Mar 18-Math PLC Minutes

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Notes from Math-Science PLC Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ms Ma!!ory "isited Science teachers #ith ST$%M &air u'dates and #i!! share additiona!
information at our ne(t PLC
Teachers #i!! com'!ete their 10-#ee) !esson '!an*content out!ines for su+mission to ,r -ise
% ca!endar tem'!ate #as shared #ith the PLC Strate.ies for N-$% Pre' #ere discussed and
#i!! +e further discussed at the ne(t meetin.
-e co!!ecti"e!y identified #or)sho's / to'ics for Ms -est to attend / in"esti.ate at the
u'comin. NCTM Nationa! Conference Primary common core focus areas #ere at the to' of
the !ist a!on. #ith #or)sho's on interacti"e math 0ourna!s, ST$M inte.ration and rea!-
#or!d*'ro+!em so!"in.
-e fina!i1ed our meetin. schedu!e and !ead 'resenters for the remainin. PLC meetin.s2Sa"e
these dates3
4'comin. Math and Science PLC Meetin. ,ates
%'ri! 1, 2014 - Ms Ma!!ory*Ms %!i
%'ri! 22, 2014 - Ms -est
May 5, 2014 - Ms Tay!or
May 20, 2014 - Ms 6e!!
7une 8, 2014 - Ms 9i!christ

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