Going To College

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11:00pm DECEMBER 31 2005

It was a frigid December night when my mother and I

were trudging through the snow that had just fell earlier today.
We were headed to the grocery store near our house in
Harlem, NYC. We were going to pick up a cake, apple cider,
and other New Years celebration foods and drinks. We went
by ourselves because my Father (Desean), older sister (Amber),
and younger brother (Kobe) all claimed to have some work
that required their complete focus. But, truth be told they
were just lazy. (Now that Im writing this many years later I
really wish they had been there.)
11:15 pm DECEMBER 31 2005
Before we entered the store, my mother told me Will,
please get some apple cider, a pound cake, ice cream, and
some cookies, while I run next door to get some Champaign
for your father and me
Yes Mom I replied. In five minutes I was able to get
everything: Ambers favorite ice cream, Kobes favorite apple
cider, and my favorite cake. As I returned to the cash register,
my mother was waiting for me having just returned from the
liquor store across the street.
Thank you, Will, for getting the desserts. Your brother and
sister will appreciate that you did that. My mother told me.
No problem I replied casually. We began walking home and
because it was already late my mother decided we should take
the short-cut home. (It turned out to be the biggest mistake
my mother Zoey made in her entire life.)
11:30pm DECEMBER 31 2005
After ten minutes of walking in the snow, we came up to
the shortcut, which was several backstreet allys. I was
personally terrified by the shortcut. Mom caa-nnt we just
take the regular way home? I said. My voice breaking in fear.
OH! Relax Will, there is nothing to be scared about. She
Ok I said
11:50pm DECEMBER 31 2005
We had been walking for 10 minutes, when suddenly a
dark figure wearing a strange mask appeared and said Dont
Move! in a low yet deadly voice. He had a knife at my throat
and a gun at my mothers temple. This man began rummaging
through my mothers purse taking her money, phone, and
anything else of value. He also took my mothers jewelry her
earrings, bracelets, even my mothers engagement ring! The
man turned to me and said Boy! Give me that necklace of
yours! I slowly began to take my necklace off trying to hold
back tears. The necklace was a cherished gift from my
grandfather who gave it to me right before he died in a car
accident. A drunk driver cut into the lane and rammed my
grandfathers car. Killing hum instantly.
He told me Keep that necklace with you forever. And now
handing it over was simply heartbreaking.
11:59pm DECEMBER 31 2005
Whenever youre ready kid! the man said, annoyed he
snatched my necklace and put it along with the rest of our
belongings, in his black bag. He released my mother and
shoved her to the ground, when she rose to her feet, she
looked at him with pure hatred,
You Monster! my Mother yelled.
Yeah, I know! he responded. In the distance I could hear
people counting down 10!, 9!, 8!, 7!, 6!, 5! Oh and Happy
New Year as his last words came out, two loud pops came out
along with the HAPPY NEW YEAR! My mother gave a quick
yelp of pain and fell to the cold snowy ground. The man had
already disappeared from sight. My mother was cupping her
hand over her right side trying to stop the bleeding. I realized
that my mother had been shot.
12:01pm January 1 2006
In a low voice she began to speak Will, I love you, Kobe,
and Amber more than anything. Take care of them! My
mother let out a few more groans in agonizing pain. Then she
was gone. Her expression went blank. Her eyes rolled up to
the sky, with her blood soaked clothes and snow surrounding
her, she was gone.
DONT DIE! MOM! MOM COME ON MOM! I yelled at the top
of my lungs even though I knew it was already too late. I
realized I was bursting into tears, I began to yell again HELP!

12:031pm January 1 2006
Thirty minutes later, the police arrived after a call came in
from one of the nearby residents reporting gun shots. They
began to ask me questions about what happened and who we
were and did I see what the man looked like. But I was in too
deep of a shock to answer any questions. Ten minutes later
my father showed up. He told me he left Kobe and Amber
with our neighbors.
2:50pm October 24 2014
School had just finished for the day at High School of
Math, Science, and Engineering. Unlike normal kids who walked
with their friends when they went home or to practice, I walked
alone to work. (I went to work after school because since my
mother died and Amber going to College last year we are a
little short on money. And right now I needed every cent I
could get with College coming up next year. And SATs were
this Saturday.)
3:30pm October 24 2014
I had just entered Petco, (where I work) I chose to work
at Petco because I myself am an animal lover after owning an
Emerald Tree Boa, two Red Eared sliders , and a Boxer dog. I
thought working with animals was a strong Idea. I began my
shift with answering the usual customer questions what dog
food should I get or Mommy! I want a turtle. But my shift
flew by and I raced out of work and ran to our apartment in

3:30pm October 24 2014
I entered my room to find my turtles splashing the water in
excitement they were almost saying Feed Me Will, Feed Me.
My dog Django (the D is silent) was thumping his tail wildly on
the floor. My snake decided to stay on its branch to sleep off
the rat I fed her a couple of days ago. I began doing my
calculus homework, I was surprisingly good at calculus. I was
even put in the Advanced Placement class for calculus receiving
straight As. But Math was not my only good subject. In fact I
was good at them all. Because money was tight and with
college rolling up the street fast, I took it upon myself to get
good grades in every subject hoping to get into Georgetown
University through a scholarship. I finished my Math HW and
took out my SAT notebook and began studying for my test this
Saturday. The cool thing was that the day after the test was
my birthday so wed go out to celebrate the next day, Me,
Kobe, Amber, Dad, and Mo-. I soon began to sob lightly
realizing she wouldnt be there to celebrate. Though its been
like this for the past six years I just cant help but think this

12:00pm October 26 2014
Well, this is it I said to myself, while I was entering the
building. Today I was taking my SATs. My older cousin told
me they take five hours. Twenty minutes later I began my test
and raced down the first page of questions. They were almost
too easy in 45 minutes I was done with the first section of the
test. I soon began the Math section. Then the essays and
short response and so on and so forth.
4:00pm October 26 2014
I exited the building with my head held high. I was proud of
myself and I thought I did really well. I was also nervous to
see what my scores were, but I would not have wait too long
the scores were due next week.
10:00am October 27 2014
I awoke to the sound of Kobe, Amber, and Dad singing happy
birthday to me. I climbed out of bed and hugged them all.
Kobe and I are only a year apart so we looked eye to eye, he
handed me a gift it was box wrapped with silver wrapping
paper I tore it open eagerly it was a brand new pair of
Jordans. Thanks Kobe! I said excitedly. Then tonight we
would go out to my favorite Italian Restaurant to celebrate, like
always ordered the Duck Ragu. Thank you! All of you! The
night wore on, my family headed home Kobe and I watched
TV, while eating the cake that Amber made for me.
2:49am November 1 2014
It was Friday and I was just packing up to leave Math class.
Because today was Friday I had no work and could go straight.
After I left the building met up with Kobe and walked home
with him. Usually had basketball practice be he did not today.
On our way home we talked about Sports games soon to come
or that just passed. Will, the Knicks are going to destroy the
Heat he said
In your dreams, Kobe I retorted. We went on like this till we
got home. I checked the mail before we went upstairs. I began
to sift through the mail. Junk, Junk, Ambers, Dads, Kobes
junk, junk, mine! I said. The envelope was my SAT scores and
college offers. I ran upstairs and tore the envelope open. I
began reading the document aloud as I reached the offer for
Georgetown University. I looked up a t Kobe and without
realizing it a tear welled up in my eye.

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