Digital Marketing: General Instructions

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Digital Marketing

General Instructions:
The Student should submit this assignment in the handwritten form (not in the typed format)
The Student should submit this assignment within the time specified by the exam dept
The student should only use the Rule sheet papers for answering the questions.
The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers.
Failure to comply with the above Four instructions would lead to reection of assignment
Specific Instructions:
There are four !uestions in this assignment. The student should answer all the four questions. "ar#s allotted $%%.
&ach !uestion carries equal mar#s ('( mar#s) unless specified explicitly.
Question No 1:
(a) )*usiness today faces + maor challenge , opportunities- globali.ation the effect of advance in technology
, deregulation/ comment.
(b) 0ow to plan1 evaluate and measure digital mar#eting 0ow to acquire customers through digital channels.
Question No 2:
(a) 2hich is the better mar#eting tool1 the newsletter or the blog3 4n this day and age is it better to blog than to
send out endless newsletters that bounce or don5t get read3
(b) 2hat effect social media is having on organi.ations and their customer relationships3
Question No 3:
(a) 2hat ma#es a good website and why3
(b) 6ou have ust started using 7oogle 8dwords. 6ou have been successful in getting some of your ads to
position + on the right of the natural listings1 but have not been able to get to the top positions above the
natural positions. 8dvice please.
(c) 0ow to convert and retain customers online 0ow to measure and optimi.e performance.
Question No 4:
(a) 0ow can we ma#e money on a website 9 blog3 &xplain with examples.
(b) 0ow is branding online different3 &xplain with various examples.
(c) 0ow can we use Faceboo#9 Tweeter to mar#et our business 9 products 9 services3 &xplain with various

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