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Quarter #4 Book #1

Lock and Key, by Sarah Dessen

Realistic Fiction
I would recoend this book to !irls only" I would only recoend this book to,
because it is, in y o#inion a chic book" But this is a book $or !irls because it has a lot o$
thin!s !irls like in a book, soe roance, and a !irl %Ruby& who wants her inde#endence and
to li'e on her own" (nlike ost books I ha'e read, this one doesn)t really ha'e a twist, which to
e is a little stran!e because I like twists"
* +uote that stood out to e was on #a!e 1,,
By the time Jamie called up the stairs that dinner was ready, I'd decided to leave
that night. It just made sense- there was no need to contaminate their pristine house any
further, or the pretty bed in the in my room. nce everyone was asleep, I'd grab my stuff, slip
out the bac! door, and be on the main road within a few minutes"
-his +uote stood out to e because the house she is in was the #lace e'ery !irl on the
#lanet wants to be" She instead wants to lea'e the #lace where e'ery !irl wants to and ne'er
look back" I think it doesn)t ake sense, because she could li'e a lu.urious li$e in that house,
but instead she wants lea'e"
So, in conclusion I think that I would recoend this book to !irls only"

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