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These projects were developed with SQL Server 2000 as the back-end and ASP.NET as the
ront-end. !ode was written in "is#al $asic.Net and "is#al St#dio.Net was #sed to develop the
These projects were developed in an ASP.NET batch as classroo% projects & to show how to
consolidate vario#s topics to develop a co%plete project'.
This project is consistin( o two projects) which are*
A website for parents of the students to get information about their childern.
An intranet application for administration staff to feed marks, handle complaints
How do you run?
+o# have to ollow the steps (iven below to r#n these projects - ,-school and ,-SchoolAd%in.
.. /ownload school.0ip into -o#r s-ste%.
2. 1n0ip #sin( 2in3ip.
+o# (et two directories - ySchool and ySchoolAdmin .
4. !reate two virt#al directories one or ,-School and another or ,-SchoolAd%in. The
virt#al directories %#st point to ph-sical directories into which -o# e5tracted the ile.
6. Set dea#lt pa(e in 77S or myschool virt#al director- as home.asp!.
8. !onnect to SQL Server as #ser sa.
9. !reate a database in SQL Server - CREATE DATABASE MYSCHOOL .
:. ,ake myschool database the c#rrent database b- #sin( - 1SE ,+S!;<<L co%%and.
=. !reate tables re>#ired or these applications b- r#nnin( !?EATE TA$LE co%%ands
that are o#nd in the ile tables.t!t in myschool director-.
@. 7nsert so%e sa%ple data into tables
.0. <pen the re>#ired application in "is#al St#dio.Net 2004 and r#n it.

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