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Q1: Answer

Jurisdiction issues are discussed on the basis of particular agreements which are done between
the businesses. At international level agreements, businessman should know if dispute is arises
than which countrys law will be apply to resolve the dispute. Since there is no judicial body to
deal with legal problems arising between citizens of different countries, the foreign marketer
must look to the legal systems of all the countries involved
n general, it is not necessary for the court that for decision always uses the law of another
country. !ut, if in contractual event there is no any state is indicated, then court ignore the
jurisdictional clause and apply different rules to resolve the problem and which law governs. So
there is not duty for the court to support jurisdictional clauses, both parties are must responsible
when these types of issues are occurred.
Q2: Answer
"hen problem arises in the international commercial system, international marketers
want to solve out#of#court and solve the problem. $his method is best for marketers
because through this method they solve the problem in friendly environment by
selecting the third party with mutual understanding. As both parties are agreeing on
third party, so third party listen both sides carefully in friendly environment so solve
the problem. $he best thing is in this method that in between both parties there is no
agreement to accept all but solves the problem with mutual understanding.
Q3: Answer
%ompanies need to ensure their dominion names are secured in all countries where
they plan to keep up nation particular "eb destinations. &nless a realm name is
registered in a particular country, an company faces an e'cessive battle to recover its
utilize if another gathering has enrolled it.
Assuming that a digital s(uatter has enrolled a space name an association needs, the
main elective is to purchase it back or sue provided that it encroaches on the
association)s savvy property or some way or another harms an association)s notoriety.
$oymaker *asbro not long ago carried an efficacious movement against a mature
person e'citement "eb website, *asbro markets an amusement
for youngsters called %andy ,and, even though not straightforwardly encroaching on
its trademark, the courts considered it to be harming the notoriety of *asbro and its
youngsters) diversion.
$he "eb location now takes you straight to a *asbro website. -rovided that a
business has taken steps to legitimately shield its mark names, e'change names or
feature names and legitimately enrolls them, it e'traordinarily improves its capacity
to protect against shameful utilization of the name by a third gathering. Steps might
be taken to secure barter names and trademarks through a universal system of
trademark enlistment that might be tied into enrollment of space names. .ations that
distinguish scholarly property will ordinarily imply those laws to purpose debates. n
/ermany, for instance, local and nearby courts have held that holding and utilizing a
web dominion that encroaches third party rights is restricted and that the courts have
ward over any such encroachment if the area name could be properly gained entrance
to in /ermany.
%ountries should ensure against the utilization of realm names that encroach on its
savvy property, intimidate its notoriety or confound people in general. $hey ought to
be careful that assuming that they don)t register their sought space name in the first
place, the main response is to buy the right or head off to court.
Q4: Answer
,ibel is a civil wrong that falsely impugns the reputation of your organization. "hen we are
doing unethical advertisement against our competitors or we are copy the tagline or slogan of
others. n this situation we may be sued. The United States has taken a giant step in dealing
with domain name pirates by passing the Anti-cyber s!atting "ons!mer #rotection Act
$A"#A% and the &orld 'ntellect!al #roperty (rgani)ation $&'#(% established a str!ct!re
thro!gh the 'nternet "orporation *or Assigned +ames and +!mbers $'"A++% in which
anyone registering a domain name with complying registries has to agree to disp!te
resol!tion, This is known as the Uni*orm -isp!te .esol!tion #olicy $U-.#%, +either the
A"#A nor the U-#. pro/ide *ailsa*e ways o* reco/ering a domain name once it has been
cyber s!atted,
Q0: Answer
A cyber s(uatter is a company that registers a website address as a form of
investment, with the aim of selling it at an inflated price. 2or trademarks, rights are
approved as soon as the marks are registered. $he owners of the registered
trademarks will then enjoy the e'clusive rights to use the trademarks and prevent
others from using the marks which are identical with or similar to the registered
marks in respect of the same or similar goods.
Technical strategies *or de*end cyber s!atters:
"eb dominion name enrollments are for an altered time of time. Assuming that the
owners of a cyber s(uatter doesn)t re#enroll the name with a web recorder preceding
the area)s close date, then the realm name might be obtained by any other person
after it lapses. 3ight now the enrollment is recognized passed. A digital s(uatter may
utilize computerized programming apparatuses to enroll the slipped by name the
moment it is slipped by. $his methodology is otherwise called replenishment
grabbing, development embellishment, and alarm angling.
Q1: Answer
"hen we collect primary data, this is major problem because if researcher tells them
the whole information then they are unwilling to reply. n many cultures, people are
not interested to answer the (uestion and their behavior is totally different.
3esearcher tries to collect the data from the people. And in many culture, people
telling each other for discussion so some times researcher not discussed personal
information with strangers. $hat information may be used for marketing and
educational purposes. nformation is also collected in aggregate and used for internal
reviews. $his information is used to improve our "eb site. t is not shared with or
sold to any outside entity.
Q2: Answer: $he process of back translation is known as decentering. t means, this
is method of translation of (uestionnaire from one language to another language.
5ecentering is the process of translation and retranslation of (uestionnaire from
different translators. $hrough this process different (uestionnaire are compared with
each other and where is difference, modified the original (uestionnaire. n this way,
wording of original (uestionnaire is changed and finally (uestionnaire takes
comprehensive shape.

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