Quiz 2 - Sol

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Quiz 2

COSC650 Computer Networks

Fall 2009
Name ______________________
1. (5 points) Show the NRZ, Manchester, and NRZI encodings for the bit pattern.
Assue that the NRZI si!al starts out low.
!it 1 1 1 " 1 " 1 " " 1 1

&. (5 points) Suppose the fo$$owing se'uence of bits arri(e o(er a $in%)
0 " " 0 " 0 " " " " " 0 " 0 " 0 0 " " " " " " " 0 " " 0 0 " " " " " " 0
Show the resu$ting frae after an* stuffed bits ha(e been reo(ed. Indicare an* error
that ight ha(e been introduced into the frae.
0 " " 0 " 0 " " " " " # " 0 " 0 0 " " " " " " " 0 " " 0 0 " " " " " " 0
+rror eof
,. (5 points) Suppose we want to transit the essage "0"" 00"0 0"00 "0"" and protect
it fro error using the #R#- po$*noia$ .(/) 0 1
2 1

2 1.
1) 3se po$*noia$ $ong di(ision to deterine the essage that shou$d be transitted.
"0"" 00"0 0"00 "0"" "00" 00""
&) Suppose the $eftost bit of the essage is in(erted due to noise on the transission
$in%. 4hat is the resu$t of the recei(er5s #R# ca$cu$ation6 7ow does the recei(er %now
that an error has occurred6
Reainder ) "0"" 0""0 is not 8ero.
9. (- points) #onsider the fo$$owing tie$ine diagra gi(en for the s$iding a$gorith with
S4S 0 R4S 0 9 fraes in the fo$$owing situation.
Assue the recei(er sends a dup$icate ac%now$edgeent if it does not recei(e the
e/pected frae. :or e/ap$e, it sends ;A<&= when it e/pects to see :rae<&= but
recei(es :r<,= instead. A$so, the recei(er sends a $umulati%e a$k!owle&eme!t after
it recei(es a$$ the outstanding fraes. :or e/ap$e, it sends A#><_'a(__= when it
recei(es the $ost frae :r<&= after it a$read* recei(ed :r<,=, :r<9=, and :r<5=. 3se
a tieout inter(a$ of about & 1 R??.
Frm)2* (a) A#><5=
Frm)-* (b) :r<&=
1 R?? Frm).*
/+)2* (c) A#><5=
Frm)5* /+)2*
;raw the arrow $ines, (d) and (e), on
the tie$ine
/+)2* (d) :r<@= and (e) A#><@=

& R??
, R??
9 R??
5. (, points) #onsider the s$iding window a$gorith with S4S0R4S0,, with no outBofB
order arri(a$s, and with infiniteBprecision se'uence nubers. 4hat is the Ma/Se'Nu
for sufficient condition6
@. (9 points) Cist three different ethods for Ac%now$edgeent a$goriths for a re$iab$e
transission of s$iding window a$gorith with their brief e/p$anations.
Negati(e ac%now$edgent
;up$icate ac%now$edgent
Se$ecti(e ac%now$edgent

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