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Anissa Nurdita Febryanti 1615121255

Grafiria Vega Novrika 1615121245

Hanifah Agmar Musima 161512124!
"abia #osyida Fahmi 16151212$!

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First ,m-ression at ".hoo
To new headmaster
When the first day we meet the headmaster, the first impression would be like greet
him/her politely with the formal context. We would introduced our selves to him/her and
the following action would be depends on what she/he said.

To new collegue
The first impression when we meet our new collegue would be like just smiling and
greeting politely as nice as we could. So we have a possibility of a great work
relationship. We ask them to help us to face the difficulty at school, such as handling
students that having problem and to prepare some euipments for learning activities.

To new students
The first impression when we meet our students would be like greet them nicely. We
would asking about how they are and then we would introduce our selves in front of the
class. !s new teachers we should make a good approachement to them by being their
friends. We probably make a fun game to know each others in purpose.

To student"s parents
The first impression when we meet the student"s parents would be like greet them nicely
and politely. We ask them about their child at home and what kind of obstacles that
distract them on learning.
To admin staff
#irst impression when for the first time we meet the admin staff, we will greet them one
by one politely, then introduce our selves shortly, then we asked what our task, offering
some help for them, and if we have to manage some letters or something that we need,
we will aske politely and not in rest time for not bothering them.

To the cleanning service
#irst impression when for the first time we meet the cleanning service in a new office,
we will greet him/her so they will not think that we are arrogant and for make a good
relation between us. !nd wewill appreciate him/her work result in office and if there a
minus, we will say it politely so they will not offended by us, and if we asked some help
we will ask with a good manner so they will help us happy and we don"t forget to say
thank you.

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