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10 RAPID ways to get a

woman interested in you

by Kezia (author of best selling 15 stes to be!oming a
master sedu!er"
No responsibility can be accepted by Kezia Noble or her publishers for the accuracy of
information contained in this book, or any action taken or not taken based on such information.
You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of this book is to be considered legal or
personal advice.
You may NOT copy, steal, or distribute all or any part o t!is boo"
#it!out permission$
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
Hey guys
I often get asked How can I make more impact in my
interactions with women? by my students. There are hundreds
of ways to achieve this, but for this e-book, I have broken it
down to ! of the most effective and "#$I% ways that &'( can
use in order to achieve this ob)ective.
1. Break patterns!
%oing the une+pected does not mean having to do
something weird or strange or out of character.
,ubt-y breaking patterns in a conversation forces the woman out of her .auto pi-ot
mode/ and as a resu-t it creates an important hair -ine shift in her perception of you.
Here are a few effective ways of breaking patterns in an interaction with a woman you
a. 0hen she te--s you what she does for a -iving %' 1'T respond with the usua- and
predictab-e fo--owing responses
Do you like it?
How did you get in to that?
Who do you work for/where do you work?
How long have you been doing that for?
Instead try and use the fo--owing more effective response2
Is that something you wanted to do since you were very young?
Really? o tell me what characteristics do you need in order to be good at your
If you had "ero chance if failure# what would you like to do most in the world?
#-- these a-ternative answers wi-- create an important hair-ine shift in her perception of you
and wi-- force her to snap out of her auto response mode.
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
b. 0hen she te--s you her favourite pass time, instead of nodding your head and
rep-ying with the predictab-e .coo- rep-y.
3ha--enger her and ask her why she does not make her passion her )ob? How can she have
such a strong passion4hobby and not make it her -ife?

0omen a-ways respond we-- to this.
5reaking patterns is a rapid way to create impact with a woman and can start you on the
road of making a deep connection with her.
There is much more information about this on my %**$ 3'11*3TI'1 %6% set if you are
interested to -earn more.
2. Break Rapport.
5reaking rapport whi-st your ta-king to a hot woman might sound -ike the -ast thing you
want to do, but in fact its one of the most $'0*"7(8 things you can do9
:y video right here wi-- e+p-ain to you how to do this and why it is so effective2;c<o3=0b-psk
5reaking rapport conveys the fact that you have 8I:IT*% or $"*3I'(,* time, which wi--
a-ways come across as HI>H 6#8(*.
5reaking rapport gives the sensation that the gir- cannot ?**$ you, and that you cou-d
-itera--y s-ip through her fingers at any given moment9 This e+cites women, as it heightens
the cha--enge that you present to her9 The cha--enge being that she has to 0'"? in order
to keep you happy and to stay with her9
3. Use double sided compliments!
I -ove teaching my students the art of giving doub-e-sided comp-iments to women.
The resu-ts men get when using doub-e sided comp-iments $"'$*"8& are a-ways positive9
,tudents often say to me that when they give a woman an outright comp-iment, they are
often met with the nice but essentia--y use-ess rep-y .Thanks and this can be a rea-
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
conversation ki--er. I often hear my se-f-doing this when men give me comp-iments in
re-ation to my image4sty-e4-ook etc.

0hy do I do this? It can be for @ reasons, but first of a--, -et
me be c-ear in one thing. It is 1'T because I don/t -ike
comp-iments, in fact I 8'6* comp-iments and I/m not
ashamed to admit it either9 The reasons I and other women
simp-y rep-y thanks/ and then await the uncomfortab-e si-ence
are these2
First reason:
There is nothing -eft to say9
There is nothing -eft to say on TH#T sub)ect. If a guy te--s me I have a rea--y coo- dress
sense, I/m not going to fee- ob-iged to te-- him why I have that particu-ar dress sense, and I
don/t fee- ob-iged to give him a comp-iment back either. ,o what do I do? I simp-y smi-e
sweet-y and say .thanks and then I await the conversation to inevitab-y end. The
comp-iment, is a statement, and is not a <uestion or an assumption and therefore wi-- not
force the woman to respond. If you have a fo--ow up to your comp-iment, then that/s fine.
5ut usua--y guys don/t, and unfortunate-y the awkward si-ence after the comp-iment, makes
the guys fee- uncomfortab-e and even embarrassed, and so conse<uent-y they either
change the sub)ect in an awkward manner, or )ust wa-k off be-ieving the gir- has somehow
re)ected them Aeven if this is not the caseB
Second reason:
The woman fee-s uncomfortab-e or forced9
The other reason women wi-- answer a mans comp-iment with )ust a .thanks is because,
for some woman, a comp-iment can make them fee- ever so s-ight-y uncomfortab-e. They
can fee- a -itt-e se-f-conscious or they can fee- that the guy is forcing the interaction in to
something more f-irtatious, which they maybe too shy to comp-y with, or which they are
not "*#%& to do yet.
These are the reasons why I teach my students the art of giving doub-e sided comp-iments.
# doub-e-sided comp-iment can produce a coup-e of resu-ts. It can he-p disp-ay high
standards4va-ue effective-y whist forcing the gir- to respond with more than )ust a po-ite
and unhe-pfu- thanks/ #nd in most cases, it wi-- even get her to <ua-ify her se-f.
,o what is a doub-e-sided comp-iment?
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
$ double sided com%liment# is giving the girl a vague com%liment# and then
adding to it a D&'$I(&D sentence that will translate as) but there is room for
im%rovement or but I have seen better
without# of course actually using those words*
+ou look great* ,ut if you made your hair a darker/blonder colour then you
would be very hot
+ou dress really well# but if you wore something a little more
tight/elegant/shorter# then you would be -W.W/
Here, you are te--ing her she -ooks good, but if she took your advice then she cou-d -ook
H'T or ,*C&. 'r even more appea-ing than she does a-ready.
Its important to begin the doub-e-sided comp-iment, with a vague comp-iment, so as it wi--
not come across as an insu-t. If you )ust to-d her to a-ter her appearance to -ook better,
then she might very we-- react defensive-y or aggressive-y.
0ith the first part of the doub-e-sided comp-iment, you are making it c-ear you find her
attractive. THI, I, I:$'"T#1T.
1'T*2 #-though I teach D1*>,D to my students, and be-ieve that there are most definite-y
p-enty of advantages in using D1*>,D in the right circumstances. I am a-so aware that 1*>,
can cause bad reactions in women too. This is why I prefer doub-e sided comp-iments.
Forcing a response
# doub-e-sided comp-iment a-ways gets a response from the women, and usua--y it is a
$',ITI6* response too. They never respond to doub-e sided comp-iments with the dreaded
conversation ki--er Thanks Instead they usua--y ask the guy <uestions and even better
they start to <ua-ify them se-ves.
# -ot of my students te-- me that women say stuff -ike2
Well# usually I dress more se0y than this# its !ust that I was tired/ in a rush/had
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
my clothes in the dry cleaners etc
The moment a woman is <ua-ifying herse-f, she wi-- see you as a man of HI>H ,T#1%#"%,
Here are some tried and tested doub-e sided comp-iments
mmm# that/s a nice %erfume# let m smell it
%ro%erly leans in to her neck*
Its nice# but I used to know a girl that wore
1oco 1hanel 2insert %referred %erfume3 and it
was so se0y# every man would look around when
they smelled her come in the room
+ou are an attractive woman# but if you
em%hasised your eyes/li%s more then you would
look so fucking hot
I like the way you dress# its very cute# but if
you wore something more elegant like a long
backless black dress then you would be much
more se0y
(et me see your shoes** Holds leg u% to ins%ect shoes* 'hey are nice# but if
you wore some stra%%y killer heels you would be so hot
There is -itera--y an end-ess amount of doub-e-sided comp-iments you can use, and it can
a-ways change depending on the woman/s -ook or sty-e.
>o and use them as soon as possib-e, and eradicate the dreaded .thanks response forever.
,ave the outright comp-iment Awhich means no .but or .If . fo--owing the comp-imentB
when you are firm-y in the seduction Eone. This wi-- act as a reward and p-us she wi--
appreciate it and be-ieve its sincerity far more than if you had used it whi-st in the comfort
&. pproac! "omen in t!e da#time!
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
This wi-- obvious-y, automatica--y create immediate impact, simp-y because men do not
usua--y approach women in the day -ight hours. &et the coffee shops, parks, shops,
pub-ic transport and the busy high streets are fu-- of sing-e women9 5ut the prob-em
here is that a -ot of men %' 1'T know how to approach a gir- in the day time/ and
conse<uent-y they come across nervous and (1IT*1TI'18& creepy.
There is a -ot of materia- out there that e+p-ains how to approach women in the day
time and get a resu-t, but, here is my shortened take on how to achieve ma+imum
resu-ts the ne+t time you go out and chat up a woman in the day-ight hours.
a. Try and use a direct opener
b. # direct opener means stating your intention straight away. I.e.
.I think you -ook beautifu- or
. I think you have incredib-e dress sense or
.I rea--y -ike the way you carry your se-f, it/s very e-egant
This is )ust a few e+amp-es of hundreds of direct opening -ines that you can choose to use.
0hy use a direct opener in the day rather than indirect?
To answer this <uestion c-ear-y, here is video here wi-- e+p-ain in more detai- why I be-ieve
direct openers achieve better resu-ts in the daytime than night time2;&gFyuGH?Isk
c. 0hen you approach her, do not begin with the dreaded -ine
.I was )ust over there watching you and..
This conveys the fact that you are some guy sneaking around and watching her from
behind the shadows, and it a-so makes it seem as if you have too much time on your
d. &our first words shou-d be
.This is rea--y random, but..

e. #-ways use a 7#8,* TI:* 3'1,T"#I1T.

# fa-se time constraint shows the gir- that you have a -imited amount of time to get to know

:ake up something such as this2
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
It would be cool to get to know you a bit# but unfortunately I only have 4
minutes because I have some friends I need to meet
How and why wi-- this he-p you? Think about it.
8et/s say the woman -ikes your approach and thinks your kind of cute4coo- etc, but is
apprehensive about having to ta-k to you for too -ong incase she find out that doesn/t
actua--y -ike you that much, if you don/t use a fa-se time constraint she wi-- probab-y )ust
say she/s too busy to chat to you, simp-y because she does not want to be in a predicament
where by you might be hanging around her for too -ong.
It a-so conveys the fact that you are busy, and are not in the habit of hanging around
streets or bookshops hitting on unsuspecting women.
f. If an uncomfortab-e pause arises after the opener, which can often happen even if
the gir- has accepted your offer of ta-king to you for J or ! minutes, %' 1'T do
what most guys do and ask her what her name is or where she works or what she/s
up to. This wi-- on-y resu-t in causing an uncomfortab-e 8(88 in the interaction.
5ecause your approach is fu-- of energy, you need to keep up the e+citement4momentum
,o Instead of asking a series of mundane <uestions, and def-ating the initia- energy, choose
to make impact, and say this2
+ou know what# this so random** I tell you what# I/m going to say 5 things about
my self and then you have to say 5 things about your self# but they have to be
interesting deal?
&ou go on and te-- her three things Ahave these three things p-anned in advanceB and try to
make sure that one is about your pastK one is about your present and one about your
future. This wi-- #80#&, make a great impact on the gir-, and in response she wi-- give you
some interesting information about herse-f. This wi-- get the conversation going in fu--
swing, and give you enough conversation materia- to -ast for ages.
$. %&' B(U% E)* (%*ERS +S%, +RESE-% -. FU%URE
#s I mentioned in the previous point, ta-king about each other/s past and future Aas we--
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
as presentB can a-ways add some vita- verba- impact in to what can a-ways potentia--y
be a du-- interaction that -eads nowhere.
5y getting the gir- to ta-k about memories and her future p-ans and desires as we-- as
what she is thinking and4or doing in the present wi-- not on-y bring impact in to the
conversation but it wi-- a-so get her to start *:'TI'1#88& I16*,T in you.
Think about it. How many guys get her to revea- memories and desires so rapid-y? ,he
wi-- -ink emotiona- states Athat you wi-- have purposefu--y put her inB with you9
#s with any type of investment whether it be money, time or emotions, we a-ways want
to see that investment again and again9
"emember to use ,T"'1> emotiona- words, rather than b-and words such as .nice or
.coo-, as this wi-- he-p to get her instant-y anchoring emotions to those words. A#s
strong4emotiona- descriptions and words make more impactB
(se future pro)ections, such as .I can )ust imagine us choosing a pet, you wou-d
probab-y pick a cat and I wi-- want a dog, and in the end we wi-- get a hamster or a rat
This is a simp-e and -ighthearted way to start using the future pro)ection/ routine. 7rom
there it can go on to something a -itt-e more meaningfu-.
1ote2 If you decide to te-- her about a memory of yours that is sad Awhether true or
notB make sure that you don/t start over p-aying it, in which I mean, %' 1'T come
across as vu-nerab-e and in need of sympathy. 6u-nerabi-ity is a ski-- women use to
attract men, but this ski-- does not work the other way round9
/. +R(0('E 1E&&(US2
0H#T??????? I hear you shout. ,ure-y this wou-d ruin any chance you have of getting that
woman back in your bed9? This wou-d go against the sing-e piece of advice a-- the women in
your -ife have given you so far right?
0hen I say provoke )ea-ousy/, that does not mean you shou-d stand there with your tongue
hanging out whenever the ne+t b-onde wa-ks past you or that you shou-d go and chat up
other women in front of the gir- you -ike.
:y advice is to provoke :I8% yet *77*3TI6* )ea-ousy in a woman, but you must do it 6*"&
surreptitious-y. If done correct-y you can heat up her desire for you which wi-- he-p you
transition the interaction away from the comfort stage and on to the se+ua- stage.
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
How do you do this? How do you provoke )ust the right amount of )ea-ousy in a woman
without going too far?
,imp-e. The ru-e is not to make her )e--ous towards other women in the c-ub, but instead,
make her )ea--ouse towards the other women in your -ife Apast and presentB.
5ring in a story or two or three about maybe an e+-gir-friend or fema-e friend or recent
se+ua- con<uest. :ention in the particu-ar anecdote that you are sharing, how attractive
this gir- was4is. :ention casua--y how a-- your friends thought she was hot, or how when
she wa-ked in to a c-ub -ike this/ every guy wou-d check her out. This wi-- create a picture in
her head of you hanging with hot gir-s Apre-se-ectionB, and p-us on top of that, she wi-- be
comparing her se-f to these women. ,he wi-- start wanting to prove to you that she is )ust
as attractive, and that your friends wi-- think she/s )ust as attractive too. This provokes )ust
the right amount of )ea-ousy and hea-thy competition

This is a-so a perfect way to remind the gir- that you are a se+ua- creature/ and not some
kind of a monk that she thinks she can )ust be friends with9 Its very common for men to
get in to the dreaded friends Eone and never get out9 This shou-d be nipped in the bud as
soon as comfort has been made in the interaction, and the best way to do this A5efore
making your actua- moveB is to do the above suggestions that I have given you that wi--
convey the fact you are se+ua- without actua--y being verba--y se+ua- T'0#"%, her.
3. +er4ect #our bod# language!
I am a big fan of behaviora- therapy, and this is something that I have used to he-p my
students combat approach an+iety as we-- as creating an immediate positive impact
when meeting a woman.
If you are fee-ing nervous when going to approach a woman, then hanging your
shou-ders in a stooped -ike manner and your beer bott-e he-d up to your chest and an
apo-ogetic voice and facia- e+pression, wi-- on-y serve to fue- those insecure thoughts
you are having.
#-ways present the body -anguage of someone who owns the c-ub or bar that you are
in. How wou-d the owner stand? How wou-d he sit? How wou-d he say he--o to someone
who was in HI, estab-ishment?
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
:y book /J steps t becoming a master seducer/ e+p-ains how to perfect the idea- body
-anguage in greater detai- and it inc-udes the L co-umn stage/.
'nce you adopt this idea- body -anguage you wi-- find that your initia- fears seem to
evaporate faster than you might have e+pected. This of course is a-- thanks to the
behavariou- therapy process. 5y a-tering your actions you wi-- a-ter your mind set,
-itera--y meaning &'(" #3TI'1, ,H#$* &'(" 5*8I*7,.
&ou cannot continue to be shy and scared for too -ong if your body is portraying that of
a strong and confident person.
5. .o cold readings!
3o-d readings and making detai-ed assumptions about the woman a-ways make impact9
0oman -ove to be psychoana-yEed, its something we derive great p-easure from. 0hi-st
men hate having a torch -ight shone in side them, and usua--y resist opening up, we
women -ove it9
0e va-ue a man who can see past our bravados4masks and4or a-ter egos. It presents to
us a great sense of re-ief as we-- as the deve-opment of a sincere respect for the man.
A# woman must respect a man before she can be attracted to himB
?eep your co-d readings detai-ed9 There is nothing worse than a guy giving us some
random and vague assumption about our se-ves such as2
.I reckon you/re a rea--y fun person or
.&ou seem to be a rea--y nice person

If you use a vague assumption -ike these e+amp-es, then a-- you wi-- get in return is a
vague response.
?eep the assumption4co-d reading %*T#I8*%. :ake it tai-or made for her9 ,he wi-- respond
so much better this way.
.5ut what if I/m wrong??? I hear you ask9 The answer is simp-e.
"ep-y with the .response of intrigue
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
."ea--y? That/s interesting, te-- me more
0hat this does, is it shows her that you are now intrigued to find out more about this side
of her that you did not rea-iEe e+isted.
In return she wi-- give you a -ot of information about her se-f because your assumption was
so detai-ed9
Here are some usefu- co-d reading -ines, which wi-- give you an out-ine of what you can
create your se-f2
.I reckon you were serious-y naughty at
schoo-, but not -ike the c-ass c-own kind
of naughty, but more -ike the instigator
behind the c-ass c-own, very sneaky
. I bet you were spoi-t as a chi-d, but
rebe--ed none the -ess )ust for the sake of
. &ou seem to be someone who knows
what they want and knows how to get it, but at times you get a bit -aEy and put that
ambition to the side
.To me you seem -ike a woman who has a -ot of ma-e friends and on-y a few c-ose fema-e
friends, because in the past women have -et you down or been backstabbers
8ike I said, even if they are way off the mark, she wi-- respond by te--ing you H'040H'
,H* "*#88& I,, and as a resu-t she wi-- be supp-ying you with a wea-th of information about
herse-f with out you asking a sing-e <uestion9
6. 'iss !er on t!e 4ore!ead.
I wanted to inc-ude at -east kino-re-ated tip in this e-book.
7unny enough, the innocent Aor not so innocentB kiss on the forehead has a specia-
power that affects women a -ot.
:ost guys wi-- try to kiss her on the cheek or the -ips too soon or they wi-- avoid kissing
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
her a-together.

,he does not e+pect a man to kiss her on her forehead9 The on-y men that do that to
her is her father or her boyfriends.

,he wi-- not push you away or move from you when you do this, as it something so
une+pected and so pure, that she wi-- not have time to react straight away. Instead she
wi-- start to wonder whether you -ike her in a /friend/ way or a se+ua- way/ and this wi--
resu-t in -eaving her in an emotiona- and psycho-ogica- state of -imbo Awhich is a >''%
position to have her inB
0omen a-ways -ike it when guys do the forehead kiss, it makes them fee- protected and
-oved, and strange-y enough, it -eaves them wanting more of a kiss of a different
(se some verba- ro-e-p-ay.
If anyone comes a-ong and )oins you and the gir- you are ta-king to, introduce your se-f
as her e+-husband. #dd a -itt-e ro-e-p-ay by saying you are current-y discussing who
gets to keep the kids and who gets to keep the dog etc. 0omen near-y a-ways respond
by gigg-ing and p-aying a -ong with it.

This a-ways breaks that uncomfortab-e moment when she has to introduce you to her
friends. "ather than have her forget your name or say .this is erm..Mohn who I )ust erm

If one of your friends )oins, then introduce the gir- as you mother in -aw or something
"o-e-p-ay is a -ight yet effective way of adding the fun/ e-ement in to the interaction.
&ou can a-so transition the p-ayfu- ro-e-p-ay in to one of a more se+ua- nature -ater on,
and because she had comp-ied with the p-ayfu- ro-e p-ay, the more se+ua-/ ro-e-p-ay
that you wi-- introduce in to the interaction wi-- 1'T come off as weird or creepy.
:ost men do not use ro-e-p-ay in their interactions with women, because either they do
not know how to do it or they are not actua--y aware of how much impact it can make.
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
1'T*2 0hen doing ro-e-p-ay, you must be bo-d with it9 'therwise, if you/re nervous or
unsure it wi-- backfire9
18.)*&&E-9E *ER
1o one -ikes a head nodder/9
Head nodders make N*"' I:$#3T9
There are p-enty of ways to cha--enge the woman such as2
a. ,trong opinions
b. 3ha--enging her p-ayfu--y
c. 3ha--enging her inte--ectua--y
d. $-aying devi-s advocate
:en be-ieve that if they agree with everything the gir- says, and nod their head -ike
good -itt-e boys, then they wi-- magica--y be given access to her bed. 0"'1>9
D. 6.' ,&6D +.7R .W6 R&$(I'+ I6 $11.RD$61& WI'H H&R8
0omen can sme-- this a mi-e off, and it actua--y
works #>#I1,T the mans chances.
# -ot of men ho-d on the fa-se be-ief/ that a
woman wi-- 1'T s-eep with him because or at
-east part-y because he did not -ike her favorite
movie or did not share her po-itica- views or he
did not share the same passion for her favorite
ho-iday destination.
'ut of a-- the women I know, 1*6*" once have any of them said they did not go back
home with a man because he didn/t agree with her about things, or that he had his own
mind, his own -ike and dis-ikes9

,ounds obvious right? 5ut ask your se-f how many times you have found your se-f-
bending your own rea-ity in accordance with a woman that you are chatting up? How
many times have you caught your se-f agreeing with her Aeven though you didn/t rea--yB
and nodding your head and rep-ying with vague responses such as .coo- .nice etc?

#nd then you -eft confused when she te--s you she )ust want to be friends, or she picks
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
one of the FO we-- practiced e+cuses that us gir-s use when we want to re)ect a mans
0omen want menta- stimu-ation 1'T # $*'$8* $8*#,*"9
,o why do men resist cha--enging a woman?
@ answers to this <uestion.

The first answer we have touched on a-ready. 5ecause men have a fa-se be-ief that
women wi-- be attracted to them more if they comp-y and agree.
The second reason is, because a man is worried that the cha--enge Awhether p-ayfu- or
semi-seriousB might esca-ate in to a fu-- b-own argument, and if this happens then he
fee-s that this conse<uence wi-- serious-y damage his chances of bui-ding any type of
attraction with the woman.
Here I am going to share with you an inva-uab-e techni<ue ca--ed the diffusion
techni<ue/ This techni<ue wi-- not on-y diffuse any argument that might occur, but it wi--
a-so make that argument work for you9 8itera--y turning a potentia- negative in to a
powerfu- positive
It wi-- show you how to take that energy/ from the heated argument and manipu-ate it
in to a se+ua- energy9
%!e di44usion tec!ni:ue:
If the cha--enge resu-ts in a bit of a heated debate, pin point the e+act moment you can
see the debate becoming an argument, or the point where it becomes persona-. #t that
e+act point, rather than back down or try and change the sub)ect.
,mi-e, and say .stop ?eep smi-ing, ho-d her gaEe, and then continue with..
.:e and you are never going to agree on this right?
,he wi-- say .right Ain a defiant mannerB
.In fact me and you can sit here arguing about this for @ weeks and we wi-- sti-- not
agree right?
,he wi-- again respond with .right
.5ut you know something..I -ove that
This is the point where you wi-- begin to hook her in
.%on/t you )ust hate it when peop-e agree for the sake of agreeing? &ou/re -ike me, you
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
stick to what you be-ieve in no matter what..I -ike that
This is the point where she wi-- -ook down and -ook back up and smi-e and respond with
.&es..Its true
Here you wou-d have diffused the situation and at the same time you are conveying the
message that a-though you both might disagree on the surface, you both 3'11*3T on
a much deeper -eve-. &ou are both strong-minded peop-e, you are both peop-e who stick
to what you be-ieve in.
There is something that I -earned from a natura- recent-y. He to-d me that whenever he
and his current/ gir-friends argue, he stops her and -aughs and then says something
very simi-ar to the diffusion techni<ue/
He wi-- stop her mid- shouting at each other and say2
.,top, you know what the prob-em is here? &ou are the fema-e version of me and I/m
the ma-e version of you
He said this -ine a-ways seemed to take that heated/ energy in to the bedroom.
%on/t be afraid of energy, )ust -earn how to mou-d that energy in to se+ua- energy is the
message here.
"emember, cha--enging a woman wi-- 1'T decrease your chances of success, *,$*3I#88& if
you know how to de-iver the diffusion techni<ue/ if things get too heated.
1ote2 a -ot of my students now $("$',*7(88& cha--enge the gir- in order to use the
diffusion techni<ue9 #s it rea--y can increase the guys chances of success.
%on/t be afraid of energy, )ust -earn how to mou-d that energy in to se+ua- energy.
If you want to -earn more from ?eEia with her %6%s
>o to2 ;;P http244www.keEia-nob-e.com4products4
If you want training with keEia or a member of her team
Aenter team page -inkB
All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $
'e;ia -oble %raining <aterials
= 1$ Steps to Becoming a <aster Seducer> B(('
Have you ever dream/t of becoming an infa--ib-e seducer of
women? This book te--s you everything you need to know, courtesy
of the wor-d/s on-y ma)or fema-e $(# Apick-up artistB, ?eEia 1ob-e9
J ,teps to 5ecoming a :aster ,educer is the first and on-y sure-
fire pick-up guide to be written by a woman. It has the potentia- to
transform a -one-y man into someone who need never be sing-e
againR un-ess, of course, he wants to be. S"ead :ore
= .eep )onnection> .0.
Hours of groundbreaking techni<ues that wi-- give you a step by
step break down which wi-- have you mastering the art of creating
deep connection, and hand you one of the most powerfu- secrets
in the seduction community is yours to have. S"ead :ore
= %!e 18 *ook &ead S#stem> .0.
The ! hook -ead system is a c-ear, practica- and actua--y <uite a
fun way to have great conversations with women. It gives men the
abi-ity to transition the opener to a fu---b-own conversation
effort-ess-y. It serves to disp-ay the mans persona-ity to the best of
his abi-ity, rather than change his persona-ity or become someone
he is not. This %6% wi-- go give you hours of inva-uab-e information
that wi-- change you game forever, and give you "*#8 resu-ts.
S"ead :ore

All Rights Reserved Kezia Noble !"#" $

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