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Well Im going to talk about some prediction of the future the earth. As you know the earth is
a beautiful place to live, its the only place that we have to live but people still polluting it so in
the future earth will have less fresh water to drink and a more contaminated air. Days will be
more hot and night more cold. Natural disaster will be more common.
In future earth is going to be less green with less plants and just a little animals.
So people will reduce consume of fossil fuels also they will have to create things more
Is People might have turn water of the ocean in fresh water to drink also the energy that
produce the global warming will have to close
In the future all people will use alternative energy for example fusion energy.
Also all is going to have electric cars and will probably it can fly or we might teletrasnport from
one place to another.
Supercomputer will be smallest and they can work for us.
In the future is going to be more population but less space so building are going to be more tall
and it might have solar panels in the roof.
Also every house might have a virtual doctor that might tell when you are sick so people will
probably live to 150 years old.
We are going able to communicate by telepathy or doctors might implant chip in our brain
and we will connect us to the internet.
Also in the future we will probably travel o space and live there.

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