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THE BANK or BRITISH COLUMBIA. - LONDON: PHISTED BY RIXON & ARNOLD, 23, POULTRY. "1864. SUPPLEMENTAL CHARTER ‘Victoria, ty the Grate of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith Toall to whom these presenta shall como Greeting Wuxzzas by our Royal Charter of Incorporation bearing date a: ‘Westminster the Sst day of May in the Twenty-ffth year of our, Reign We did grant constitute ordain and sppoint that Thomas William Lockwood Mackean Eequire Martin - “Ridley Smith Esquire and Eden Colvile Enquire together with sock and so many other parsons snd bodies politic and corporate as then were or should thereafter become Proprietors of any share or shares of or im thpCapital for the'time being of the Company thereby established should be one body politic and corporate in name and in deed by the name of “THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA” | And by that name should and might sue and be sued implead and be implesded in all Cotrts whether of Lew or Equity and should have a common seal which might be by them varied and changed at their pleasure Axp wx pm ruzazsr Déczanx that the said Company wes xad should be established: ~for the purpose of establishing Banks of Issue and Deposit in such cities towns and places within our colonies possemians or settlements of British Columbia and Vancouver's Island on the Continent of North Arierica ag might from time to time be determined’ upon by the Directors for the time being of the Company and for carrying on the general business of z Banking in mianmer’sforesaid in such cities towns and places *82872 4 but subject nevertheless to the several provisions and re- striction in gur said Royal Charter contained and to be contained in the Deod of Settlement thereinafter directed to ‘be executed or to be contained in any supplemental deed oF bye-law as therein mentioned. Amp we mip rurrHEE neceane that the cspital of the ead Company should consist of £250,000 sterling divided into 12,500 shares of £20 each and such farther capital not’ exceeding £250,000 as the Direciors for the time being should deem neceemry for the porpose of the said undertaking. Asp wx pin TuEaxBT pectamx that it should’ not be lawftl for the Company to commence or carry on the suid business of Benking until it should be made to spear to the etiafaction of the Commie stoners for the time being of our Trosury that the whole of * ‘the aforesaid expital of £250,000 had been subscribed for by deed under hand and seal and that one-half (at'the least) of yoch sum of £250,000 had been sctually paid up such satis- faction to be evidenced by « certificate under the hands of sppear to the estisfaction of the “Commissioners ‘of our _ to be certified as nforessid thet the whole of the said cxpital of £250,000 bad been subecribed under band and seal before the expiration of a period of eighteen calendar _ months to eommence and be computed from the day of the date of our Royal Charter And unlem the whole of the said capital of £250,000 chouli’ be actually paid up withip the space of tw years to be retkuned fram the date of the certificate to be granted as aforessid of the payment of one- half of the suid capital of £260,000 (but so that such pay- ment in fall should not be it\‘any ease delayed beyond the period of: three years to be reckoned from the date of our said Royal Charter) that it should be lrwfal for us our heirs and'maceessors xt any time thereafter by any writing under oar Great Seal to declare that oar said Reyal Charter should be absolutely void. Axp w# Dip Taxes pimecr that “5° within twelve‘ealendar months from the date of our said ‘Boyal Charter the persons who should have suberribed for at least one-half of the said som of £250,000 should to the satisfaction of the Commisioners of our Tressary to be ° certified as aforeanid enter into and execute a Deed of Settle- . thent as therein thentioned. AND WE DID FURTHER ORDAIY AND Dectaxx that -it should be lawfal for the said Company st end from any city town or place in which they might have established any Bank Branch or establishment under or by virtue @f our exid Eoyal Charter (except as therein- after mentioned) to make issue and circalste Notes or Bills payable to bearer on demand and fo réisms the exme bat the issue of such Notes and Bills within any of car afore- said Colonies Possessions or Settlements was to be subject to all and every or any Joeal laws for the time being in foree for restraining or rogulating the ise therein of Notes or” Bills and nothing in oursaid Royal Charter contained was to ba cqnstreed or taken as anthorizing the Company to isme Notes or Bills st or from any city town or place whereat or where- from theissweaf Notesor Bills should be prokihited by anylocal law for the time being in force Puoviogn ‘axwars thet all * Notes or Bills which should be ismued in any’of oor sid Colonies Possessions or Settlements should bear date at the place of isvae and should be made payable st the ostabliah- ‘ment at whicH the same should have been iamed gnd in the s current coin of our realm or other coin lawfully current in the place where the sameshould be paid aad that all Notes and the Company in sack Colony should be nisde payable not ‘only mt the establishment st and from which the same should have been issued: but also at the principal establishment of ‘the Company in euch Colony. Psovipp areo that‘all Notes and Bills issued by the Company should be chargeable with the Stamp or other Daty (if any) paysble thereon by the Isws of the place’ at and from which the same should be . 6. ieacd. Axp 1 was by our mid Eoyal Charter provited and WE DID THEREBY ORDAIN AXD DECLeRE that no establiah- ment of the Company other ‘thaa‘and except the principel Fequired to pay any Notes or Bill of the Company other than and except such as should have been originally issued at ind from each eatablishmanta and also that nb principal evtablishmahts of the Company in any of the aid Colonies or aforesaid at which the eame hed been issued aid in that case péyment should be made at moh other establishment as.the . by an indenture bearing date the 24th day of June 1862 and “" misda between the séveral pensonjs whose nama and seals were thereunto in the fourth Schednle thereto respectirely sub- scribed and affixed of the first part and the anid Bank, of British Columbia hereinafter called ‘The. Campmny af: the. second part (being the Deed of Settlement of the Company.” entered into and exscated in, pursuancé of the directions in. that bebalf in our sxid Royal Charter contained and enrolled in oor High Coort of Chancery). Every penon party of + the first part of the eaid/Deod of Sefilement covenanted with - the Company and the Company covengnied with the several ‘persons parties thereto of the first part in manner in thé said Deed of Settlement mentiqned,sad among other things that the busines of the Company should be the bosiness of bank- ing im the colonies of British Columbia and Vanovuver's Inland or the Continent of Nocth America snd: all other business usually transacted by benkers under the euperin- replies tal eon of «pes ables in Lomi : os oe required fur such business it would he detrimental to the said Bank axd.would not add to the security of our subjects and others who.pave dealings with’ thé suid Bank thet any | farther part of the esid original Capital of the sid Bank should be called up until the increase in the business of the eid Bank chall make the cling upsa farther’ part of the "said Capital necessary or expedient. Arp wmamnis it has, also been represented ‘into tus that the repited provision of our said Royal Charter whereby it ii provided that all Notes aad Bills a4 therein mentiohéd iemed et or from say ostab- Bshment of the Company in any of our Colonies not being the principal catablishment of the Company in such Colony + should be made payable not only wt tho edtablichment at or from which the same shall have boon insted Bis alec st -the principel establishment of the Compeny in euch Colony im- poses upon the Company ity of kéeping amount of specie at the i : 9 » oom + and decept s supplpmental Charter altering the constitution of the Company in the matters aforesnid and to sccept euch Charter and that all and every the provisions of such supplemental Charter shall bo- lawp of the Axp woexxar the “Directors of thosaid Compaiy have humbly besought us to giant to the Company » Supplemental Charter containing wach powers and provisions as are here ‘inafter contained whith we gre minded to do under’the oon- ditions and subject to the provisions and restrictions herein- , after contsined.. Now xsow ve that we as well upon the prayer of the said Directors as of our special Grace certain Imowledge and more motion by these presents do grant ordain ahd declare es follows (thai. is to ssy) That it shall be lawful for the Company to establish Bahks of i: peccene Maan ae Btitjah Consulate or Vioo-onmlate ia or may bo hereafter established But subject nevertheless to the several pro- visions and restrictions in the said Charter and Deed of Settlement as hereinafter contained or to be contained in any supplemental dend or bys law as in the exid Charter men- tioned That the declaration in our enid Royal Charter con- + tained that unless tho whole of the said capital of £254,000 should be actually paid up within the space of two years to be reckoned from the date of the certificate to be granted ah 10 ‘therein mentioned of the payment of one-half of the said capital of £250,000 (but #o that such payment in full should not be in any case delayed. beyond the period of three yoare to bo reckoned from the date of our eid Royal Charter) it should be lawfal for us oar heirs and successors at any time thereafter by any writing under our Great Seal to declare that our exid Royal Charter should. be absolutely void:bo axl the samo is hereby repealed and nnnulled. os ‘Thst- the proviso in our suid Royal Charter contained ~ whereby it was provided that all Notes or Bills which should be issued in any of our said Colonies Possessions or Settle- ments shall bear date at tho place of isras and should be made payablo st tho cstablishment from which tho’ eame ahould havo boen issud and in the current coin of our . Beakm or other coin lawfully durrent in the place where the same should. bo paid and that all Notes and Billsisroed st or from sny establishment of: the Company in any of oor Colonics not being the principe] establishment of the Com- pany in- such" Colony should be-made psyzble not oly st the establishment at or from which the came should bave boon issued but also at the principal establishment of the Company in such Colony and aleo the proviso in our «aid Boyal Charter contained that no catablichment of the Qom- pany_other than and except the principal establishment of the Company at the seat of Government in any of our Colonies: or Settlements “SIORSERE ebould be required to pay any Notes or Bills of the Company other than snd except stich as should have been originally issued atand from. such establishment and also that no principal establishments of the Company in. any of the: said Colonies or Settlements should be required to pay any Notes or Bills of the Company which might have been isrued by the Company in sny other Colony or it unless payment thereof thould have been refused at dach principel establishment as aforesaid at which the same were isrued and that in thst ease peyment should be made at such other establishment as the Company -” i should direct or in default of such direction then st any one of the principal establishments of the Company where pay- ; ment thereof/may bé denisinded be and the mie aro hereby” * repealed and sxrialled and in Hien of such proviso we Do HERESY ORDAIN AND Ducttw that all Notes or Bills’ pay- able t» bearar on demand which shall be issued by the Com- pany in shy of our Colotiiés Possessions or Settlements shal} ‘bear date at the place of issue and zhall be made payable st the establishment from which the same shall-hare been ined and at sqch other place or places (if any) aa on such Notes-or Bilis ahiall be in that behalf expressed and in the “current coin of our Realmor other coin legally current in ‘the place where the same shall be paid. Awp wx fo mexxzy ‘WILL axr''peciane that these presenta shall be deemed supplementary to our said Charter oo already granted aa aforesaid and that the said recited Charter and these presenta shall be construed as one instrument and in all respecta aa if the provisions hereby made hed been inserted in our anid recited Charter. Anp ws for ourselves our heirs and sue- cossors do grant and declare that this our Royal Charter or “ the enrobment thereof shall_be in all things: valid and effectual in the law according to the true intent and mean. ing of the same and shall be recognised as valid and effectual by‘ ail oar Courts and Judges in our United Kingdom of Grent Britain and Ireland and elsewhere and bythe respective for the time being of all cur Colonies Possessions and all other officers persons and bodies politic and vorporste whom it doth shall or may concern. And thst the ame shall be taken construed and adj in the most fsvourable and most bendficial sense for the beat advantage of the said Company as well in our several Courts af Record in car United Kingdom of Grest Britain and Ireland 1 in our several Colonics Pomemions and Settle- ments sforteaid or eltowhore. And notwithstanding any - “hon-recital mis-recital uncertainty or imperfection. therein. ASD LasTLY WE Do HEaxor nrarms axp xor™ell our 12 ~ offcers and servants whom it may'at any time concern give fall force and effect to these our Letiers Patent -and to be in all things aiding and amisting to tho said Company and their succcssorn, Be. In witness whereof we have cansed thess our Letters to be mado Patent. Witness ourself at our Palace at West- minster this 30th dey of August, 1864, in the twenty-cighth year of our reign. : ‘By Her Majesty’s Command. GARDEW.

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