Zihao Chen Cv3

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8orn ln 1991, Chlna.
Llves and works ln new ?ork.

2013 8lA, n?SCC School of ArL and ueslgn aL Alfred unlverslLy.new ?ork, uS
2011 Plgh School, CenLral Academy of llne ArLs Plgh School, 8el[lng, Chlna

3454,.4* (67/8/./012
Solo show
2014 1/800 Second, 8oberL C. 1urner CalleryAlfred, n?, uS
Croup show
2014 1he 2014 MulLlple lmpresslons exhlblLlon, Sprlngfleld, llllnols, uS
2014 1he 2014 norLh Amerlcan 8ln1 & u8AWlnC LxPl8l1lCnvlsalla,
2014 locus on llgures exhlblL aL Lhe norLh 8lver ArLs SocleLyMarshfleld
Pllls, MA, uS
2013 Clobal lold - 43' LaLlLude, resumably aL !llln unlverslLy. Changchun,
2013 LkP8ASlS, 8oberL C. 1urner Callery, Alfred, n?, uS
2012 "normally on aper" "WoodcuL" and "LxploraLlons". 8oberL C.
1urner Callery, Alfred, n?, uS

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