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Name ______________________________U.

S History Project Date

American Revolution Class
8th Grade
Mrs. Berry
This project counts as !" o# your si$ %ee& 'rade
Purpose: Students will be analyzing and researching British economic policies, and how and why colonists
resisted these policies before and after !!"# $hey will also ha%e an opportunity to focus on important
battles, people and&or other e%ents of the 'merican (e%olution for further class discussion# Students should
also be able to discuss how these battles, people and&or e%ents had an impact on the final outcome of the
(e%olutionary war#
Paper Speci#ications(
Co%er page that includes a title, class period, name and date
)ne and a half pages minimum
Double spaced
$imes new roman
)ne inch margins
* font
)irections Part *(
# Begin by reading the list and choosing three of the ma+or e%ents or battles and then you will chose one
person related to the chosen e%ents or battles#
*# 'fter researching your topics, type out a one and a hal# pa'e report that describes your three e%ents or
battles and the person related to your topic# ,ou must answer the following -uestions in your report to
recei%e full credit:
.hat is the name of e%ent or battle/
.here and when did the battle or e%ent ta0e place/
.ho are the ma+or figures in the battle/
.hat side is each figure fighting for/
.hat is the significance of e%ent or battle/
.ere there any important battle strategies used and&or de%eloped that would be notable in your
report/ 1f so, what are they/
.hat was the final outcome of the battle/
.as this battle a significant one in determining the outcome of the war/ Please e2plain your answer#
Describe the impact this e%ent or battle had on the 'merican (e%olution, either before or after the
(e%olution ended#
)irections Part *( cont.
)n the person you ha%e chosen please answer the following -uestions in your report:
.ho is the person that you ha%e chosen to research/
.hat are some of the important accomplishments of this person/
3ow is this person related to e%ent or battle of the 'merican (e%olution/
.hat side of the war did they fa%or and why/
.ere there any particular e%ents or actions of this person that are notable or rele%ant to the
(e%olution/ $hese should be mentioned in your report#
.hat happens to this person after the 'merican (e%olution is o%er/
)irections #or Part +( $he second part of the pro+ect consists of a timeline pro+ect# ,ou must include
the following information in order to recei%e the full credit of a 445#
$itle of your timeline
6inimum of fi%e different e%ents
7ach e%ent must ha%e a picture and must be labeled
7ach e%ent must ha%e a three sentence descriptions describing each topic
$wo of the chosen e%ents must ,e a cause and the e##ect

-lass time #or completin' project parts one and t%o
,ou will ha%e day in the computer lab for research or typing report# .ee0 two
,ou will also be gi%en one day in class to wor0 on your timeline or your report 8if late9 .ee0 four
1t is e2pected that when you complete a classroom assignment you %ill wor0 on pro+ect#
,ou will ha%e 8*9 " minute sessions on classroom computer, after you show me the wor0 you ha%e
to be typed#
/$tra credit(
1: you would li0e to present your report to the class you will recei%e *! ,onus points towards your
grade# $he presentation must be no longer than " minutes but no shorter than ;# ,ou are not
allowed to read your report to the class and your presentation should show me and the class that
you are 0nowledgeable in your sub+ect area#
Possi,le choices #or project(
8;9 /vents
:rench and 1ndian .ar Proclamation !=; $he Stamp 'ct
$he Boston 6assacre Paul (e%ere>s 7ngra%ing $he Boston $ea
1ntolerable 'cts $he Battles of ?e2ington and Concord
Common Sense Declaration of 1ndependence $he Battle of Bun0er 3ill
$he Battle of Saratoga $he Battle of ,or0town
0*1 People
Ben :ran0lin @eorge .ashington Sam 'dams
Sons of ?iberty Aohn 'dams 'bigail 'dams
6ercy )tis .arren Patric0 3enry .entworth Cheswell
Bing @eorge 111 $homas Paine Aames 'rmistead
$homas Aefferson Paul (e%ere>s (ide&:act or :iction Bernardo de @al%ez
Aohn 3ancoc0 3aym Salomon
)ue dates
Part one is due on third :riday of first si2 wee0s# 7%ery day that you are late will be C! points off of your
report grade# 1 %ill 23T accept reports after the #i#th day#
Part two is due last day of first si2 wee0s# 7%ery day that you are late will be C! points off of your timeline
grade# 1 %ill 23T accept reports after the #i#th day# Part two grade will be the first grade of the second si2
4 have read the a,ove5 and 4 &no% that this 'rade can stop me #rom e$cellin' in Ms. Berry6s Social
Studies class. Ms. Berry is availa,le to tutor and assist me on my report or timeline Tuesday and
Thursday mornin's at 8(! 3R she %ill stay a#ter school to assist me 47 4 AS85 SH/ 94:: MA8/ A2
Student si'nature ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Parent si'nature ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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