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EDUC 202Class Profile Form

Directions: Complete this form during the first few days of observation. The
cooperating teacher or school counselor may be of assistance in
securing this information.
students name: Rob Nash students school: First colonial
grade/subject: 5th grade cooerating teacher: Tom Stahl
!ist subject "s# that $ill be taught:Three branches of government
%tudent &dentif'ing &nformation: (o$ man'
females males identified gifted disad)antaged
total number of
11 11. 1 0 2 22
%tudent Ethnicit' &nformation: (o$ man'
-e.ican Puerto /ican
3 1 0 1 17 0
%tudent *ge /ange &nformation
numerical age range cogniti)e age range
10 10
0hat secial situations should the intern be a$are of1 if an'1 during the internshi time2
When observing the class the observer shold be ver! a"are of ho" the teacher handles
his class "hen #ids get off tas#.
&n a aragrah or t$o1 reflect uon the information 'ou)e researched abo)e3 (o$ $ill it
affect the learning en)ironment2 (o$ $ill 'ou as an intern ha)e to change 'our teaching
techni4ues or st'le in order to accommodate learning2 0hat is 'our first imression of this
When different children of different ethnic bac#gronds are $t into a class room
together% there is a cltral diversit! and n#ids can learn from eachother.

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