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Following God's Will

By Dr. Charles Stanley

Abraham knew how to listen to God and follow Himeven when His commands were difficult or
painful to obey. Although the patriarch made some mistakes, his life demonstrated remarkable faith
and obedience.
The Lord revealed His plans for Abraham. He will be faithful to show us what He wants us to do as
well. Listening to God is essential to walking with God (Life Principle #13).
Abrahams Example
1. The Lord revealed Abrahams future and guided his steps.
Note: Abraham (father of a multitude) and Sarah (princess) were originally named Abram and
Sarai. For the sake of simplicity, well use the names God gave them, which indicate their destiny as
patriarch and matriarch of the Jewish people.
What did the Lord reveal to Abraham about his future (Gen. 12:1-3)?
How did he respond to the command to go forth from your country (Gen. 12:4)?
What fact makes this particularly impressive (v. 4)?
What details does Genesis 13:14-18 add to the original promise?
Why do you think God reiterated His pledge at this particular time?
God promised Abrahama man with a barren wifethat his descendants would be as numerous
as the stars. How did He view Abrahams belief (Gen. 15:1-6)?
In Genesis 17:8, what new dimension does God add to His promise?

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