Integration Between PP Module and PM Module

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Integration between PP module and PM module
created by K Kumar on May 22, 2014 1:35 PM, last modified by K Kumar on May 26, 2014 9:01 AM
This document explains integration between PP module and Plant Maintenance (PM) module....

Overview: Integration between PP and PM modules happens during following scenarios...

A) During Capacity Planning for work centers
B) For tracking the usage value of PRT's

Process flow of integration during Capacity Planning for work centers:
When the production work center is overloaded with capacity, if we try to do capacity leveling and want to shift the
capacity to other dates, where already some preventive maintenance activity is planned for the same work center
( equipment) during that period, then system will not allow to reschedule the production order to those days. PP Work
center is Equipment in PM. In the concerned equipment's master data you can mention the PP work centers name. This
links the PP work center and PM equipment.

Process flow...

Create work center :

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in the capacities header tab maintain the data as per the requirement....

Now save the work center....
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Create Routing : Create the routing for material and assign the work center for operation as shown in the below
screen shots...

Now save the Routing..

Create BOM : Create the BOM for the material through CS01 for creation of Production orders...

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this completes the master data from Production planning module side....

Create Equipment : Create equipment in Plant maintenance module through IE01 and assign the work center ( created
in PP module ) in the location tab as shown below. and assign the planning plant as same the work center plant...

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Save the equipment.....

Now create Preventive Maintenance order for the above equipment through IW31...

Now give the order start date as 26.05.2014 and end date as 30.05.2014 as shown below...

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maintain system condition as not in operation as shown below....

Finally save the Preventive Maintenance order...

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Now create production order for material 2570 through CO01...

Now give the start date as 22.05.2014 and end date as 27.05.2014 as shown below..and release the order and save the
production order...

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Now create one more production order for the same material with same start and end dates as shown below... this is for
creating the capacity overload for the period....

then save the order...

Now check the capacity situation of the work center in the CM50 transaction...

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above you can observe that there is a capacity overload on dates 23.05.2014, 26.05.2014 and as
there is a overload we will try reschedule the one of the production order to other dates on the capacity planning table
with function capacity leveling...

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in the next selection screen give work center, plant, capacity category and Capacity planner grp

Now execute

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Now take the second production order ( 60004673) and try dispatch it on the dates 28.05.2014 to 30.05.2014 where
already preventive maintenance order is present which is shown in black color..

Now when you try to dispatch the second production order system will not allow you to do on the dates of preventive
maintenance dates and it will rescheduled (dispatched) to subsequent dates as shown below...

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Now save the planning table and observe the change in dates in second production order..

Process flow of integration for tracking the usage value of PRT's :
Tracking of usage of a tool in production, every time a tool is used there should be a count of that usage...This requires
PP-PM integration. A production resource tool as equipment is created with the measuring points. The PRT will then be
assigned to the operation that requires usage. During confirmation of the production order, the system will automatically
record the usage as measuring documents. In this way, the count of the tool usage is monitored...

187 Views Tasks: integration Tags: sap, production_planning, plant_maintainence, pp_pm
Pradyp Parakala May 26, 2014 12:01 PM
Hi Kumar

Very useful Information. Regarding PP I would like to know more on Barcode scanner Config &
Employee wise efficiency. Need more detailed inormation on Config. Kindly please share them too.

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