit%tion "o% are st%d"in* at:
Fa,orite !o%rse (and moti,ation):
Associations- !%bs- N./ that
"o% are/0ere a member o1:
Fa,orite s&ort acti,it":
Ha,e "o% e,er been interested in
tradin* acti,ities on the ca&ita mar2et3
Ho0 did "o% 1ind o%t abo%t BS4 56783

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