Notes Nature

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the ocean winds brought to africa new gods, new goods, new games

traditional africa, islam, and the west

Who decided that Mecca was not in Africa? That Islam was not an African religion
Red Sea became determined as a barrier: a decision made by a natural cataclysm t
hat occured 5 mill years ago creating the rift valley separating Arabia and the
African continent; also European power and pre-eminence in cartography that dete
rmined Africa ended at red sea and not gulf, finally separated at C19.
Arabs/Semites on either side.
Haram/Mahram sacred spaces in nature. Nature as sacred. religious use of water
Normally, the Western side of the Red sea is regarded as Africa, while the Easte
rn side is Arabia. But who decreed that? Who determined that the Arabian peninsu
la was not part of our continent. Well, two vastly different forces played a maj
or part in that decision. Well, two vastly different forces played a major part
in that decision. One was a natural cataclysm which occurred 5 million or more y
ears ago, created the Rift Valley, and tore off the Arabian peninsula from its m
other continent, except for the Isthmus of Suez. That occurrence by itself would
not have made a major separation between Arabia and the African continent, as w
e know it today, acceptable and permanent. An additional factor was needed. Here
comes the second force: European power. European power, and European pre- emine
nce in map- making decided that Africa ended at the Red Sea and not at the Gulf
which separated Arabia from Iran/ Persia.

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