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Brisbane hotel evacuated amid fire and reports

of explosions
Marissa Calligeros
A fire which engulfed a function room at an inner-city Brisbane hotel this morning has been
It is believed residents and guests heard a series of explosions from the restaurant kitchen at the Central
Dockside Apartments on erry !treet" #angaroo $oint" about %.&'am" moments before the fire started
ire crews with breathing apparatus were met with thick" black smoke when they entered the building
about %.()am.
*+here,s a plastic roof and also a plastic awning out the front. +hat,s what gave off all the black
smoke"* officer Andrew !turgess said.
ire crews were able to -uickly contain the bla.e.
/ne man was taken to hospital" according to officer !tafford.
*+he occupant who first went to check it out has asthma and and felt some breathing issues so he was
taken to the 0oyal Brisbane 1ospital"* he said.
A cafe worker across the road said it was 2ust a ,minor explosion* but he could still see massive flames
from the room.
*+he flame was about &'-3) metres high. +here was a lot of smoke"* he said.
with Nicole Sosnowski

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