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Held at 8.00 pm o T!"#$da% &
Ma% '0&( at )*+$ Colle+e Camp"$,
)*dde#po#e A-e"e, Lodo N./
Cllr Andrew Mennear Ward Councillor
Siobhan Baillie Prospective Councillor
Valerie Cass Oakhill Park
Hazel Alan !inn Bracknell "ardens
Moni#ue "iannikos !inchle$ %oad
&anine "ri''is Ha(pstead )!
%ob Ha*e(ans !inchle$ %oad
!arokh +harooshi Chair %ed'ro* %esidents Association
Avril +lee(an West'ield
%ichard +lein Chester'ord "ardens
,sabel -an*tr$ Principal. Ha(pstead School o' Art
/udle$ -ei*h Vice0Chair(an %ed'ro* %esidents Association
1suzsa Ma2o !inchle$ %oad
&ohn Malet0Bates !erncro't Avenue
)anc$ Ma$o Minutes Secretar$ %ed'ro* %esidents Association
Carrie %einers 3niversit$ Colle*e School
Pa(ela %od*er -ind'ield "ardens
Alan %od*er -ind'ield "ardens
Val %ussell Arkwri*ht %oad
Alan Sanders 4pro5$ Vera
Cole(an6 West'ield
%al' Schoep'er Briardale and Clorane "ardens
&udith /avid Su(ra$ !inchle$ %oad
78 It#od"0t*o ad Apolo+*e$
Apolo*ies were received 'ro( Cllr Spinella. Sir Stanle$ Burnton. "ill 9$ler. -aurence
Bard. ,rvin* :ass. Mar$a( Ala*hbad. &a(es ;arl. Caroline -ee and )oel Brock8
Cllr Mennear kindl$ a*reed to Chair the (eetin*8 9he purpose o' the (eetin* is to
put in place a structure to take the !oru( 'orward over the co(in* (onths8
Attendance levels were (arkedl$ lower than 'or the public consultation. which had
been held on Sunda$ <
March8 9he disappointin* turn out is likel$ to have been
attributable to the weekda$ evenin* ti(in* and the wet weather8
'. App#o-al o1 D#a1t Co$t*t"t*o
9he dra't constitution had been e(ailed to all on the database in advance o' the
(eetin* and hard copies were also provided 'or attendees8 Copies o' the online
surve$ anal$sis were additionall$ distributed. alon* with Ca(den=s reworked (ap o'
the %ed !ro* CA )ei*hbourhood Plan boundaries8
,t will be necessar$ to work out practical policies and ne*otiate various hurdles in
order 'or the !oru( to *ain approval 'ro( Ca(den8
9he 'ollowin* su**estions were (ade as sli*ht a(end(ents to the dra't Constitution:
para >8?8 ,t was a*reed to reduce the @uoru( 'or a *eneral (eetin* to 7A
(e(bers. in order to reduce the risk o' beco(in* in#uorate
para 78< b68 9he use o' the word Brein'orcin*C was #uestioned and
Bcollaboratin* with Ca(den to propose i(prove(entsC was su**ested as an
alternative 'or( o' wordin*. or that a )ei*hbourhood Plan Ben'orcesC or
BappliesC BConservation Area State(ent and "uidelines as relatin* to
%edin*ton !ro*nal Conservation AreaC8 However. it was noted that this
docu(ent is (erel$ the le*al constitution and it was a*reed to retain the
wordin* as dra'ted in para 78< b68 ,t was also noted that the )ei*hbourhood
!oru( is not a replace(ent 'or Ca(den Council: it can onl$ work to in'luence
the Council and within Ca(den=s -ocal /evelop(ent policies8
9he dra't constitution was then proposed b$ Alan Sanders. seconded b$ Hazel !inn
and approved unani(ousl$ b$ a show o' hands8
/. Ele0t*o o1 Fo#"m
All attendees residin* or workin* in %ed !ro* and ward councillors are auto(aticall$
(e(bers o' the !oru(8 9he << March public consultation had been attended b$ ?>
people. althou*h this includes so(e non0residents8 As a result o' toni*ht=s (eetin*
and on0*oin* publicit$. 'urther na(es will be added to the list o' !oru( (e(bers8
(. Ele0t*o o1 O11*0e#$
9he 'ollowin* were elected on a te(porar$ basis and dul$ proposed and seconded:
Chair: !arokh +harooshi
Vice0Chair: /udle$ -ei*h
9reasurer: -aurence Bard 4elected in absentia6
Secretariat: )anc$ Ma$o and Hazel !inn8
9here were no 'urther no(inations8 Additional o''icers will be needed 'or Publicit$
and Website /evelop(ent and Maintenance8
Volunteers are also re#uired workin* parties8
2. Fo#mat*o o1 L*m*ted Compa%
,t had been understood that. in order to be eli*ible to appl$ 'or a -ocalit$ *rant. a
co(pan$ li(ited b$ *uarantee (ust be established8 However. &anine "ri''is
4Ha(pstead )!6 believes that a co((unit$ interest co(pan$ will su''ice8 Once the
!oru( is reco*nised b$ Ca(den. Ca(den will be able to hold 'unds on the !oru(=s
3. P#o+#e$$ to Date
*4 Commet$ 1#om Camde #e 5o"da#*e$ $"5m*$$*o
9he boundaries o' the %ed !ro* Conservation )ei*hbourhood Plan were
voted on and a*reed at the March <
public consultation8
/iscussion ensued8 )etherhall has not 'inalised its boundar$. but this should
not a''ect %ed !ro*8 Church %ow has held discussions with Ha(pstead8 9o
the north o' the %ed !ro* CA. the boundar$ is shared with Barnet 4in so(e
cases it is not clear whether houses co(e under Barnet or Ca(den68 A
)ei*hbourhood !oru( is bein* discussed 'or the Child=s Hill. but this is still at
a ver$ earl$ sta*e8
**4 L*a*$o 6*t! ad7o**+ Ne*+!5o"#!ood Fo#"m$
)anc$ advised that we have (ade contact with !ortune "reen and West
Ha(pstead. Ha(pstead and )etherhall )ei*hbourhood8 All ad2oinin*
!oru(s have been contacted. with the e5ception o' Barnet8
iii6 De-elopmet o1 Red F#o+ Co$e#-at*o NP 6e5$*te8
Minutes and A*endas will be posted on this site. alon* with links to other
)ei*hbourhood Plans8 9his is in hand. but there is a need 'or e5tra people to
work on the website8
*-4 F"d*+ appl*0at*o
9he application 'or direct support Sta*e < 'undin* application is to be re0
sub(itted once Ca(den has approved the constitution. 'oru( and
boundaries8 A *rant application is additionall$ to be sub(itted 'ollowin*
'or(ation o' li(ited co(pan$8
/avid Su(ra$ asked about the ti(escale 'or 'inalisation o' the
)ei*hbourhood Plan8 ;5perience indicates that it t$picall$ takes about a $ear
'or a Plan to be sub(itted to the local authorit$ and two $ears until the public
consultation is held8 )ei*hbourhood Plans have been approved in 7G areas
o' the countr$8
8. Fo#mat*o o1 .o#9*+ G#o"p$ a#o"d )e% T!eme$ :1#om o;l*e $"#-e%4
*4 Update o1 Red*+to F#o+al Co$e#-at*o A#ea, e<te$*o to F*0!le%
Road ad A#t*0le ( D*#e0t*o
9his will need >0H people (eetin* on a (onthl$ basis8 9he 'ollowin*
e5pressed interest: %ob Ha*e(ans. /avid Su(ra$. 1suzsa Ma2o and one
other volunteer 4na(e (issed68
**4 Idea$ to *mp#o-e t!e e-*#omet o1 F*0!le% Road.
Cllr8 -inda Chun* is leadin* a ca(pai*n to i(prove the environ(ent o'
!inchle$ %oad8 ,n /ece(ber <E7> she spoke to Andrew "illi*an. "-A
C$clin* Co((issioner. who con'ir(ed plans 'or !inchle$ %oad to beco(e a
C$cle Superhi*hwa$8 ,t will be known as Super Hi*hwa$ 778 9his will entail
landscapin* and *reenin*. and (an$ ph$sical i(prove(ents8
9'- e5pects to co(plete a 'easibilit$ stud$ o' the potential bene'its and
i(pacts o' desi*natin* !inchle$ %oad as a c$cle superhi*hwa$ and o'
re(ovin* the *$rator$ at Swiss Cotta*e Idurin* <E7>07AI8 Consideration is
also bein* *ive to re(ovin* the railin*s between Swiss Cotta*e and the O<
%ob Ha*e(ans a*reed to tr$ to 'ind residents who (i*ht be prepared to be
involved with this workin* *roup8
***4 P#e$e#-at*o ad e!a0emet o1 +#eee#%, t#ee$ ad 5*od*-e#$*t%
9he 'ollowin* will be involved in this area: )anc$ Ma$o. &ohn Malet0Bates
and Val %ussell8
*-4 P#o;+#o6t! *dea$
/udle$ -ei*h and ,sabel -an*tr$ e5pressed interest in this8
-4 Ot!e# *$$"e$=
/avid Su(ra$ su**ested a declutterin* ca(pai*n to aid sa'et$ 'or elderl$
pedestrians and those with visual handicaps8 ,t was su**ested that this could be
incorporated into one o' the other workin* *roups. e* Pro0*rowth or !inchle$ %oad8
,sabel observed that it is likel$ that +C- will cease to o''er (eetin* roo(s as 'ro(
Septe(ber8 She ver$ kindl$ o''ered Ha(pstead School o' Art=s (eetin* roo( in the
event o' di''iculties8
A vote o' thanks was e5pressed to )anc$ 'or all the hard work she has undertaken8
)anc$. in turn. was *rate'ul 'or all the support that she has received 'ro( Hazel and
Alan !inn and /avid Su(ra$8
G8 Date o1 Ne<t Fo#"m Meet*+8
9H3%S/A: F
S;P9;MB;% at G p(8 Ba$ Hall at +in*=s Colle*e has a*ain been
provisionall$ booked and is to be con'ir(ed so(eti(e durin* su((er8
/etails will be posted on the new website8

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