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Medium Voltage Advance Metal-Clad

Switchgear Specification
1. SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................................2
2. REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................2
3. GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................3
4. BASIC CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................................................4
5. POWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS........................................................................................................................8
6. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMERS....................................................................11
7. RELAYING ......................................................................................................................................................12
8. GENERAL CONTROL AND METERING.....................................................................................................13
. CONTROL DE!ICES AND WIRING.............................................................................................................13
1". NAMEPLATES...............................................................................................................................................14
11. FINIS#............................................................................................................................................................14
13. ENGINEERING DATA REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................15
14. PREPARATION FOR S#IPMENT................................................................................................................17
15. S#IPPING.......................................................................................................................................................18
16. PRO!ISIONS FOR #ANDLING AND FIELD ERECTION........................................................................18
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1.1. #hi$ Specification cover$ the %a$ic de$ign and functional re&uirement$ for medium voltage
metal-clad $witchgear with vacuum circuit %rea'er$. (t i$ provided a$ a guide to a$$i$t in the
$pecification of medium voltage $witchgear and i$ intended a$ a $upplement to $ingle line
diagram$ and data $heet$ for $witchgear pro)ect$.
!.1. #he a$$em%lie$ $hall %e con$tructed* wired* and te$ted in accordance with all applica%le
$ection$ of the late$t li$ted Standard$ and Code$.
!.1.1. American +ational Standard$ (n$titute A+S( , (
!.1.1.1. C-7.0. Standard Rating Structure for AC /V Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.1.!. C-7.01 2referred Rating$ for AC /V Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.1.-. C-7.03 Standard #e$t 2rocedure for AC /V Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.1... C-7.010 Application 4uideline for AC /V Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.1.5. C-7.011 Application 4uide for #RV for AC /V Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.1.1. C-7.01! Application 4uide for Capacitance Switching
!.1.1.7. C-7.11 Re&uirement$ for lectrical Control
!.1.1.". C-7.!0.! Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-#6pe Cu%icle Switchgear
!.1.1.3. C-7.55 Conformance #e$ting 2rocedure of Metal-Clad Switchgear
!.1.1.10. C57.10 Re&uirement$ for (n$trument #ran$former$
!.1.1.11. C57.1- Re&uirement$ for (n$trument #ran$former$
!.1.1.1!. .7 4uide for Surge 7ith$tand Capa%ilit6 #e$t$
!.1.!. +ational lectrical Manufacturer$ A$$ociation 8+MA9
!.1.!.1. CC1 lectrical 2ower Connector$
!.1.!.!. S4-. Standard$ for 2ower Circuit 0rea'er$
!.1.!.-. S4-5 2ower Switchgear A$$em%lie$
!.1.-. +C , +:2A
!.1.-.1. 70 !00! dition 8applica%le portion$9
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
!.!. ;e$ign te$t$* to verif6 A+S( rating$ a$ identified in thi$ $pecification* $hall %e documented
a$ re&uired %6 (S<3001-!000 and availa%le for review and in$pection.
!.-. <ptional - Sei$mic a$$e$$ment $hall %e conducted to a$$ure the $witchgear will with$tand
$ei$mic level$ through =0C >one .. An6 $pecial de$ign or in$tallation con$ideration$ to
a$$ure compliance with thi$ re&uirement will %e thoroughl6 documented on pro)ect drawing$.
!... (t $hall %e the Vendor and,or manufacturer?$ re$pon$i%ilit6 to %e* or to %ecome*
'nowledgea%le of the re&uirement$ of the$e Standard$ and Code$. An6 change$ or
alternation$ to the e&uipment to ma'e it meet Standard$ and Code$ re&uirement$ $hall %e at
the e@pen$e of the Vendor.
-.1. #he $witchgear $hall have a voltage rating of 8..71,".!5,159 'V* with 8A9 main circuit
%rea'er8$9* 8A9 tie circuit %rea'er8$9* 8A9 feeder %rea'er8$9 8A feeder %rea'er$ on each $ide of
the tie.9 #here will %e a total of 8A9 circuit %rea'er$ and 8A9 $ection$. #he $witchgear will %e
<ne,#wo high con$truction with indoor frame $iBe of -1C wide @ 35C high @ 8$tandard D "5C*
optional D 3!C9 deep. nd dre$$ panel$ will %e provided on each end of a lineup and can
e@tend the width %6 appro@imatel6 one inch on each end. #he $witchgear $hall meet 8indoor ,
outdoor9 $tandard$ a$ defined in A+S( C-7.!0.!. #he $witchgear will %e u$ed in a 8A9 'V* --
pha$e* 10 /B $6$tem. (t $hall %e compo$ed of factor6 a$$em%led metal clad cu%icle$. #he
circuit %rea'er$ $hall %e de$igned with vacuum interrupter technolog6 and $hall incorporate a
8$pring operated or magneticall6 actuated9 mechani$m.
-.!. Rating$
-.!.1. #he $witchgear will have the following ratingE
-.!.1.1. Rated Ma@imum Voltage 8..71,".!5,159 'V
-.!.1.!. <perating Voltage 8A9 'V
-.!.1.-. Main 0u$ Continuou$ Rating 81!00,!000,-000,.000F9 A
*4000 A is force cooled
-.!.1... Control %u$ ;C Voltage 8+om.9 8." V;C,1!5 V;C,!50 V;C,1!0 VAC,!.0 VAC9
-.!.1.5. Circuit 0rea'er (nterrupting 8!5,-1.5,.0,509 'A
-.!.1.1. Clo$e and Latch 815,"!,10.,1-09 'A 2ea'
-.!.1.7. 0rea'er (nterrupting #ime - c6cle$
-.!.1.". #emperature ri$e of the $witchgear will %e in accordance with the late$t revi$ion
of A+S( C.-7.!0 for metal clad $witchgear.
-.!.1.3. #he e&uipment $hall %e completel6 factor6 a$$em%led and te$ted prior to
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
-.!.1.10. #he %elow ta%le provide$ the re&uired rating$ and related capa%ilitie$ of circuit
%rea'er$ utiliBed in thi$ $witchgear pro)ectE

Nomina Ra!"#
Im*'+" Ra!"# S,o%! Tim" Co+" Ra!"#
-o!a." Ma/im'm Wi!,+!an# L"0" 1BIL2
C'%%"n! an# -o!a."
Ca++ -o!a." -o!a." C'%%"n! 2 S"(on# La!(,
3- 3- 3- %m+ 3- C%"+! 3A %m+ 3A %m+ 3A P"a3 4

..11 ..71 13 10 -1.5 -1.5 "! 1.0

..11 ..71 13 10 .0 .0 10. 1.0

..11 ..71 13 10 50 50 1-0 1.0

7.! ".!5 -1 35 .0 .0 10. 1.0

1-." 15 -1 35 !0 !0 5! 1.0

1-." 15 -1 35 !5 !5 15 1.0

1-." 15 -1 35 -1.5 -1.5 "! 1.0

1-." 15 -1 35 .0 .0 10. 1.0

1-." 15 -1 35 50 50 1-0 1.0

..1. #he $witchgear a$$em%l6 $hall con$i$t of metal-clad* free-$tanding* vertical* dead-front
$teel $tructure$ containing circuit %rea'er compartment$ and circuit %rea'er$* primar6 %u$
$6$tem* ground %u$ $6$tem* au@iliar6 compartment$ and tran$former$* protection and control
device$* control %u$ 8a$ re&uired9 and connection provi$ion$ for primar6* ground* and control
circuit$. #he %a$ic $tructure will %e of modular con$truction and fa%ricated mainl6 of highl6
reflective* 1. gauge galvanic $teel* which doe$ not re&uire painting due to $uperior re$i$tance
to corro$ion. #he $witchgear enclo$ure will %e con$tructed of dou%le wall galvanic $teel with
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
an air gap %etween $heet$ and in the event of a fault condition* the fir$t la6er will %urn and the
$econd la6er will %e in$ulated %6 the air gap.
..!. #he $witchgear $6$tem $hall %e compri$ed of the following di$crete module$* arranged in
an overall height of 35C for each vertical $ection* with the height of each compartment $hown
in G%rac'et$HE
..!.1. 1!00* !000* or -000 amp circuit %rea'er compartment$ G-"CH
..!.!. Low voltage in$trument compartment$ G13* -"* or 57CH
..!.-. 0u$ and ca%le compartment$ Goverall height I 35CH
..!... Au@iliar6 compartment$ 82#* C2#* :u$e* etc.9
..!...1. ;raw-out 2# G13CH
..!...!. ;raw-out C2# or :u$e G-"CH
..-. #he circuit %rea'er enclo$ure $hall include $tationar6 $upport %u$hing$ and primar6
contact$ for engagement with the circuit %rea'er or ground and te$t 84J#9 device. Standard
%u$hing$ $hall %e made of gla$$-reinforced pol6e$ter 8or optional porcelain9 capa%le of
$upporting the weight of the current tran$former$. 2rimar6 contact$ will %e made of copper
and de$igned to accept round* tulip $t6le connector$.
.... #he $witchgear $hall %e de$igned $o that future unit$ can %e added to each end 8unle$$
coupled to other e&uipment9. A remova%le plate will cover an6 unu$ed opening$ in the $ide of
the gear.
..5. /em-%end$ 8rigid overlap %ending9 will %e con$i$tentl6 u$ed when %uilding the $witchgear
compartment$ to enhance $trength and to minimiBe potential e@po$ure of wor'ing per$onnel
to $harp $teel edge$ during in$tallation and maintenance.
..1. A KC @ !C tin plated copper ground %u$ $hall %e provided for the entire length of the
$witchgear. (t $hall %e e&uipped with a $olderle$$ connector for L!,0 A74 copper ca%le at
each end. #he ground %u$ $hall %e acce$$i%le in the ca%le compartment* and $hall have
connection point$ in each $witchgear $ection for wor'men?$ ground$. #he ground %u$ will %e
connected to the %rea'er frame$ and will ground the draw-out circuit %rea'er in and when
traveling in %etween the connected and te$t po$ition$. 0are* un-plated copper ground %u$ i$
..7. 0u$ %ar$
..7.1. #he main %u$ compartment $hall %e $eparated from the other compartment$ %6 an 11
gauge $teel %arrier 8or e&uivalent9 and $hall full6 enclo$e the main %u$. #he main %u$
compartment $hall %e acce$$i%le from the rear through the ca%le compartment. Main %u$
rating$ $hall match the highe$t rated circuit %rea'er continuou$ current rating$ and compl6
with A+S( , ( temperature ri$e re&uirement$.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
..7.!. 0u$ %ar$ $hall %e copper and $hall %e completel6 i$olated and coated with an epo@6
in$ulation that i$ flame retardant* non-h6gro$copic and high-dielectric* e@cept at %olted
)oint$. #he %u$ $hall %e mechanicall6 %raced for the clo$e and latch rating of the %rea'er
having the highe$t interrupting rating within each a$$em%l6. All %olted %u$ )oint$ $hall %e
8Standard D $ilver-plated9 8<ptional D tin-plated9. #he %u$ connection$ to the circuit
%rea'er$ $hall match the %rea'er rating. 0u$ $upport$ $hall %e flame retardant* trac'
re$i$tant 42<-- gla$$ pol6e$ter 8<ptional D porcelain9.
..7.!.1. 0u$ )oint cover %oot$ $hall %e manufactured from molded 2VC and $hall %e
remova%le and reu$a%le for field in$pection and maintenance. #aping of %u$ )oint$ i$
not accepta%le.
..7.-. #he $hape of the %u$ %ar $hall %e full round edge. #he main %u$ $hall not %e tapered.
..7... 0u$ %ar connection$ $hall %e mechanicall6 $ecured with reu$a%le fa$tening device$ that
$hall maintain ade&uate pre$$ure$ at the )oint$ within the operating temperature range of
the $witchgear.
..7.5. #he %u$ %ar$ and $upport $6$tem$ $hall %e de$igned to with$tand the force$ created
during $hort circuit condition$ at the rated momentar6 and $hort-time 8!-$econd9
condition$ of the highe$t rated circuit %rea'er. Support$ $hall %e made of 8Standard -
gla$$ pol6e$ter9 8<ptional - porcelain9.
..7.1. An in$ulated* rigid* copper ri$er %u$ $hall %e provided from the circuit %rea'er ,
$witchgear primar6 di$connect$ to a ca%le compartment location to allow ca%le
termination lug connection$. Ri$er %u$ connection$ to %u$ duct $hall %e rigid. Ca%le
termination %u$ arrangement $hall allow at lea$t -1 inche$ for primar6 ca%le $tre$$ cone$
or pothead$. Connection$ to roof entrance %u$hing$ $hall include fle@i%le $trap$ from the
rigid %u$ to the roof %u$hing$.
..7.7. Standard termination %u$ $hall meet the %olthole re&uirement$ of +MA CC1-..05* and
$hall t6picall6 %e the +MA .-hole pattern. 8<ptional - Vendor will $uppl6 - crimp t6pe
ca%le lug$* compre$$ion t6pe ca%le lug$* - a$ $hown on pro)ect data $heet$.9
..7.". #he de$ign $hall %e adapta%le for top or %ottom primar6 entrance arrangement$. (n !-
high %rea'er arrangement$* each $et of primar6 connection$ and Bero-$e&uence current
tran$former$* if applica%le* $hall %e i$olated into $eparate compartment$ %6 a grounded
$teel partition in accordance with A+S( $tandard$.
..". 0ar t6pe , Bero-$e&uence current tran$former$* lighting arre$ter$* $urge capacitor$*
$tationar6 control power tran$former$* ground $en$or$* or other au@iliar6 e&uipment $hall %e
mounted in the ca%le compartment$ a$ $hown on the $ingle-line diagram and pro)ect data
$heet$. An optional 7C rear e@ten$ion $hall %e provided to accommodate additional e&uipment
and power ca%le if re&uired.
..3. Control $witche$* in$trument$* meter$* po$ition indicating light$* protective rela6$* etc. $hall
%e in a $eparate compartment from the circuit %rea'er unle$$ $pecificall6 allowed %6 the
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
pro)ect data $heet$. All other monitoring device$ $uch a$ C#M$ and limit $witche$ ma6 %e
located within other compartment$. Low voltage compartment door mounted device$ $hall %e
mounted on the front of the $witchgear panel$ and arranged in an approved* logical*
$6mmetrical manner. (n tho$e ca$e$ where there i$ not enough $pace on the door of the
in$trument compartment* a 10C front e@ten$ion $hall %e in$talled to mount metering* protection*
and control device$.
..10. #he %rea'er cu%icle$ and circuit %rea'er unit$ $hall %e con$tructed $o that each unit of the
$ame rating i$ interchangea%le.
..11. Solidl6 grounded metal 8<ptional D non-metallic pol6 car%onate9 $hutter$ $hall automaticall6
open when the %rea'er or 4J# device i$ rac'ed into the connected po$ition and clo$e
8covering the primar6 contact$ and current tran$former$9 when rac'ed to the te$t or
di$connected po$ition$ or withdrawn from the cell. Shutter grounding $hall %e %6 dedicated
ground wire$* and $hall not %e dependent on grounding through hinge$ or moving contact
$urface$. #he actuation of the $hutter$ mu$t %e %6 the movement of the circuit %rea'er.
4ravit6 and $pring-operated $hutter$ are not accepta%le.
..1!. Switche$
..1!.1. 0rea'er control $witche$ $hall not %e mounted ad)acent to meter $witche$* and
$hall have Npi$tol gripN handle$. Switche$ to %e lectro$witch Serie$ !. or e&uivalent.
..1!.!. Meter $witche$ $hall have N'nurled 'no%N handle$. Switche$ to %e lectro$witch
Serie$ !. or e&uivalent.
..1!.-. Control and in$trument $witche$ will %e provided and wired in accordance with
$pecified $ingle line diagram$ and data $heet$* and will %e mounted onl6 on low voltage
compartment door$ and panel$.
..1-. @ternall6-vi$i%le* permanent nameplate$ $hall %e provided to identif6 each in$trument*
in$trument $witch* meter* rela6* control $witch* indicating light* circuit %rea'er compartment*
potential tran$former compartment* and au@iliar6 compartment. &uipment and terminal
%loc'$ within the compartment$ $hall %e $uita%l6 identified. Rela6$ $hall %e de$ignated a$ to
u$e and a$ to the pha$e to which the6 are connected. +ameplate$ $hall %e laminated pla$tic.
Character$ $hall %e %lac' letter$ on a white %ac'ground.
..1.. Au@iliar6 $witche$ $hall %e wired out to terminal %loc'$ for cu$tomer convenience.
..15. #he compartment door $hall %e $ecurel6 held with tamper-re$i$tant hinge$ and $ealed with
8$tandard - multiple* tamper-re$i$tant* captive manual fa$tener$9 8optional - a $ingle handle*
multi-point latching mechani$m in availa%le rating$9. 8<ptional -Compartment door$ will
include provi$ion$ for padloc'ing. <ther$ to $uppl6 loc'$9.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
5.1. #he power circuit %rea'er$ $hall %e electricall6 operated* --pole* draw-out t6pe* with
vacuum interrupter$ and manual charging of a $pring t6pe $tored energ6 operating
mechani$m. #he power circuit %rea'er $hall %e provided with $elf-aligning line-$ide and
load-$ide di$connecting device$. Circuit %rea'er$ to %e A00 t6pe A;VAC.
#he power circuit %rea'er$ $hall %e electricall6 operated* --pole* draw-out t6pe* with
vacuum interrupter$ and a magnetic actuator operating mechani$m with capacitor $tored
energ6. #he power circuit %rea'er $hall %e provided with $elf-aligning line-$ide and load-$ide
di$connecting device$. Circuit %rea'er$ to %e A00 t6pe AMVAC. #he circuit %rea'er
mechani$m $hall have a life of 100*000 no-load operation$.
5.!. #he %rea'er rac'ing $6$tem $hall allow $mooth* con$i$tent %rea'er movement with the door
clo$ed and $hall have three po$ition$ in addition to the full6 withdrawn po$itionO di$connect*
te$t and connected. #he circuit %rea'er $hall $top and loc' in all three po$ition$* re&uiring
operator action to move from one po$ition to another. #he circuit %rea'er door mu$t %e
provided with impact re$i$tant pol6 car%onate viewing window of at lea$t "1 $&uare inche$ and
PC thic' to determine %rea'er po$ition* open,clo$ed indicator* $pring charge $tatu$* and
operation$ counter.
5.-. #he circuit %rea'er will %e provided with an integral rac'ing mechani$m. Circuit %rea'er$
utiliBing $witchgear mounted rac'ing mechani$m$ $eparate from the circuit %rea'er are not
5... #he draw-out mechani$m $hall hold the %rea'er$ rigidl6 in the C<++C#; 8primarie$
and $econdarie$ engaged9* #S# 8primar6 contact$ di$connected and $hutter clo$ed* %ut
control contact$ engaged9 and ;(SC<++C#; 8%oth primar6 and $econdar6 contact$
di$engaged9 po$ition$* with the door clo$ed. #he $econdar6 contact plug $hall automaticall6
di$connect when the %rea'er i$ moved from the #S# to the ;(SC<++C#; po$ition. A
$ingle 8!5 pin9 full6 automatic* $elf-aligning* $econdar6 di$connecting device $hall %e provided
to act a$ a di$connect for the $econdar6 connection$ %etween the circuit %rea'er and the
$witchgear. #he di$connecting device $hall %e po$itioned and con$tructed a$ to not e@po$e
the operator to live part$. #he $econdar6 di$connect $hall connect automaticall6 when the
circuit %rea'er i$ rac'ed into the te$t and connected po$ition$. A dou%le 850 pin9 di$connect
arrangement $hall %e availa%le a$ an option and provided a$ $hown on pro)ect data $heet$.
#he female portion of the di$connect $6$tem $hall re$ide in the %rea'er compartment* $o that
energiBed contact$ are rece$$ed and remain Qtouch $afeC. #o guarantee the integrit6 of
operating per$onnel* it $hall not %e re&uired to open or 'eep opened the door of the circuit
%rea'er compartment after the %rea'er ha$ %een loc'ed in the di$connected po$ition to %e
a%le to rac' the %rea'er or connect the $econdar6 contact$* Circuit %rea'er$ that re&uire
manual connecting or di$connecting of the $econdar6 contact$ are unaccepta%le.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
5.5. #he %rea'er$ in the upper compartment and lower compartment $hall %e held captive in the
cu%icle %6 mean$ of a latching mechani$m* even in the di$connected po$ition. Removal of the
circuit %rea'er $hall %e %6 mean$ of unlatching the mechani$m and pulling the circuit %rea'er
onto a lift truc'. Cell mu$t have a minimum of a 1C lip for proper $ealing of the door and to
prevent ingre$$ of dirt and other contaminant$. Circuit %rea'er$ that re&uire rail e@ten$ion$ for
circuit %rea'er removal are not accepta%le.
5.1. 7heel$ $hall %e provided on the %ottom of the circuit %rea'er for ea$6 floor rolling after the
%rea'er i$ removed from the frame. Circuit %rea'er$ that re&uire a $eparatel6 purcha$ed floor
rolling truc' a$$em%l6 are not accepta%le.
5.7. (nterloc'$ $hall %e provided which will prevent connecting the %rea'er to* or di$connecting it
from the %u$ $ta%$ unle$$ the %rea'er i$ <2+ 8tripped9* a$$uring proper $e&uencing and
$afe operation. #he clo$e $pring$ of the circuit %rea'er will automaticall6 di$charge when the
%rea'er i$ relea$ed from the cell %6 pulling in on the truc' latch a$$em%l6. 2rovi$ion$ $hall %e
made for the addition of optional R(RR RS interloc'$* a$ $hown on pro)ect data $heet$ and
the $ingle line diagram.
5.". Control voltage and trip voltage $hall %e a$ follow$E
5.".1. #he %rea'er motor charging range $hall %e 8."V;C,1!5V;C,!50V;C,1!0VAC,!.0
VAC9. #he trip voltage $hall %e 8."V;C,1!5V;C,!50V;C,1!0VAC,!.0 VAC9. #he clo$e
voltage $hall %e 8."V;C,1!5V;C,!50V;C,1!0VAC,!.0 VAC9.#he direct current power
$ource $hall %e %6 owner.
5.".!. Clo$e and trip circuit$ for each %rea'er $hall %e $eparatel6 fu$ed. :u$e %loc'$ $hall %e
dead front* pull-out t6pe* which provide$ the control power di$connecting mean$.
5.3. #he A;VAC circuit %rea'er $hall %e provided with a toroidal $pring mechani$m* which
allow$ for the ea$ie$t manual charging in the indu$tr6. #he mechani$m $hall rotate the main
horiBontal $haft in onl6 one direction* in order to reduce wear and maintenance co$t$ and
eliminating mechani$m %inding. #he %rea'er $hall %e e&uipped with the N$tored energ6
operationN t6pe* anti-pump-operating mechani$m. (t $hall %e po$$i%le to open and clo$e the
%rea'er$ manuall6. #he circuit %rea'er $hall %e capa%le of operating in three c6cle$ which
mean$ $maller power ca%le$* lower con$truction co$t$* and improved $6$tem &ualit6. #he
mechani$m $hall %e completel6 front acce$$i%le and maintaina%le %6 removing the faceplate.
0rea'er$ that re&uire lifting to acce$$ the mechani$m under the carriage are unaccepta%le.
#he AMVAC circuit %rea'er $hall %e provided with a magneticall6 actuated mechani$m which
$hall u$e a flu@-$hifting device with integral permanent magnet$. (t al$o $hall incorporate an
electronic controller and a capacitor for energ6 $torage. #he AMVAC circuit %rea'er
mechani$m $hall %e capa%le of 100*000 no-load operation$. #he %rea'er $hall %e virtuall6
maintenance free* e@cept for minor lu%rication. #he circuit %rea'er $hall %e capa%le of
operating in three c6cle$ which mean$ $maller power ca%le$* lower con$truction co$t$* and
improved $6$tem &ualit6. #he mechani$m $hall %e completel6 front acce$$i%le and
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"

maintaina%le %6 removing the faceplate. 0rea'er$ that re&uire lifting to acce$$ the mechani$m
under the carriage are unaccepta%le. (t $hall %e po$$i%le to program the electronic controller to
react in three different wa6$ upon lo$$ of control powerE 19 trip the circuit %rea'er immediatel6*
!9 trip the circuit %rea'er with a dela6* or -9 remain in the clo$ed po$ition.
#he AMVAC circuit %rea'er $hall have the capa%ilit6 of accepting AC and ;C a$ control power
within the following range$ without changing the electronic %oardE
11." to 75 V;C and !0.. to 5!." VAC
77 to !"0 V;C and "5 to !1. VAC
5.10. A $ingle 8!5 pin9 full6 automatic* $elf-aligning* $econdar6 di$connecting device $hall %e
provided to act a$ a di$connect for the $econdar6 connection$ %etween the circuit %rea'er and
the $witchgear. #he di$connecting device $hall %e po$itioned and con$tructed a$ to not
e@po$e the operator to live part$. #he $econdar6 di$connect $hall connect automaticall6 when
the circuit %rea'er i$ rac'ed into the te$t and connected po$ition$. A dou%le 850 pin9
di$connect arrangement $hall %e availa%le a$ an option and provided a$ $hown on pro)ect
data $heet$. #he female portion of the di$connect $6$tem $hall re$ide in the %rea'er
compartment* $o that energiBed contact$ are rece$$ed and remain Qtouch $afeC. #o
guarantee the integrit6 of operating per$onnel* it $hall not %e re&uired to open or 'eep opened
the door of the circuit %rea'er compartment after the %rea'er ha$ %een loc'ed in the
di$connected po$ition to %e a%le to rac' the %rea'er or connect the $econdar6 contact$O
Circuit %rea'er$ that re&uire a manual $econdar6 contact connecting plug are not accepta%le.
5.11. #he circuit %rea'er enclo$ure $hall have interference %loc'ing to prevent the in$ertion of
improperl6 rated %rea'er$. +oteE Circuit %rea'er$ with a $ingle $econdar6 di$connect are not
interchangea%le with a dual $econdar6 di$connect.
5.1!. #he %rea'er $hall include " availa%le mechani$m operated contact$ 8M<C9 con$i$ting of .a
and .% contact$* wired through the $econdar6 di$connect. =p to 3 additional M<C contact$
85a* .%9 can %e in$talled on the %rea'er and wired through the $econdar6 di$connect* for a
total of 17 availa%le M<C contact$. All %rea'er-mounted contact$ $hall operate in %oth
connected and te$t po$ition$. Mechani$m operated contact$ that are in$talled e@ternal to the
circuit %rea'er re&uiring comple@ lin'age$ and alignment procedure$ to the %rea'er are not
5.1-. 2rovi$ion$ for padloc'ing %rea'er$ in an6 of the po$ition$ $hall %e included.
5.1.. Circuit %rea'er power draw-out contact$ $hall %e $ilver-plated.
5.15. #he %rea'er $hall have an mechani$m device to indicate open or clo$ed po$ition* and
$pring charge $tatu$. <nl6 the correct $tatu$ flag for an6 $ingle function $hall %e vi$i%le.
Additionall6* the %rea'er $hall have a 5-digit* non-re$etta%le operation$ counter.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1.1. Current #ran$former$
1.1.1. C# nameplate$ $hall %e located on the C# hou$ing and information provided $hall %e in
accordance with A+S( C57.1-. #he C# winding $hall terminate on a $crew t6pe terminal
on the C# hou$ing and $hall %e wired to $horting terminal %loc'$. A00 t6pe SA0 current
tran$former$ $hall %e $upplied a$ $hown on pro)ect data $heet$ and the $ingle line
diagram. >ero-$e&uence tran$former$ $hall %e A00 t6pe 0S>-S.
1.1.!. ach current tran$former $hall have a 5-ampere $econdar6 and a primar6 rating a$
$hown on the ;ata Sheet$ and <ne-Line diagram.
1.1.-. Rating$ and accuracie$ $hall %e in accordance with A+S( C57.1- for the metering and
rela6 application$ $hown on the ;ata Sheet$.
1.1... ach current tran$former $hall have a $hort-circuiting device 8$horting t6pe terminal
%loc'$9. #he fir$t termination of each current tran$former $hall %e at the $hort-circuiting
device terminal %loc'$ where the ground connection i$ al$o made.
1.1.5. Low voltage ring t6pe C#M$ will %e %u$hing-mounted* located %ehind the $hutter$ and
acce$$i%le from the front. 0u$hing de$ign will accommodate up to four $tandard accurac6
C#M$ per pha$e 8two on the %u$ $ide and two on the load $ide9 for all rating$.
1.!. 2otential #ran$former$
1.!.1. 2otential tran$former $hall %e de$igned to with$tand the 0a$ic (mpul$e Level 80(L9 of the
$witchgear. 2otential tran$former$ $hall alwa6$ %e fu$ed. 2otential tran$former$ $hall %e
mounted on a draw-out unit in an au@iliar6 enclo$ure* which di$connect$ them from the
primar6 circuit $afel6. A00 t6pe V(S 85'V9 and V(> 815'V9 potential tran$former$ $hall %e
$upplied in accordance with pro)ect data $heet$ and the $ingle line diagram.
1.!.!. 2otential tran$former$ $hall %e mounted in a $eparate draw-out compartment 8truc'
a$$em%l69 and $o arranged that the unit can %e withdrawn from the operating po$ition via
a rac'ing device with the door clo$ed. (n the withdrawn po$ition* the fu$e$ $hall %e
completel6 di$connected from $ervice and all e@po$ed part$ $hall %e vi$i%l6 grounded.
1.!.-. #he potential tran$former$ compartment $hall incorporate e@ten$ion rail$ to allow
changing fu$e$ and general maintenance without the need to ta'e the truc' a$$em%l6
completel6 out of it$ compartment.
1.!... 2otential tran$former$ $hall %e connected to the line or load via $olid copper rod* %u$ or
$hielded ca%le.
1.!.5. An impact re$i$tant gla$$-viewing window $hall %e on the front of the potential
tran$former door.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1.!.1. ach tran$former $hall %e protected with current-limiting primar6 fu$e$* and $hall %e
de$igned to with$tand the %a$ic impul$e level of the $witchgear.
1.!.7. ach tran$former $hall have a 1!0-volt $econdar6 and an A+S( C57.1- accurac6
cla$$ification meeting the re&uirement$ of the application $hown on the ;ata Sheet$.
1.-. Control 2ower #ran$former$
1.-.1. Control power tran$former$ $hall %e dr6 t6pe with di$connecting t6pe current limiting
primar6 fu$e$ and fu$ed 1!0,!.0 volt $econdar6. #ran$former$ up to 15'VA $ingle pha$e
8or fu$e$ for a%ove 15'VA9 $hall %e mounted on a truc' a$$em%l6* which i$ moved
%etween the connected and di$connected po$ition via clo$ed door rac'ing and utiliBing
the $ame rac'ing device a$ the circuit %rea'er.
7.1. All protective rela6$* au@iliar6 rela6$* indicating in$trument$* recording in$trument$*
indicating light$* tran$ducer$* etc. $hall %e hou$ed in the low voltage compartment unle$$
$pecificall6 allowed %6 the pro)ect data $heet$. #he low voltage compartment $hall i$olate the
a%ove e&uipment $o that additional arc fla$h protection i$ availa%le. Rela6$ and in$trument$
$hall %e provided and wired a$ $pecified on the pro)ect $ingle line diagram and data $heet$. A
multi-function* --pha$e microproce$$or %a$ed rela6 and control pac'age $hall %e u$ed in !-
high %rea'er arrangement$. Alternative rela6 t6pe$ ma6 %e u$ed in 1-high configuration$ to
the e@tent allowed %6 mounting $pace in the low voltage compartment$. ;oor-mounted
protective rela6$ will %e draw-out t6pe whenever practical.
7.!. 2rotective rela6$ and te$t device$ $hall %e $emi-flu$h mounted. #he rela6$ $hall %e $o
arranged that the6 can %e te$ted in po$ition on the panel and readil6 withdrawn from the panel
for in$pection or replacement.
7.-. #he rela6$ $hall %e provided with target$ with an e@ternal re$et feature.
7... Switchgear device function num%er$ $hall %e in accordance with A+S( C--7.!0.
7.5. An A00 t6pe ;2=-!000R di$tri%ution protection rela6 or e&uivalent $hall %e provided with
the following function$E
7.5.1. --pha$e overcurrent protection 8time and in$tantaneou$9
7.5.!. 4round overcurrent 8time and in$tantaneou$9
7.5.-. Multi-$hot reclo$ing
7.5... /igh $et in$tantaneou$
7.5.5. Ammeter* demand and pea' demand ammeter$
7.5.1. vent recording
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
7.5.7. Accumulation of %rea'er interrupting dut6
7.5.". Continuou$ $elf-chec'ing
7.5.3. RS-!-! and RS-."5 communication$ port$ for remote terminal connection.
".1. (n$trument$ and meter$ $hall %e rectangular and anti-fungi* %lac' fini$h* du$t proof and
$emi-flu$h mounted digital $witch%oard t6pe.
".!. Meter potential coil$ $hall %e 1!0 volt$ and current coil$ $hall %e five 859 ampere$.
".-. #he e&uipment panel $hall %e arranged $6mmetricall6 and when po$$i%le $hall allow for
po$$i%le future addition$.
"... (n$trument $witche$ $hall have %lac' 'nurled non-remova%le handle$. #he circuit %rea'er
control$ $hall have non-remova%le pi$tol grip handle$.
3.1. Control device$* control %u$e$* local control* in$trument ca%le$ and wiring on the
e&uipment $hall %e in$talled at the factor6. Low voltage ca%le$ $hall %e enclo$ed in grounded
metal fle@i%le conduit when routed through a high voltage compartment. Control wiring $hall
%e neatl6 %undled and tie wrapped where applica%le. 7iring $hall %e protected from ru%%ing
again$t door flange$ or other part$ of the enclo$ure.
3.!. Control rela6$* au@iliar6 contact$ and $mall mechani$m$ $hall %e enclo$ed* protected and
acce$$i%le for maintenance.
3.-. :u$e$ $hall %e provided in each clo$ing circuit of each circuit %rea'er. #he$e fu$e$ $hall %e
re$pectivel6 located in the low voltage compartment of the circuit %rea'er frame. <nl6 the
clo$ing circuit $hall %e fu$edO there $hall %e no fu$e$ in the tripping circuit
3... Control wire $hall %e fourteen 81.9 gauge S(S $tranded* e@tra-fle@i%le* 100V flame
retardant* gra6 color and =L-li$ted wire e@cept where larger $iBe$ are needed for current
carr6ing re&uirement$. Current tran$former$ $hall %e provided with a minimum of twelve 81!9
gauge. #he conductor$ $hall %e $tranded copper for fi@ed wiring and e@tra fle@i%le $tranded
copper for hinge wiring. #he conductor$ $hall %e 30 degree$ Cel$iu$ normal operating
temperature* flameproof 100-volt $witch%oard ca%le and $hall meet (CA S-11-5!. +MA
pu%lication +o. 7C-7 Standard$ for cro$$-lin'ed thermo$etting pol6eth6lene in$ulated wire
and ca%le. :le@i%le connection$ %etween $tationar6 and hinged panel$ or door$ $hall %e made
%etween terminal %loc'$ or clamped in $uch a manner a$ to afford fle@i%ilit6 without damage to
the wire$. #he wire$ $hall %e neatl6 %undled and tie wrapped.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
3.5. #he a$$em%led control e&uipment and wiring connection$ $hall %e in$ulated for 100-volt$
and $hall %e $u%)ected to a one 819 minute te$t of 1500-volt$ AC at the factor6 after fa%rication
and a$$em%l6 i$ complete.
3.1. #erminal %loc'$ $hall %e provided for terminating all power and control wiring. #erminal
%loc'$ $hall %e rated at 100-volt$* $trap $crew terminal$ with white mar'ing $trip$ $howing
terminal num%er$.
3.7. #erminal %loc'$ $hall %e convenientl6 located for e@ternal connection without acce$$ing the
high voltage compartment$ and $hall %e mar'ed appropriatel6. A wire la%el at %oth end$ will
identif6 each internal connecting wire. 8<ptional - Mar'ed wire$ or wire mar'er$ $hall %e
provided on %oth end$ of ever6 conductor.9
10.1. +ameplate$ $hall %e laminated white pla$tic with %lac' lettering.
10.!. +ameplate$ $hall %e provided on all rela6ing* metering* and control device$.
10.-. Circuit identification nameplate$ $hall %e placed on the front and %ac' of each $witchgear
11.1. All non-galvanic $teel within the $witchgear and metal-enclo$ed %u$ enclo$ure$ $hall %e
cleaned* iron pho$phated and painted in accordance with the manufacturer?$ $tandard
practice for the environmental condition$ $pecified. #he enclo$ure final e@terior color paint
coat $hall %e A+S( +o. 11 gra6.
11.!. #he interior $hall utiliBe galvanic $teel for internal con$truction. #he galvanic $teel $hall
provide inherent reflective propertie$ to it$ $urface and $hall not peel* $cratch* ru$t or corrode.
2ainted interior$ are $u%)ect to $cratching during rac'ing of the circuit %rea'er$ and normal
maintenance of the $witchgear and are therefore unaccepta%le.
11.-. Manufacturer $hall $uppl6 paint* matching each color u$ed* for field Ntouch upN after
in$tallation of the e&uipment.
1!.1. #he control circuit$ $hall %e operated at the normal voltage and current for proper operation
of circuit %rea'er$* circuit %rea'er $imulator$* $witche$* contactor$* interloc'$* etc.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1!.!. (n$trument$ $hall %e energiBed from the low voltage winding of the potential tran$former$
and the low current winding of current tran$former$. 7here practical* each in$trument $hall
%e operated through it$ range of voltage* current and,or pha$e angle and fre&uenc6 to
produce deflection$ over the entire $cale.
1!.-. #he ratio and interconnection$ of all potential tran$former$ $hall %e functionall6 chec'ed to
verif6 conformance to the electrical drawing$ and electrical %ill$ of material.
1!... Rela6$ $hall %e te$ted %6 appl6ing rated current and,or voltage a$ re&uired to determine
proper performance characteri$tic$. ach rela6 $hall %e te$ted to determine it$ proper
operation in it$elf and al$o in the total overall circuit performance.
1!.5. A $tatic circuit chec' $hall %e performed for au@iliar6 $witche$* e@ternal circuit connection$
and part$ of circuitr6 that have not %een chec'ed or cannot %e chec'ed functionall6. #he
device$ $hall %e chec'ed for mechanical function and for conformance to the $chematic and
wiring diagram$.
1!.1. After all electrical te$t$ and mechanical chec'$ have %een completed and correction$ have
%een $igned off* the following dielectric te$t$ $hall %e performedE
1!.1.1. ach power %u$ $hall %e given a high voltage with$tand te$t from pha$e to pha$e
and pha$e to ground at the $pecified voltage* fre&uenc6 and time duration
indicated in the Standard C-7.!0.
1!.1.!. Control wire $hall %e given a high voltage with$tand te$t from wire to ground at
the $pecified voltage* fre&uenc6 and time duration with reference to the proper
1-.1. All engineering data provided for the e&uipment $hall $how e&uipment a$ $pecified and
ordered. ngineering data* a$ li$ted %elow* $hall %e $upplied in the &uantitie$ $hown on the
$upplierM$ &uotation.
1-.!. Standard Cla$$ ( drawing$ $hall con$i$t of a $6$tem $ingle line drawingO front viewO floor
plan and $ection view drawing. Standard Cla$$ (( drawing$ $hall con$i$t of Cla$$ ( drawing$
plu$ --pha$e elementar6 and $chematic diagram$* nameplate drawing* in$trument la6out and
%ill$ of material.
1-.-. ;rawing$ $hall indicate all e&uipment* %ut onl6 $uch e&uipment* a$ i$ actuall6 in the
$witchgear $cope of $uppl6. All u$er connection and interface point$ $hall %e clearl6 mar'ed*
including primar6 and $econdar6 ca%le entrance$ and connection point$* in$tallation detail$*
generic interframe a$$em%l6 and generic connection detail$ for $hipping $plit$.
1-... ;rawing Re&uirement$
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1-...1. AutoCad Ver$ion !000 or greater $upplied for all drawing$.
1-...!. lectronic drawing 2;: format file$ for approval $hall %e $upplied. 7here
po$$i%le* t6pical drawing$ $hall %e $upplied a$ 2;: file$ for cla$$ 1 and either 2;: file$ or
AutoCA; file$ for cla$$ !.
1-...!.1. Structural ;rawing$* with critical dimen$ion$* $howingE
1-...!.1.1. Arrangement.
1-...!.1.!. 2lan* front view* and elevation $ection view$.
1-...!.1.-. Re&uired clearance$ for opening door$ and for removing %rea'er$.
1-...!.1... Conduit or ca%le tra6$ entrance location$ and dimen$ion$ for %oth top and
%ottom entrance.
1-...!.1.5. 0u$ %ar location$ and configuration$.
1-...!.1.1. (ncoming and outgoing power ca%le terminator po$ition$.
1-...!.1.7. Anchor %olt location$.
1-...!.1.". 4rounding connection$.
1-...!.1.3. 7eight of e&uipment.
1-...!.!. lementar6 #hree-Line ;iagram$
1-...!.!.1. #hree line diagram$* with A+S( device function num%er$ u$ed throughout*
$hall $how allE
1-...!.!.1.1. (n$trument tran$former$.
1-...!.!.1.!. Rela6$.
1-...!.!.1.-. Meter$ and meter $witche$.
1-...!.!.1... 0rea'er$ and other pertinent device$.
1-...!.-. Schematic ;iagram$
1-...!.-.1. Schematic diagram$ $hall %e furni$hed for the electricall6-operated %rea'er
, rela6 control $cheme.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
1-...!.-.!. ach $chematic diagram $hall $how all control device$ and device contact*
each of which $hall %e la%eled with it$ proper A+S( device function num%er.
1-...!.-.-. ach $chematic diagram $hall $how device and terminal %loc' terminal
num%er$ for cu$tomer connection$.
1-...!.-... 2rovide control $witch development ta%le$.
1-...!... ;etailed Connection 87iring9 ;iagram$ $howing* $u%mitted for record onl6E
1-...!...1. Appro@imate ph6$ical location of all item$ in each unit.
1-...!...!. All wiring within each unit.
1-...!...-. All interconnecting wiring %etween unit$.
1-...!..... (dentification of all terminal$* terminal %loc'$* and wire$.
1-...!.5. 2rovide one $et of drawing$ $hipped with the $witchgear for $tart-up u$e.
1-.5. Material Li$t
1-.5.1. An electrical %ill of material li$t $hall %e furni$hed li$ting the &uantit6* rating* t6pe*
and manufacturer?$ catalog num%er of all e&uipment on each unit.
1-.1. (n$tallation* <perating* and Maintenance (n$truction$
1-.1.1. (n$tallation* operating* and maintenance in$truction$ $hall cover $witchgear*
%rea'er$* rela6$* meter$ and device$ re&uiring in$tallation* programming and , or
1-.1.!. #he %rea'er operating mechani$m $hall %e front-acce$$i%le* and all routine
maintenance $hall %e performed with the %rea'er in an upright po$ition. #he interrupter$
$hall %e completel6 $ealed re&uiring no interpha$e %arrier$. 0rea'er$ $hall %e de$igned
for ea$6 in$ertion* removal and tran$port on flat indoor $urface$. A %rea'er lift truc' $hall
%e furni$hed with each $witchgear a$$em%l6.
1..1. 2reparation for Shipment $hall %e in accordance with manufacturer?$ $tandard$* unle$$
otherwi$e noted on the Re&ue$t for Tuotation and,or 2urcha$e <rder. #he manufacturer $hall
%e $olel6 re$pon$i%le for the ade&uac6 of the 2reparation for Shipment provi$ion emplo6ed in
re$pect of material$ and application* to provide material$ and their de$tination in e@-wor'$
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
condition when handled %6 commercial carrier $6$tem$.
15.1. (n$truction$ for receiving* handling* and $torage $hall %e provided with the $witchgear
15.!. Circuit %rea'er$ $hall not %e $hipped in$talled in the $witchgear a$$em%l6 to avoid damage.
15.-. ach N$hipping $ectionN of $tationar6 $tructure$ $hall %e provided with a
permanentl6-attached* readil6-vi$i%le identification tag %earing the e&uipment num%er of the
a$$em%l6 of which it i$ a part.
15... #he $witchgear $hall %e $plit in the mo$t efficient manner for $hipping.
15.5. (f $hipped in $ection$ the wiring %etween the unit$ $hall %e terminated on terminal %loc'$ on
each $ide of the $hipping $plit. Uumper$ $hall %e provided and mar'ed for convenient
connection in the field.
15.1. All acce$$or6 item$ $hall %e $hipped with the $witchgear. 0o@e$ and crate$ containing
acce$$orie$ $hall %e clearl6 mar'ed with the content$.
15.1.1. Acce$$orie$ includeE A %rea'er lifting truc' device to allow a circuit %rea'er* or au@iliar6 draw-out unit
to %e elevated and then in$erted or withdrawn from upper or lower compartment$.
15.1.1.!. Circuit %rea'er acce$$orie$* including a hand cran' for manuall6 operating the
%rea'er* 2#,C2#,draw-out fu$e rac'ing $6$tem and,or a handle for manuall6
charging the $tored energ6 $6$tem on circuit %rea'er$.
15.1.1.-. An electrical te$t )umper for connecting the %rea'er to the $witchgear control
circuit while the %rea'er i$ completel6 out of the cell.
15.1.1... <ptional - An electrical te$t ca%inet with door-mounted open and clo$e
pu$h%utton$ for te$ting the circuit %rea'er awa6 from the $witchgear. <ptional - VendorM$ $tandard* manuall6 operated 4round J #e$t device D --
terminal or 1-terminal. <ptional - Rela6,te$t plug for each t6pe of device* a$ applica%le.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"
11.1. ach a$$em%l6 order $hall %e furni$hed with one $et of channel %a$e e@ten$ion$ $uita%le
for crane hoo'$ or $ling$.
11.!. ach $hipping $plit $hall %e furni$hed with remova%le $teel $hipping channel$ that permit
the u$e of pipe roller$ or dollie$ without damaging the frame $teel of the e&uipment.
Advance MV Metal-Clad Switchgear Specification
AdvanceSpec 1VAL107001-SS Rev. March !00"

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