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How were the pyramids built?

Pyramids are spread all over the world. The most famous places are South America and
Egypt. In Egypt alone you can find almost 120 pyramids. The biggest and most popular is
called The Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu. Pyramids do fascinate people
because of their shape and the way they have been constructed. They became a
mystery. Even more, because until today it is not clear how they were built! Many
theories exist, from alien construction to modern architect theories. All the theories
havent been proved but I try to explain in the essay why I think Jean Pierre Houdins
theory is the most appropriate one.

There are a lot of different theories on the pyramids, but they all have a problem in it.
Some people believe that the Egyptians had technology that was lost over the years.
Others think that Aliens came down and built the pyramids but they only believe that
because they dont think that the Egyptians could have cut the stones and that they
could have transported the heavy stones up the pyramid. They think that because we
are not sure how to build the pyramids without proper technology that the ancient
Egyptians had no way of building them. Also people think that they had one straight
ramp outside that goes all the way to the top but this would not work because the ramp
would be longer than 1 mile. Others think they built a ramp that curved around outside
the pyramid all the way to the top but they would not be able to make the pyramid
geometrical again. The theory that I think is correct was created by Jean Pierre
Houdin. He says that the Egyptians built a straight ramp from the outside that reached
till 43 meters. Then they kept on building with a ramp from the inside that started at
the bottom of the pyramid and curved around the pyramid all way to the top.

The pyramid is a building made up of triangles and ending in a single point at the top.
Many other forms of pyramids like, buildings exist but this is the most common shape.
The biggest pyramid is The Pyramid of Khufu located near to Cairo, Egypt. This
Pyramid was built 2600 B.C. and construction time was more than 20 years. It consists
of more than 590.000 stones, with an average weight of 2 to 30 tons. Some stones
have the weight of up to 70 tons. It is incredible that the ancient Egyptians could
transport these heavy stones and build the pyramids out of them, even though they
didnt have advanced technology like today! All the stones had to be transported from
the area of Cairo. Each side of the pyramid is 755 feet long and the pyramid was
originally 481 feet high. The total area covered by the pyramid is 600.000 square feet.
It is not clear how many workers participated in the building of the pyramid but they
estimate about 25.000 workers.

The architect Jean Pierre Houdin has a theory about the pyramids where the base of
the pyramid is built through a ramp outside till 43 meters or it would become too long.
Then the Egyptians continued building with an internal ramp that started from the
bottom and curved around the pyramid till the top. He thinks that they used lime stone
blocks which they placed on the outside of the pyramid to help them make the pyramid
geometrical accurate and then filled the rest of the space with sand stone blocks
leaving space for the 3 chambers. He thinks they left an opening at the corners of the
internal ramp so that they could turn the stones. Because the men pulling the stone
always have to stay at the front to be able to pull them. They had the tunnels in the
inside the men pulled the rock till the machine which lifted the rock and got turned by
a worker and then a next group of workers continued with pulling the rocks. The Queen
chamber was connected through the Grand Gallery with the Kings Burial chamber but
no one knew why it had a weird shape. According to Jean Pierre Houdin they used the
grand gallery as a huge counter wait system for getting the granite blocks (needed
above the kings chamber for balancing the weight) to the top. The blocks were so
heavy and big that they couldnt have used the internal ramp so he think the stones
were on sleds in the grand gallery that made it easier to pull up the stones. I think
that Jean Pierre solves all the mysteries about the great pyramid and all the other
Egyptian pyramids. Also French scientists in the 1980 did a scan of the pyramid outside
and inside and found hollow space in the pyramid that looked like the ramps in his
theory! I think that Jean Pierre Houdins theory has no problems in it.

The most popular pyramid is the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This is still a mystery because
no one knows exactly how the pyramids were built. The theory of Jean Pierre Houdin is
the most logical because he has a solution for all the open questions of pyramid

"How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?" ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 14 Feb.
" - Jean-Pierre Houdin's Great Pyramid Theory Update." - Jean-
Pierre Houdin's Great Pyramid Theory Update. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014
"Building the Pyramids." Building the Pyramids. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014
"Ancient Egyptian Pyramids." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
"The Eloquent Peasant." The Eloquent Peasant RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.
"Methoden Von Franz Lhner: Pyramidenbau Mit Hilfe Von Seilrollenbcken Direkt Auf Der
Pyramidenflanke." Pyramidenbau Mit Seilrollen Direkt Auf Der Pyramideflanke: Methoden Von Franz
Lhner. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014

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