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Introduction to Drilling Technology for Surface Mining

Prof. K. Pathak
Dept. of Mining Engineering,
IIT, Kharagpur-721302
1 Introduction
Drilling is the proess of !aking a hole into a har" surfae #here the length of the hole is $er%
large o!pare" to the "ia!eter. In the onte&t of !ining engineering "rilling refers to !aking
holes into a rok !ass. 'urfae !ining re(uires drilling for different purposes that inlu"e)
1. Pro"ution "rilling i.e. for !aking holes for plae!ent of e&plosi$es for *lasting. The
o*+eti$e of "rilling an" *lasting is to prepare #ell-frag!ente" loose rok a!ena*le to
e&a$ation #ith *etter pro"uti$it% fro! the e&a$ation !ahiner%. The holes "rille" for
this purpose are "efine" as *last hole.
2. E&ploration "rilling for sa!ple olletions to esti!ate the (ualit% an" (uantit% of a
!ineral reser$e. The sa!ples are ollete" as ore an" the "rilling for suh purposes are
referre" as ,ore "rilling. -s "ia!on" *its are use" for suh "rilling, ore "rilling is often
alle" "ia!on" "rilling.
3. Tehnial "rilling "uring "e$elop!ent of a !ine for "rainage, slope sta*ilit% an"
foun"ation testing purposes.
.penast !ining in$ol$es re!o$al of #aste rok an" su*se(uent #inning of the !ineral. In ase
of "eposits un"erl%ing har" an" o!pat #aste rok alle" o$er*ur"en loosening of the rok
!ass is essential prior to e&a$ation. Thus "rilling an" *lasting is the i!portant ground
preparation +o*. /nless the rok !ass is highly weathered an" very much unconsolidated
"rilling of holes for plae!ent of e&plosi$es an" "etonating the! for *lasting is re(uire" for an%
!ining operation. Mo"ern !ahines like ontinuous surfae !iner an ho#e$er eli!inate the
nee" of "rilling an" *lasting in ertain surfae !ining operations.
'uessful "rilling un"er speifi site on"itions re(uires *len"ing !an% tehnologies an"
ser$ies into a oherent effiient tea!, partiularl% if it is for "eep e&ploration "rilling. 0last hole
"rilling is o!parati$el% si!pler. 1o#e$er, to !ini!i2e osts an" opti!i2e the perfor!ane an"
post "rilling operations tehnial !anagers an" "eision !anagers !ust un"erstan" the
language an" tehnolog% of "rilling operations.
This leture o$ers the *asi ele!ents of "rilling to gi$e %ou a goo" un"erstan"ing of the "rilling
proess an" ho# it integrates into the 3o$erall !ining suess3. 4ou #ill learn)
An overview of drilling technology to develop an awareness of the equipment
terminology and operations associated with the drilling process in surface mines.
,lassifiation of "rilling !etho"s
Priniple of rok tool interation in "rilling
Definition an" ter!inolog%
-ppliation of "ifferent "rilling !etho"s
'eletion of "rills
Metho" of !easuring "rilling perfor!anes
0ailing an" hole learane
Measure #hile an" log #hile "rilling
,urrent safet% praties
Drilling tren"s an" ne# tehnolog%
0asi o!!uniations an" super$isor% skills to ensure a safe, effiient
2 Classification of Methods and Machines
Drilling is *asiall% !etho" of penetrating rok. The !ahine that arries out the "rilling
operation is alle" "rill. 5ok an *e penetrate" *% o$ero!ing its resistane to penetrate *%
pro$i"ing e&ternal energ%. Depen"ing on ho# this energ% is i!parte" an" ho# the *roken !ass
pro"ue" *% "rilling is re!o$e" to get ne# surfaes to "rill, the "rilling !etho"s an" the "rill an
*e lassifie" into se$eral ategor%. Ta*le 1 illustrates ho# "rilling an" "rills an *e lassifie"
6igure 1 further gi$es the lassifiation of "rilling !etho"s.
Table 1 ,lassifiation of "rilling an" "rills
Sl No Basis Variants Example
1 Mo"e of energ%
Top 1a!!er
0otto! 1a!!er 7Do#n
the hole ha!!er or DT18
,hurn or a*le tool "rill, +ak ha!!er,
6or shallo# holes, the #hole "rill strings
offer ha!!ering
6or hole larger than 190 !! an" "eeper
holes, offers inrease" ro" an" oupling life
an" less nois%.
5otar% -uger or rotar% "rill,
Dia!on" "rill,
5otar% Perussion DT1, Top ha!!er "rill
2 'i2e of 1ole '!all 1ole 190-200 !! for oal
:arge 1ole 290-319 !! for .0
;er% :arge 1ole < 319 !! for "e#atering #ell
3 Metho" of
1an" hel" =ak 1a!!er
'ki" !ounte"
>agon !ounte" T%pial hole si2e ?3-190 !! 7Perussion8
,ra#ler !ounte" 'ingle pass "rilling fro! 7.? to 19.2 !, hole
si2e 120 to 22@!!7Perussion8
T%pe of po#er Eletri
Pneu!ati :ess ostl%, high noise
1%"rauli Ma% *e "iesel or eletriall% po#ere"
h%"rauliall% operate" an" ontrolle". Ae#
"e$elop!ent, lesser noise
6lushing >et "rilling >ater flushe"
Dr% "rilling -ir flushe"
Diretion ;ertial
.n *oar"
>ith Measure #hile
"rilling 7M>D8 an"
auto!ate" Drill
Monitoring 7-DM8
>ithout !easure #hile
>ith auto!ation
'e!i auto!ati
5e!otel% ontrolle"
The a*o$e !etho"s are "eplo%e" in "rilling. 1o#e$er, one !ust re!e!*er that the "rilling oul"
*e arrie" out pro$i"e" the follo#ing re(uire!ents are fulfille" 7 Bokhale, 20038
1. The "rilling *it !eant for "isintegrating the for!ation !ust *e suffiientl% har" so that it
an "isintegrates the for!ation for a longer perio".
2. The uttings for!e" in the proess of for!ation "isintegration !ust *e taken out of the
hole as soon as possi*le. .ne shoul" a$oi" rushing an" grin"ing of the "rille" hips
insi"e the hole.
3. Drilling tool !ust *e a"$ane" in the inten"e" "iretion of the "rille" hole
C. The hole #alls !ust *e o!petent to a$oi" ollapsing an" *lin"ing of the hole
9. -fter o!pleting the hole the "rilling o!ponents an" the "rill shoul" *e re!o$e" fro!
the plae.
?. The "ust an" noise generate" "uring the "rilling shoul" *e ontaine" as far as pratia*le.
Figure 1 ,lassifiation of Drilling Metho"s
3 Principle of Rock tool interaction in drilling
The priniple of rok "rilling in$ol$es the rok tool interations to !ake a penetration in rok. In
the nor!al "rilling proess !ehanial energ% is "issipate" through a *it to a rok. 0ase" on the
*eha$iors of "rilling s%ste! an" roks the *it respon"s "ifferentl%. The priniple of rok "rilling
is onerne" #ith pro$i"ing a sientifi *asis of suh responses, so that for a gi$en +o* the right
!etho" an *e selete".
Drilling Methods
Conventional Drilling Method Non-Conventional Drilling Method
Rotary Percussive Rotary-Percussive Water Jetting
Cale !ool
!op "ammer
Down-the -"ole
"ammer Drilling
'ull 'ace
(arge Diameter
Rotary drilling
Rotary drilling
)uger drilling
Caly* Drilling
Chemical Drilling !hermal Drilling
Jet Piercing
6or!ation "isintegration in "rilling is !ainl% "ue to !ehanial energ%. 1o#e$er, there
are "rilling tehni(ues in #hih heat energ% or he!ial energ% is use". >ater +et energ%
is also use" in ertain ases for rok "isintegration.
The !ehanial energ% an "isintegrate rok !ass *% rushing, i!pat rushing or
srathing. ,rushing takes plae #hen hea$% an" stea"% fore is e&erte" on the rok !ass
through har" "rilling *it. The resistane to penetration of rok is alle" "rilling strength
or "rilla*ilit% of rok. This is "ifferent fro! other rok properties as it is relate" to
nu!*er of ontrolla*le an" unontrolla*le para!eters.
3.1 Rock Penetration in Percussion Drilling
In perussion "rilling a hisel t%pe or *utton t%pe *it ha!!ers or *lo#s the rok !ass
#hile turning the tool in *et#een t#o suessi$e *lo#s alle" *lo# in"e&ing. -n a&ial
thrust is applie" to keep the *it in ontat #ith the rok #hen the *lo# is applie". The
rok penetration takes plae *eause of for!ation of a rater un"er the ation of the *lo#.
The se(uene of rater for!ation is illustrate" in 6igure 2.
6igure2) 'e(uene of rater for!ation un"er perussi$e "rill
This in$ol$es)
1. The rok is inelastiall% "efor!e", #ith rushing of surfae irregularities
2. 'u*surfae !iro raks for! fro! stress onentrations an" onfine!ent at the *itDrok
interfae enlosing a #e"ge of !aterial, #hih is rushe"
3. 'eon"ar% raks propagate along shear tra+etories to the surfae, for!ing large
frag!ents or hips
C. 0roken partiles are e+ete" *% the re*oun" of the *it an" the leaning ation of an%
irulation flui", resulting in for!ation of rater.
This proess is repeate" at eah *lo# an" "rilling propagates.
3.2 Rotary Drilling
5otar% "rilling uses "ifferent t%pe of rotar% *its like on$entional "rag *it, trione roller *it or
poll%r%sta-lline "ia!on" 7P,D8 *it. Figure 3 illustrates rotar% *its an" their o!ponents. The
priniple of the e&tensi$el% use" trione roller *it is e&plaine" *elo#.
,ones for trione *it for har" rok

,one for trione *it for soft rok
6igure 3 5otar% *its
6igure C sho#s the *asi "esigns of rotar% *its for "ifferent rok for!ations.
6igure C 'eletion of rotar% *it "esign
0iggs an" ,heatha! 71@?@8 E1F onsi"ere" an i"eali2e" "rill *it as t#o "i!ensional #heel an"
hipping ation #as illustrate" as sho#n in 6igure 9 ,heatha! an" Bnirk 71@??8 E2F "eter!ine"
that for pro"uing hips so!e initial penetration D !ust *e there. -s sho#n in the figure D

the thikness of the hip. 6or hipping to our the !a&i!u! *it penetration !ust e&ee" *oth D
an" D

. The hipping ours *et#een a penetrating tooth an" the a"+aent #ith"ra#ing tooth
sho#n as tooth 9 an" ? respeti$el% in the figure. 6urther fritional fores on the #ith"ra#ing
tooth ause tensile stress an" lea"s to a hori2ontal frature at "epth D

*et#een the t#o teeth.

6raturing ours #hen
1. the penetrating tooth reahes a "epth e(ual to or greater than *oth D an" D

2. The #ith"ra#ing tooth has risen to a "epth D

or less.
Thus the hipping is result of rotation of roller un"er a&ial thrust.

3 4
, 5
, ,
, -
, .
, /
, 0
+ d e a l i s e d d r i l l i t
3 4
, 5
, ,
, -
, .
, /
, 0
+ d e a l i s e d d r i l l i t
3 4
, 5
, ,
, -
, .
, /
, 0
+ d e a l i s e d d r i l l i t

D 6 + n i t i a l p e n e t r a t i o n
6 ! h i c 7 n e s s o f t h e c h i p
m a *
6 M a * i m u m P e n e t r a t i o n
W i t h d r a w i n g t o o t h
P e n e t r a t i n g t o o t h
D c
m a *
' r a c t u r i n g o c c u r s w h e n
, . t h e p e n e t r a t i n g t o o t h r e a c h e s a d e p t h e 8 u a l t o o r g r e a t e r t h a n o t h D a n d D
- . ! h e w i t h d r a w i n g t o o t h h a s r i s e n t o a d e o t h D
o r l e s s .

D 6 + n i t i a l p e n e t r a t i o n
6 ! h i c 7 n e s s o f t h e c h i p
m a *
6 M a * i m u m P e n e t r a t i o n
W i t h d r a w i n g t o o t h
P e n e t r a t i n g t o o t h
D c
m a *
W i t h d r a w i n g t o o t h
P e n e t r a t i n g t o o t h
D c
m a *
' r a c t u r i n g o c c u r s w h e n
, . t h e p e n e t r a t i n g t o o t h r e a c h e s a d e p t h e 8 u a l t o o r g r e a t e r t h a n o t h D a n d D
- . ! h e w i t h d r a w i n g t o o t h h a s r i s e n t o a d e o t h D
o r l e s s .

6igure 9 5ok tool interation in rotar% "rilling

! I " T # R $ S T
% & o r p e n e t r a t i o n '
! I " T ( R ) $ *
% & o r S h e a r i n g '
+ i t & a c e
R o l l i n g R e s i s t a n c e
! I " T # R $ S T
% & o r p e n e t r a t i o n '
! I " T ( R ) $ *
% & o r S h e a r i n g '
+ i t & a c e
R o l l i n g R e s i s t a n c e
Figure 6: 6ores on a roller *it
The tor(ue applie" to the *it !akes the *it to interat #ith the rok !ass to o$ero!e the *it fae
rolling resistane as sho#n in 6igure ?. The total tor(ue re(uire" to rotate the *it un"er an a&ial
thrust to get a penetration "epen"s on the rok t%pe.
The *it perfor!ane "epen"s on use of "rill, *it "esign an" rok properties. It #as o*ser$e"
7Pathak, 1@G@8E3F the life of *it #as unpre"ita*le, though '!ith Bruner *it use" to gi$e longer
Table 2 :ife of "ifferent t%pes of 0it at =a%ant .,P
'l. Ao. Make 0it Au!*er 'i2e !! Drill Mahine Total !eter
1 1K 317 311 ?0-5-0E 9271
2 II- 290 IDM-; 23GG
3 >IDI- ;G721G2 290 IDM-; 1909
C II- 290 IDM-;I 1C1C
9 >IDI- ;G721G1 290 IDM-I; 1071
? '!ith Bruner 0=CCG02 290 @?29
7 '!ith Bruner 19G KK 311 ?05-0E 111C1
G '!ith Bruner 0=CCG9@ 290 10?@9
.ne of the fators that influene the perfor!ane of "rill *it is the si2e an" t%pe of *earings. The
latter ha$e to #ithstan" $arious fores-longitu"inal, ra"ial, tangential, shok an" $i*ration. The
longer the *earing, the !ore apa*le for #ithstan"ing these fores. :arge "ia!eter *its ha$e
larger *earings.
0its for soft for!ations generall% nee" !ore roo! for the teeth as the% ha$e less spae for
*earings. 0earings !a% fail if !ore #eight is applie" n *it. The !a&i!u! #eight that an *e
applie" on a *it $aries greatl%. .n the *asis of a stu"% *% Ingersol 5an", /'- the !a&i!u! a&ial
thrust on *it for longer *it life is sho#n in Ta*le 3 *elo#)
Table 3 0it "ia!eter an" #eight on *it
Bit Dia.
mm (in!es"
#eig!t on Bit
$g( lb"
1?@ 7
13, ?00 730,0008
1GC 7
19,@00 739,0008
200 7
20,C00 7C9,0008
22@ 778 29,000 799,0008
291 27,200 7?0,0008
27,200 7?0,0008
311 7
C0,G00 7@0,0008
3G1 7198 C@,@00 7110,0008
>hile anal%2ing the perfor!ane of a *it the effet of nu!*er of teeth on the ones is also to *e
onsi"ere". The re(uire" nu!*er of teeth an" their spaing "epen"s on the rok for!ation. 6or
stronger for!ation shorter teeth #ith higher "ensit% are use". 'ine the teeth are shorter the net
failure !o!ent at the *ase of the teeth is less. -lso !ore teeth at hole *otto! !eans !ore steel
to pro$i"e resistane to #ear.

a. a*rasion phase *. fatigue phase . ,hipping out ". spalling
e. E&essi$e pressure
Figure %: 5ok failure un"er rotar% "rilling
6igure 7 sho#s the "ifferent t%pes of rok failure un"er trione *it. The first phase of rok failure
un"er trione roller *it is the abrasion failure. This is result of insuffiient a&ial thrust on the *it.
The inserts or the teeth are ontating the rok un"er $er% lo# a&ial thrust. The uttings in this
ase are $er% fine. Thus if %ou are getting $er% fine uttings one possi*le reason !a% *e
insuffiient a&ial thrust.
In the seon" ase the rotational spee" is sa!e as in the pre$ious ase *ut a higher a&ial thrust
has *een applie" to the *it. The a""itional fore auses inrease" penetration of the inserts into
the for!ation #ithout atual failure of the rok. This phase is ter!e" as fatigue failure an" an
*e inferre" fro! the uttings #hih #ill *e a !i&ture of s!all hips an" a high perentage of
fines. Though rok failure an *e ao!plishe" #ith this t%pe of loa"ing an" insert penetration, it
!a% re(uire !an% i!pats on the for!ation to ause the rok to fail. The penetration rate #ill *e
onsi"era*l% less than "esire".
In the thir" ase un"er the sa!e rotational spee" suffiient a&ial thrust has *een applie" on the *it
for !ost effeti$e insert penetration for the partiular rok !ass.
The figure for spalling of rok is un"er proper loa"ing. ,hips are re!o$e" *% irulating air
allo#ing the *it to a"$ane. This on"ition #ill gi$e !a&i!u! penetration rate an" the uttings
#ill ha$e !ore hips an" less fines.
/n"er excessive axial thrust the *it #ill #ear faster. These ases are "esri*e" in 6igure 7
3.3 IDC Code for Rotary +it
International -ssoiation for Drilling ,ontrators 7I-D,8 has for!ulate" a four "igit o"e for
speif%ing the trione rotar% *it. 6irst "igit of the o"e represents t%pe of *it an" for!ation
har"ness for #hih the *it is suita*le, 2
"igit in"iates for #hih for!ation the *it is suita*le, 3
"igit e&presses the t%pe of *earing use" in the *it. -ll the first 3 "igits are nu!eral #hereas the
"igit fro! the left is an alpha*et an" in"iates e&tra features in the *it. ;arious nu!eral o"es
are gi$en in 6igure G.
Figure &: I-D, o"ing for rotar% trione *it
, sse-.lies in Rotary +last #ole Drill
The rotar% *last hole "rills are onsist of nu!*er of o!ponents. There are so!e asse!*lies that
are "iretl% or in"iretl% in$ol$e" in the "rilling proess an" so!e are essential for *etter
perfor!ane. These pri!ar% asse!*lies an" au&iliar% failities of a rotar% *last hole rig are
!entione" in the Ta*le C *elo#.
Table 'a Pri!ar% asse!*lies in a rotar% "rill rig
'l Ao -sse!*l% Purpose
1 Mast i. To ao!!o"ate the rotar% hea" an" ena*le its up an" "o#n
translator% !otion
ii. To ao!!o"ate the pipe hanger
iii. To support the o!ponents that !o$e the pipe hanger in "esire"
i$. To support the o!ponents that ena*le !aking an" *reaking tool
2 5o" ,hanger i. To hol" the "rill pipes #hile the% are not *eing use" in the "rill
ii. -o!!o"ate the o!ponents that ena*le loking an"
unloking of the "rill pipes
3 5otar% 1ea" i. To ao!!o"ate all o!ponents for trans!itting the rotar%
!otion #ith "esire" tor(ue at "esire" spee"s to the "rill pipes.
ii. To ao!!o"ate the h%"rauli or eletri !otors that generate
rotar% !otion
iii. To ao!!o"ate the o!ponents that fasten the rotar% hea" to
the pull "o#n !ehanis!
C Pull Do#n
To e&ert the neessar% "o#n#ar" or up#ar" fore on the rotar% hea" in
the !ast
9 -ir
To suppl% "esire" $olu!e of o!presse" air at the "esire" pressure
? Drill Pipes To trans!it the pull"o#n fore an" rotar% spee" an" tor(ue to the "rill
7 1%"rauli
To trans!it energ% fro! !ehanial or eletrial for! to h%"rauli for!
an" thus generate "esire" h%"rauli flo# at "esire" h%"rauli pressure
G Dust Duting To pre$ent !i&ing of the "ust #ith at!osphere *% !eans of a hoo"
aroun" the *last hole an" "ust "uting
@ Dust
To filter the "ust to the "esire" le$el fro! the "ust la"en air reei$er
through the "ust "uting
10 Pri!e !o$er To at as !ain soure of po#er an" gi$e "esire" (uantit% of po#er to
$arious o!ponents for "rilling or tra$eling operations
11 Drill fra!e
12 .perators ,a* i. To allo# a "riller an" helper to properl% sit an" ontrol the "rill
ii. To ao!!o"ate all the o!ponents an" instru!ent for
ontrolling the "rilling an" tra$el operations
iii. To gi$e "esire" protetion to the operator fro! heat or ol", rain
an" falling o*+ets or fl%roks
i$. To properl% plae annuniation panel for in"iating e(uip!ent
Table 'b -u&iliar% failities in the rotar% *last hole "rill
'l Ao -sse!*l% Purpose
1 Piping To allo# flo# of o!presse" air , h%"rauli oil, foa! or #ater
2 6uel Tank To ao!!o"ate "esire" (uantit% of fuel oil for onsu!ption o$er "esire"
ti!e perio"
3 1%"rauli
To ao!!o"ate "esire" (uantit% of h%"rauli oil
C ,a*ling To allo# flo# of high $oltage eletri urrent for eletri "rills
9 ,a*le reel To ena*le auto!ati #in"ing an" un#in"ing of the eletri a*le #hile the
"rill is !o$ing
? :ighting
To generate lo# $oltage eletriit% for the purpose of pro$i"ing "esire"
lighting in an" aroun" the "rill
7 >iring To allo# flo# of lo# $oltage urrent to "esire" points
G :ights To illu!inate the "rill an" the "rilling site to "esire" le$el
@ :u*riating
oil Tank
To ao!!o"ate "esire" le$el of lu*riating oil
10 :u*e oil
To arr% "esire" (uantit% of lu*riating oil to the o!ponents that nee" to
*e lu*riate"
11 Mahiner%
To guar" the asse!*lies !ounte" on the !ain fra!e fro! rain, sun ra%s an"
12 -ir
To ontrol the te!perature of the interior of the operators a*
/ #ole Cleaning and +ailing 0elocities
6or effiient "rilling an" higher penetration rate the hips are to *e re!o$e" as soon the% are
pro"ue". -ir flushing is nor!all% use" in *last hole "rilling. The return air $eloit% in the hole
$aries aor"ing to the "rilling on"itions i.e. #eight of uttings, hole "epth, a!ount of !oisture
enountere" in the hole et. -s a thu!* rule it #as onsi"ere" that 9000 feet per !in i.e. 192C
D!in represents a !ini!u! $alue.
6or *etter perfor!ane of the "rill #hen hea$% uttings result fro! the "rilling operation, or
e&essi$e hole "epth or un"er high !oisture ontent, higher return $eloities are re(uire".
0ailing $eloit% an *e "eter!ine" fro! the follo#ing for!ula)
>here, 0;H *ailing $eloit% in feetD!in
,6MH air fee" in u*i feet per !in
-H area of annulus, s(uare inh
The *ailing $eloit% an *e "eter!ine" using the no!ogra! gi$en in 6igure @ *elo#.
Figure ( Deter!ination of *ailing $eloit%
>hile "rilling a ?.9 inh hole using C.9 inh "rill pipe #ith C90 ,6M air $olu!e passing through
the annulus. -s sho#n in the "otte" line, %ou start !o$ing up fro! the hole "ia!eter a&is to !eet
the pipe si2e 7 as sho#n in -8. ,o!e "o#n fro! the annulus air $olu!e rate 7top 8 C90 ,6M.
Mo$ing hori2ontall% fro! - #ill !eet the line at 0. This orrespon"s to *ailing $eloit% near
C000 6PM.
The irulation air as "rilling flui" !e"iu! has t#o pri!ar% funtions
,ooling of the *it
5e!o$al of the uttings fro! the hole
The o!presse" air fro! the o!pressor is arrie" through the !ast stan" pipe, hose, s#i$el an"
tool string to the *it. There is su""en release of pressure as the air lea$es the *it, this auses
onsi"era*le "rop of the te!perature of the air aroun" the *it.
-nnular $eloit% is "eter!ine" to alulate the air (uantit% for the utting re!o$al. The annular
$eloit% "epen"s on the hole "ia!eter, "rill pipe outer "ia!eter an" air (uantit%.
6or !a&i!i2ing the up#ar" air $eloit% for a gi$en (uantit% of air, the annular area *et#een the
hole #all an" the "rill pipe shoul" *e !ini!i2e". 1o#e$er, the linear gap *et#een the hole #all
an" the "rill pipe shoul" *e suffiient to per!it the free up#ar" flo# of utting hips. This
learane #ill "epen" on the hip si2eI ho#e$er, the !ini!u! learane shoul" *e 7 !!. If the
learane is not suffiient to allo# free flo# of hips an" leaning of the hole is not effeti$e, it
!a% "a!age the "rill ste!. Thus it is neessar% to esti!ate the opti!al uphole air $eloit% for
effeti$e hip re!o$al. It is reo!!en"e" to use air $eloities fro! 1200 !D!in to 2900 !D!in
"epen"ing on the rok t%pe *eing "rille". :o#er $alues shoul" *e utili2e" for "rilling through
soils an" soft roks an" higher $alues for har"er roks. The air (uantit% re(uire" an *e
alulate" as)
( )
2 2
10 C

p h

JH -ir (uantit% in the annular spae, !
H 1ole "ia!eter, !!
H .uter "ia!eter of "rill ste!, !!
;H air $eloit% in the annular spae, !D!in
)ir *ressure:
6or on$entional rotar% "rilling upto "epth of G0 ! the air pressure is not $er% high. 3.9 kgD!
!a% *e suffiient. In DT1 the penetration rate is proportional to the air pressure in e&plorator%
"rilling pressure upto 2C kgD!
has *een trie". ,o!!onl%, use" DT1 #ork at 7.9 kgD!
Seletion o+ ,ompressor
The pressure rating an" air $olu!es re(uire" for an% partiular "rilling operation #ill "eter!ine
the !ost t%pe of o!pressor nee"e". >here the "e!an" for o!presse" air is relati$el% s!all
an" inter!ittent, o!pressors of reiproating t%pe shoul" *e e!plo%e" onsi"ering eono!%.
>here "e!an" is ontinuous effiient o!pressor like $ane or sre# t%pe !a% *e the hoie
though the% are ostl%.
6or the purpose of "rilling *last holes rotar% an" rotar%-perussi$e "rilling are often use". 6or
very hard formations and abrasive formations the rotarypercussive drills are proved to be a
better choice. 1o#e$er, in most strata conditions rotary drills are extensively used.
1ar"er for!ations nor!all% re(uire speial t%pes of *its #ith !e"iu! an" har" steel teeth or
tungsten ar*i"e inserts. In ase of perussi$e "rilling the penetration rate "ereases #ith
inrease in hole "ia!eter an" inrease in rok strength. The "ia!eter of the hole in perussi$e
"rilling is kept #ithin a li!it of 22G !! or @inhes. The ha!!er operating pressure is nor!all%
aroun" 0.7MPa. 1o#e$er, inreasing it to 1.7 Mpa 7290 psi8 ertain !anufaturer has lai!e" to
get "ou*le the penetration rate. Aor!all%, the h%"rauli perussi$e "rill offer a 20 to 100K gain
in the penetration rate.
The !o"ern hydraulically operated drills have number of advantages over pneumatic drills.
These are)
1. The self ontaine" "iesel po#ere" h%"rauli perussi$e "rills "o not re(uire au&iliar%
o!pressor for "rill operation.
2. Energ% "eli$ere" per stroke *eing higher, h%"rauli perussi$e "rills offer higher
penetration rate o!pare" to the pneu!ati "rill.
3. :ess nois%
C. Man% h%"rauli "rill lai!s enenrg% sa$ing as high as ??K than pneu!ati "rilling.
9. Mahine #ear an" *it #ear is less o!pare" to the pneu!ati "rills.
?. The in$est!ent ost on h%"rauli "rill is generall% higher *% a*out 27K. 1o#e$er, the
energ% ost , "rill steel ost an" o$erall operating ost are lai!e" to *e 2CK, G?K an"
7?K less respeti$el%.
;ertial *last holes are !ost o!!on. 1o#e$er, to a$oi" for!ation of har" toes an" to o*tain
*etter frag!entation an" re"ue" $i*ration le$el inline" *last holes are !ore useful in !an%
situations. - har" strata ourring at "epth in the lo#er hori2on of a high *enh is *etter *laste"
*% hori2ontal *last holes. 1o#e$er, hori2ontal "rilling is not nor!all% arrie" out in openast
!ining "ue to the "iffiulties assoiate" #ith "rilling an" harging.
1 &actors ffecting Drilling
The perfor!ane of "rills are affete" *% fators relate" to $arious aspets of "rilling as sho#n in
the Ta*le 9)
Ta*le 9) 6ators affeting "rilling perfor!ane
'l Ao ,ategor% 6ators
1 .perating
Drill 1. Drill po#er
2. Drill Thrust
3. Drill Tor(ue
C. Drill 5otar% 'pee"
9. 0lo# energ%
?. 0lo# fre(uen%
5o" 1. 5o" "i!ensions
2. 5o" Beo!etr%
3. Material Properties
0it 1. 0it "ia!eter
2. 0it geo!etr%
3. Material Properties
,irulation 6lui" 1. 6lui" flo# rate
2. 6lui" properties
2 Drill 1ole 6ator 1ole
1. 'i2e
2. Depth
3. Inlination
3 5ok fators Material
1. 5esistane to penetration
2. Porosit%
3. Moisture ontent
C. Densit%
9. 'hore har"ness
?. o!pressi$e strength
7. ,oeffiient of rok strength
G. 'peifi energ% onsu!ption
for "rilling
1. Petrologi an" strutural
2. 6ratures
3. 6ol"s
C. 6aults
9. =oints
?. 5ok!ass o!position
'tate of stress 1. In situ pressures
2. Pore pressure
C =o* or ser$ie
1. :a*our (ualit%
2. super$ision (ualit%
3. 'ale of .perations
C. Po#er a$aila*ilit%
9. >eather on"itions
'ite fators an"
+o* site on"itions
1. nature an" sope of task,
2. ahie$e!ent targets, #orking
3. site lighting on"itions,
C. "efets on e(uip!ent, ha2ar"s
9. oor"ination
The !ost o!!on "ia!eters for *last hole a"opte" in In"ian open ast oal !ines are 190-200
!! for oal *enhes an" 290 !! for o$er*ur"en *enhes. 6or high "ragline *enhes *last holes
of "ia!eter 319 !! are "rille". The opti!al penetration rate in "rilling *last holes *% a
partiular *it si2e "epen"s on appropriate pull "o#n fore neessar% for the rok t%pes *eing
"rille". Ta*le ? sho#s appro&i!ate pull "o#n fore re(uire" for !e"iu! har" on"itions. 6igure
10 an" 11 sho# the perfor!ane of "rill in In"ian oal !easure roks.
Table 6 Pull "o#n fore 7Kg8 for *last hole "rilling.
5ok T%pe 0it Dia!eter
200 !! 290 !! 300 !!
'hale 10G00 1G?00 27300
'an"stone 11700 20C00 2@700
:i!estone 12300 21900 31000
Beneral 5eo!!en"ation for *etter "rilling perfor!ane)
1. Drill at !ini!u! *ailing $eloit% of 192C !D!in
2. -fter eah hole, the *it shoul" *e inspete" to ensure that all the ones are at the sa!e
te!perature. .ne e&essi$el% hot one usuall% in"iates o*strution of air passage to the
3. -ir $al$e shoul" *e full% opene" *efore rotating *it an" are kept on #hile the *it is
C. The *it an" the "rill steel shoul" not *e "roppe" to a$o" "a!a!ge of ones or *earings
9. The *it shoul" ne$er *e fore" into soft, loose for!ations faster than the leaning of the
hole *% the irulating air. .perating the *it #hile *urie" un"er for!ation uttings to lok
#hen uttings an ause *earings to lok #hen uttings !a% *e fi&e" insi"e the one.
Figure 10 Perfor!ane of rotar% *last hole "rill 7Pathak, 1@G@8
Figure 11 Perfor!ane un"er "ifferent initial *it #ear.
It an *e note" that )
1. The penetration rate generall% inreases #ith inrease f a&ial thrust. 1o#e$er, *e%on" a
ertain li!it the "rilling is affete" *% e&essi$e $i*ration set in. This li!it is "epen"ent
on the "ia!eter of the *it, the "rill spee" an" the #ear state of the *it as #ell as the
for!ation t%pe.
2. The penetration rate an go "o#n *% 90K for a @2K hange in the initial *it #ear.

1.1 Perfor-ance Measure-ent
Drilling perfor!ane is nor!all% !easure" in ter!s of)
1. Energ% or po#er re(uire!ent
2. 5ate of penetration ahie$e"
3. 0it #ear per !eter "rille"
C. ,ost of "rilling
The for!ulae use" for the !easure!ents are sho#n in the follo#ing Ta*le 7)
Table % 6or!ulae for perfor!ane !easure!ent
'%ste! 6or!ulae 5eferene
1 Perussi$e
0lo# Energ%) EH1D2 !$
Po#er PH 0E H >:
#here !) piston !assH>Dg
$) piston i!pat $eloit%
) onstantH0.3 to 0.9& 10
>) piston #eight
:) piston stroke
0) 0lo# fre(uen%
if p) gauge pressure
E p an" P p
an" 0

if a) area of ross setion of the piston
* p
/ #

>ells 71@908,
Pflei"er an"
:aa*anne, 1@?1
2 5otar% Energ% 7#ork per re$olution8 EHE
#here E
H Thrust energ% an" E
is rotational energ%
H 6h L2T
Teale , 1@?9
The thrust
o!ponent *eing
s!all is often
neglete" 75o#lan",
#here 6) Thrust, T) Tor(ue, h) "epth of penetration per
re$olution H5DA, 5 is rate of penetration, A is rotar%
Po#er P H P
H 65 L2AT
3 5otar%
'peifi energ% onsu!ption7e8 per unit $olu!e "rille".
; is th e$olu!e of rok, - is area of ross setion of
; is proportional to E, energ% applie"
Perussion 1. Drilling 5ate, 5H 0ED7-e8


is the $olu!e *roken per utting e"ge an" n is the

nu!*er of *it utting e"ge, e is speifi energ%. e an" ;

are to *e "eter!ine" e&peri!entall%.
1art!an, 1@9@I
Mauer, 1@?7
5otar% 1.
rH effeti$e *it ra"ius
5otar% "rag *it,
Mauer 1@?7
2. "rag *it,
Tan"anan", 1@73
Bn V
F Ae

F Ae

8 ot7 2
H angle of utting frition
H rake angle of *it
is the nu!*er of tooth i!pats per re$olution, ; is
$olu!e *roken per utting e"ge
0it #ear affets the perfor!ane of "rilling. Pathak 71@G@8 esta*lishe" that the *it #ear is relate"
to the grain si2e of the rok as #ell as other rok properties an" operating para!eters of the "rill.
The *it #ear !ehanis! an" #ear rate is not preisel% kno#n. 1o#e$er, it is #ell o*ser$e" that
#ear of perussi$e an" rotar% "rills are influene" *% nu!*er of fators as sho#n in the Tta*le G
Table & 6ators that affet the perfor!ane of "rill
T%pe of Driling Diretl% Proportional In$ersel% Proportional
Perussi$e 1. 0lo# energ%
2. 6lui" $isosit%
3. 5ok har"ness
1. ,utting e"ge angle
2. Au!*er of e"ges
3. 0it har"ness
C. 6lui" flo# rate
5otar% 1. Thrust
2. 5otar% 'pee"
3. 5ok 1ar"ness
1. 0it utting angle
2. 0it har"ness
3. 6lui" flo# rate
6ro! the *it #ear stu"% it #as esta*lishe" that "rag *it "rills are useful onl% in soft an" !e"iu!
har" rok. 6or !e"iu! an" har" rok rotar%-perussi$e an" roller utter *it "rilling are effeti$e.
>hile for $er% har" roks onl% perussi$e "rills are effeti$e.
2 Selection of Drilling Method and Drilling *3ecution
'eletion of !ahine for pro"ution "rilling alls for %our 0alue 1u2gement. ,app 71@?28
suggeste" the follo#ing steps as gui"e to selet the right "rill)
# n V
t c
1. Deter!ine the +o* fators)
i. :a*or an" skill a$aila*ilit%
ii. 'ite on"itions. 6ro! this one #ill speif% if the site preparation for "rilling #ill nee"
a flat surfae or inline" surfae
iii. >eather
i$. 'afet% 5e(uire!ents
$. Po#er a$aila*ilit%
2. Define =o* .*+eti$es of rok *reakage $is a $is relationship #ith other pro"ution %le
operations) ,learl% state)
i. E&a$ation onstrints an" restritions
ii. 1aulage onstraints an" restritions
iii. Pit slope sta*ilit% an" pit geo!etr%
i$. ,rushing apait% for si2e an" rate
$. Pro"ution targets
$i. 6rag!entation "e!an"e"
$ii. Mukpile through e&pete"
$iii. Broun" $i*rations restritions
3. Design the "rill hole pattern that #oul" *e use. This #ill *e *ase" on the *lasting
re(uire!ents. The pattern #ill onsists of)
i. 1ole si2e
ii. 1ole "epth
iii. 1ole inlination
i$. 0ur"en
$. 'paing
$i. Toe 0ur"en
C. Deter!ine the "rilla*ilit% fator an" selet suita*le "rill
-n approah for seleting suita*le "rill is to fin" the "rilla*ilit% of the rok un"er "ifferent
"rilling !etho". - gui"eline is sho#n in 6igure 12 *elo#)
Figure 12 'eletion of "rill 7after K. MBregor, Drilling of 5ok, 1@?7 ,5 0ooks :t",
9. 'peif% .perating on"itions) The "rill seletion shoul" *e "one #ith the "rill
!anufaturer an" the operating $aria*les shoul" *e properl% "efine" onsi"ering the site
on"itions. 6or this the safet% infor!ation an" proe"ures #ill ha$e to *e learnt fro! the
legislation an" regulations, rele$ant In"ian an" International 'tan"ar"s. Manage!ent
plans, !anager3s rules, o!pan%3s poli%, o"e of pratie, e(uip!ent !anufaturers
instrutions an" safe +o* proe"ures #ill ha$e to *e referre" to speif% the operating
on"itions an" #ork instrutions. The nee"s for positioning infor!ation through BP',
1ole"i a HC.9 5.,K I gneous Meta!or phi 'e"i!enta r% Bneiss,J uart2ite, 'his tet. 'lat e,Ph%llite et. 'oft5ok 'hale, 6ria*le: i!e't. 1ar"5o k, , ar*ona e ous :i!e't . ,o!pat 5ok Mg:i!e 't. 6ria *le5ok P isolite , la%an"' hale Juarr% #iths!all o utput J uarr% orgro upof(uarri es #ithlarg e output Juarr%#i ths!all outp ut ;er%l argehole re( uire" Me "iu!an" s! all hole r e(uire" 'eon "ar% "ril ls Pri!ar% "rillsC.9 inhhole "iaMC .9inhhole "ia 5ok-*ras i$e 5 ok Aon--* rasi$e 5ok- *rasi$e 5okAon --*rasi$e 5ok- *rasi$e 5okA on --*rasi$e 1ole "iaM3 1ole"iaH3. C :o# .utput 1igh.utpu t Per . Dril l 5 ot -Per.Drill 5eas ona*le Dril ling on"ition1ar"D rilling on" ition :ightDT1 :.P 1.P1ea$%DT1 0a" Drilling o n"ition Bo o" Drilling on"ition 0a " Drilling on"ition 5oller0it5ot.Drill :ig ht DT 1 D rag 0 it5ot. D rill Per.Drill 5oller0it5ot.DrillDrag 0it5 ot. Drill
"rill hole on"ition infor!ation through *ore hole a!era, hole "epth !easure!ents, "ust
suppression re(uire!ents shoul" *e assesse".
?. Deter!ine ,oor"ination 5e(uire!ents) 6or the "rilling operations it !a% *e neessar% to
oor"inate #ith the eletrial "epart!ent to arrange for eletri suppl% through trailing
a*le. There #ill *e neessit% for site preparation e(uip!ent like "o2ers or gra"er, it !a%
also re(uire #ater truk to suppl% #ater for #et hole "rilling, ser$ie $ehiles, ranes an"
floats !a% also *e neessar% "epen"ing on the site on"itions. The !anager !ust
oor"inate these nee"s in onsultation #ith the "rilling in harge.
7. Esti!ate Perfor!ane para!eters. This #ill inlu"e)
i. Esti!ations of !ahine a$aila*ilit%
ii. Esti!ation of ost of operations
iii. Deter!ination of speifiations of po#er soure use"
i$. I"entifiation of ost ite!s like *it, oil an" lu*riants
$. Deter!ination of "epreiation, la*or ost, !aintenane ost, po#er ost, *it osts,
spare osts
$i. 'elet a s%ste! on the *asis of opti!al ost, an" !a&i!u! safe operation.
G. Monitoring of .perations)
i. Drill operations !onitoring inlu"es !onitoring of rotation an" pull-"o#n pressures,
ii. Monitoring the status of the gauges, alar!s an" other #arning "e$ies
iii. Inspeting the on"itions of the ro"s, *its an" assoiate" e(uip!ent for ensuring
opti!al perfor!ane.
4 S-all dia-eter .lasthole drill
It is neessar% for "rifting in un"ergroun" an" for s!all si2e *lasts in surfae !ines.
This is *asiall% a pneu!atiall% operate" perussion "rill of top ha!!er t%pe. DT1 an also *e
use". ,rater is for!e" *% the *lo# of the "rill steel an" the "e*ris for!e" is re!o$e" *% the
flushing air an" ne# surfae is i!pate" to !ake progress in "rilling the re(uire" hole.
The "rilling re(uires the "rill rig an" the o!pressor. The o!ponents of the "rill rig are sho#n
in 6igure 13 *elo#)
6igure 13 I,M "rill
This light #eight "rill is easil% !aneu$era*le an" easil% positione" for "rilling $ertial, angular
or hori2ontal holes. The operations are h%"rauliall% ontrolle". It to#s its o#n o!pressor for
The o!ponents of this are)
1. 5otar% 1ea") ,o!prises of a h%"rauli !otor an" a suk asse!*l% to hol" the "rill pipes
2. 6ee" !otor) To appl% an a&ial thrust on the *it through the "rill ro" *% ha$ing a hain
fee" !ehanis!.
3. Drill gui"e to position the "rill ro" an" *it at proper angle to !ake $ertial or angular
C. Drill pipe or "rill ro") - tu*ular ro" #ith a entral hole to sen" o!presse" air an" !ale
an" fe!ale en"s for onneting to the ne&t ro" an" to the suk of the rotar% hea".
9. 1a!!er) It is a pneu!atiall% ating ha!!er. >hen the o!presse" air is entere" in this
$al$e release" pressure energ% to a piston to *lo# the *it onnete" to it pro$i"e the
i!pat on the rok !ass.
?. Drill *it) It is tungsten ar*i"e *utton insert *it onnete" to the ha!!er.
7. /n"erarriage or ra#ler unit #hih allo#s the "rill to *e propelle".
G. Propel ontrol $al$e for releasing the h%"rauli to po#er the h%"rauli !otor to "ri$e the
@. Propulsion Motor is the h%"rauli !otor that pro$i"es the po#er to propel the !ahine.
10. 1%"rauli ontrol unit ha$ing pressure regulator for rotation of the "ri$e hea", pressure
regulator for the ontrol of the fee" !otor, *lo# $al$es, h%"rauli ontrol, rotation
ontrol an" fee" ontrol
5 Manage-ent of Drilling (peration
>hat shoul" %ou "o #hile planning an" preparing for the "rilling +o*N
1. 4ou !a% ha$e to learn the #ork re(uire!ents fro! the pre$ious shift operations.
4our !ine !ight *e ha$ing presri*e" for! for shift *riefing. In those for! %ou
!a% get han"o$er "etails fro! the pre$ious shift. In ertain #ork ulture, there
!a% *e !essaging through #ireless o!!uniation s%ste! or telephones. -ll
suh instrutions #ritten or $er*al !ust *e o*taine", learl% interprete" an"
larifie" *efore proee"ing to the "rilling +o*.
2. 6or the "rilling +o* #ith ulti!ate o*+eti$e of (ualit% ontrol of 5.M, the
geologial an" sur$e% infor!ation shoul" *e aessi*le. >hile follo#ing the site
proe"ure those infor!ation shoul" *e interprete" an" applie".
3. Depen"ing on the site, e(uip!ent an" speifi operations planne" safet%
infor!ation an" proe"ures !a% $ar%. The "rilling operation e&euti$es !ust
ha$e aess to these infor!ation an" the% !ust appl% the! throughout the #ork.
i. This infor!ation !a% *e #hat the noise le$el of the !ahine is an" #hat
is the safe e&posure li!itN 6or e&a!ple the !anager shoul" kno# the
per!issi*le noise le$els as sho#n in Ta*le @ *elo#
Table () Per!issi*le noise e&posure 7after .'1-, 1@7G8.
Duration3 4r S*.3 2B) (Slo5"
G @0
? @2
C @9
3 @7
2 100
1.9 102
1 109
0.9 110
ii. 'i!ilarl% he shoul" kno# ho# the si2e of *lasts affets groun" $i*ration
an" #hat are the safe $i*ration le$els for the partiular site.
C. E$er% !ine "e$elops their o#n safet% infor!ation an" proe"ures. The "rilling
e&euti$e !ust ollet an" appl% those proe"ures through out his #ork #hile
onstantl% e&a!ining if the% are a"e(uate an" nee"s !o"ifiations
9. The "rill site shoul" *e #ell e&a!ine" an" proure the re(uire" tools an" !an
po#er for preparing the site for "rilling.
?. The "rill pattern is "esigne" as per the tehnial re(uire!ents of the o$erall
!ining. The "rilling personnel nee" to get this "rill pattern an" auratel% !ark
the "rilling pattern. Mo"ern e(uip!ent an" ontrol tehnolog% an auto!ate the
"rilling !ahine to !o$e to su*se(uent holes *ase" on the instrute" pattern.
0etter "rilling !anage!ent in$ol$es the follo#ing)
Planning for surfae *last hole "rilling
'et up an" on"ut of surfae *last hole "rilling
5eloation of "rilling e(uip!ent
0asi !aintenane of the e(uip!ent in the #ork site
Maintaining safet% an" (ualit% #ork stan"ar"s in site operations
4.1 Drilling Proper
The e&at "rilling operation is arrie" out *% the "rill operator. Man% a ti!es he !a% not *e
a#are of the tehnial re(uire!ent of speifi "rilling +o*. Thus it is $er% essential that he is
properl% instrute" an" his +o* is oor"inate" #ith the other operations like *len"ing an"
rela!ation in site. 6urther the "rilling inharge !ust *e areful to)
1. follo# the instrutions an" proe"ures presri*e" *% the e(uip!ent supplier in
operations like pre start, start up an" shut "o#n of the !ahines
2. The "rill !ust *e positione" an" le$ele" aor"ing to pattern #hile taking are of
the trailing a*le, e"ge learane, *enh sta*ilit% in the site et.
3. The "rill operator shoul" *e traine" to use the !onitoring instru!entations in the
C. 0ase" on the site on"itions an" the selete" e(uip!ent there !a% *e ertain
preautions an" speifi ations neessar%. The "rilling in-harge !ust kno# an"
i!ple!ent those.
9. The "rilling personnel !ust ha$e kno#le"ge of the ha2ar"ous an" e!ergen%
situations. .n suh situations the "rilling personnel !ust follo# the stipulate"
ations lai" out *% the !anufaturer of the !ahine or a"opte" *% the !ines
#ithout an% pani.
?. Drilling operations shoul" *e properl% logge". >hene$er, there is no !easure
#hile "rilling s%ste! are installe" lose o*ser$ations of the operating para!eters
an" reor"ing in the log*ook as !uh "etaile" as possi*le shoul" *e pratie".
5eor"ing re(uire!ents are nor!all% "itate" *% site on"itions.
7. -s far as pratia*le the operations shoul" *e arrie" out as per the agree" plans
#ithout o$erloa"ing the e(uip!ent in an% for!.
4.2 Drill Relocations
It !a% *e essential to !arh the "rilling !ahine fro! one loation to another. 'uh re(uire!ent
!a% arise in ore !ining for !aintaining the gra"e of the 5.M *% *len"ing output fro! "ifferent
2ones. The reloation !a% *e *% #alking, "ri$ing, to#ing, transporting or floating. >hene$er suh
situation arises, the "rilling re# shoul" onsi"er the follo#ing)
1. Properl% inspet the site an" ollet the loation an" route plan fro! the
2. 6or !arhing the !ahine site preparation #ork shoul" *e arrie" out #ith
proper oor"ination #ith other #orking unit like i$il onstrution, if
a$aila*le. If the "rill is an eletriall% operate" "rill, it !a% *e neessar% to
reloate the suppl% kiosk an" a*le han"ling. Depen"ing on the loation there
!a% *e re(uire!ents for onstrution of ra!ps, ul$erts et. 'uh #ork
shoul" *e planne" *eforehan" an" logistis shoul" *e arrange" #ith pre-
thoughts to eli!inate a$oi"a*le "ela%s.
3. There !a% *e regulator% o!pliane to fulfill #hile han"ling a*les, la%ing
out ra!ps or roa"s. If so that shoul" *e gi$en priorit%.
C. .$erall arrange!ents for "rilling !a% re(uire ser$ies fro! other onerne"
"epart!ents like !aintenane an" eletrial suppl%. 6or the suess of
operations proper oor"ination #ill *e essential.
9. Prior to reloation an" after reloation ertain inspetions of the !ahine !a%
*e presri*e" *% the !anufaturers. That shoul" *e stritl% follo#e". - hek
list of suh inspetion shoul" *e rea"il% a$aila*le to the super$isor.
4.3 (peration and Maintenance
The "rilling personnel shoul" ortho"o&l% follo# the operating !anual of the !ahine pro$i"e"
*% the !anufaturer. 'o!e i!portant points regar"ing operation an" !aintenane are)
1. The "rilling personnel shoul" ha$e enough e&posure to the !anufaturerOs
instrution for operation an" !aintenane.
2. The !ine !ight ha$e "e$elope" ertain housekeeping nor!. In a*sene of
suh nor!s, the tehnial offiers an take up proper faultfin"ing
!etho"olog% #hene$er suh nee" arises an" shoul" "ou!ent the! for
future referene.
3. The !anufaturers nor!all% pro$i"e routine tests an" ser$ies gui"eline.
'uh gui"eline shoul" *e follo#e" #ithout failure.
C. In ase of !a+or failure of the !ahine or !a+or repair #ork , the
!anufaturerOs presene !a% *e e&pete" for "e$eloping future
9. Depen"ing on the si2e of operation, !aintenane organi2ation an" s%ste!
shoul" *e preplanne".
?. Proper operational reor"s shoul" pro$i"e input for operation ontrol
7. Proper oor"ination of #orkshop personnel, storage ontrol et #oul" *e
4., Co-petency ssess-ent
-s a !anager of the !ines an" in harge of "rilling operation it is i!portant to kno# ho# to
+u"ge o!peten% of the persons in$ol$e" in the "rilling operations. The follo#ing
onsi"erations !a% *e use" to +u"ge "rilling o!peten%)
a. -ppl%ing personal an" operational safet% proe"ures in$ol$e" in "rilling
*. Interpreting an" o!!uniating infor!ation on "rilling operations
. Kno#le"ge of the re(uire!ents in "rill site preparation an" e&euting the!
". ,o!pleting "rill e(uip!ent pre-start, start-up an" shut-"o#n proe"ures at e$er%
"rilling operations
e. .peration of the "rill 7s%ste!8
f. ,o!pletion of "rilling to patternDspeifiation
g. Effiient reloating an" positioning of "rills
h. Kno#le"ge of !aintenane nee"s an" organi2ing "rill !aintenane
i. ,apa*ilit% of olleting, anal%2ing an" organi2ing i"eas an" infor!ation.
+. Effiien% in o!!uniating i"eas an" infor!ation.
k. 'kill in planning an" organi2ing ati$ities.
l. -ttitu"es an" ease in #orking #ith others an" in tea!s.
!. -pproah an" a*ilit% to sol$e pro*le!s.
n. /sing !athe!atial i"eas an" tehni(ues as #ell as latest te!nolog6.
4./ 6hat a Drilling (peration In7charge -ust do
1. Plan an" prepare for operations)
i. 6or this the engineer shoul" *e pro$i"e" #ith infor!ation regar"ing legislati$e
re(uire!ents, site re(uire!ents *ase" on the geo-tehnial an" geo-!ining
on"itions, re(uire!ents suggeste" *% the !anufature of the "eplo%e"
e(uip!ent as #ell as the re(uire!ents for the esta*lishe" proe"ure for the +o*.
The offier !ust *e a*le to interpret an" larif% these re(uire!ents
ii. 6or the satisfator% o!pletion of the +o* the offier !ust speif% the #ork
re(uire!ents like the target to *e ahie$e", the t%pe of tools an" #orker he #ill
re(uire an" he !ust un"erstan" ho# to alloate those re(uire!ents at proper ti!e
an" at proper loation.
iii. The offier shoul" ha$e aess to the geologial an" sur$e% "ata an" he !ust
kno# ho# to interpret these "ata an" appl% the kno#le"ge in fiel". This is
i!portant for the "rilling engineer to kno# ho# his "rilling pattern an" "rilling
se(uene ontri*ute to the (ualit% an" gra"e ontrol.
i$. The offier !ust inspet the #ork area an" prepare it if neessar% prior to
!o*ili2ing e&at "rilling operation.
$. The offier !ust i"entif%, !anage an" report potential hazards and risks in
aor"ane #ith legislative, site and manufacturers requirements and
$i. The "rilling offier !ust un"erstan" the links of his +o* #ith the other operations
in the !ine an" !ust oor"inate his re(uire!ents #ith others. 5esol$ing
oor"ination re(uire!ents is $er% i!portant for o$erall pro"uti$it%.
$ii. The "rilling offierDin-harge like an% other +o* -in harge !ust *e $er% areful
regar"ing the proteti$e e(uip!net #ith "ue onsi"eration of the site
re(uire!ents an" proe"ural "e!an"s.
18 Safety at Drilling (perations
The ha2ar"s an" risks are in$ol$e" in "rilling !ainl% "ue to the follo#ing)
Aoise 7hearing8) the "rilling operations nor!all% pro"ue higher le$el of noise. The
operator an" helper !ust use personnel proteti$e e(uip!ent as presri*e" *% the
!anufaturer of the "rill or the !ine !anage!ent.
E&plosi$es !aterial) Drilling is follo#e" *% *lasting an" the "rilling personnel !ust *e
a#are of e&plosi$e risks.
0urst hoses) the !ahine o!prises of h%"rauli an" pneu!ati hose ppes. The% !ust *e
properl% !aintaine" an" replae" after presri*e" use. -i"ental *ursting !a% ause
-ir an" hoses) The "rilling personnel !ust *e a#are f the high pressure lines an" the
risks to #ork #ith the!.
,ouplings) The ouplings at "rill ro"s are not suppose" to *reak, ho#e$er, poor
#ork!anship !a% lea" to i!proper oupling that get "islo"ge" #hile operation !a%
reate serious in+ur% to !en or !ahine.
,o!presse" air) -ll the preautions to #ork #ith o!presse"
Dust) "usts an ause lung "isease as #ell as inon$eniene in #orking. Dust olletor
failities in the "rill !ust *e #ell !aintaine".
:oose lothing) Ao person #ith loose gar!ent shoul" *e allo#e" to #ork #ith the "rill.
Pre-start heks shoul" *e on"ute" ortho"o&% "uring e$er% starting in aor"ane #ith
speifie" re(uire!ents partiularl% #ith respet to the o!pressor, "rill rig an" the
onsu!a*les. Broun" area shoul" *e heke" to ensure #orking on"itions o!pl% #ith
speifie" re(uire!ents.
-t the "rill #ork site #hile #orking inspetions !ust *e on"ute" to kno# if there is
an% !isfires an" ol" e&plosi$es in the site as #ell as the high #all sta*ilit% to ensure a
partiular position of the "rill is safe.
-ll preautions presri*e" *% the !anufaturer an" nor!s suggeste" at the !ine shoul"
*e follo#e" "uring tra!!ing the "rill to the *enh, !o$ing it into position, starting up
an" running to operating state, an" positioning to the le$ele" position using the +aks.

11 Monitoring of drilling conditions
>hile on"uting the "rilling operation one !ust !onitor the follo#ing)
P Instru!ent rea"ings.
P Penetration rate.
P 5eplae!ent nee"s for ro"s.
P -""ing ro"s.
P DustDen$iron!ental re(uire!ents.
P ,hippings (ualit%.
P 'tatus of #ater in hole.
P ,raks, faults in the rok !ass.
P ,on"itions of the #ork area.
P Illu!ination stan"ar"s 7night #ork8.
18.1 Measure 9hile drilling
Drilling opti!i2ation is possi*le *% ontrolling the operating para!eters to !ath #ith the geo-
!ehanial an" strutural properties of the rok !ass *eing "rille". Measure Q>hile QDrilling
7M>D8 is the proess to generate "ata for auto!atiall% or !anuall% ontrolling the operation
para!eters of a "rill. During the operation of a "rill the operator nee"s to a"+ust pull "o#n
pressure 7i.e. the a&ial thrust on the *it8, rotar% spee" an" *ailing air pressure an" $eloit%
"epen"ing on the strata enountere".
Mo"ern "rills like 0E ?05 or ?1 5 inorporates M>D s%ste!. This s%ste! o!prises of an
eletroni *lak *o& inorporating sophistiate" trans"uers an" urrent li!it "e$ies #hih fee"
*ak "rill perfor!ane "ata to a entral ontroller. The s%ste! #oul" respon" to the !onitore"
signal #hen preset "rilling an" !ahine para!eters #ere e&ee"e", through a"+ust!ents to "o#n
fee", rotar% spee" an" flushing rate.
'i!ilar s%ste!s #ere also "e$elope" *% Bar"ner Dene$er for their BD-120D130 rotar% *last hole
"rills an" Marion for their MC an" M9 ra#ler rigs. The s%ste! inorporate" in Marion also
ontrols *% !easuring #hile "rilling. It ontrols the para!eters of "o#n pressure, *ailing air
pressure an" rotar% spee". :i!its for eah of these are preset into the s%ste! an" are "eter!ine"
*ase" on groun" on"itions, pro+ete" rotar% *it life an" "esire" rate of penetration.
;ariations in the penetration rate are "ue to the hanging nature of the rok *eing "rille", *ut
!a% also reflet hanges in the operating skill of the "rill i.e. the ontrol of pull "o#n pressure
an" rotar% spee". ;ariations in the rotar% tor(ue in"iate $er% learl% the presene of strong or
#eak rok units in a !anner si!ilar to the penetration rate. ;ariations !a% *e "ue to hange in
"o#n pressure an" rotar% spee", #hih an *e onfir!e" *% e&a!ination of the "rilling reor"s.
In general, at onstant or set "o#n pressureI tor(ue inrease ours for stronger roks i.e
san"stone #hilst "erease in"iates #eak roks like !u"stone, oal or #eathere" roks. Thus,
!easuring-#hile-"rilling pro$i"es *etter ontrol of the !ahine as #ell as i!portant
geotehnial infor!ation for other !ining operations.
12 Pro.le-s of Drilling
The pro*le!s that !a% our "uring "rilling inlu"e)
0it stuk.
0roken *it 7tungsten ar*i"e8.
5o"s stuk that #onOt separate.
5o"s *roken
.ther pro*le!s assoiate" are)
E&essi$e noise
E&essi$e "ust generation
E&essi$e *it #ear rate
Poor penetration rate
Pro*le! of flushing
>all ollapse "uring "rilling
>ater in the hole
12.1 Drilling 4a7ar2
0last hole flushing *% air ren"ers the operators an" his assistant e&pose" to air*orne respira*le
r%stalline silia "ust. This !a% in"ue lung "isease like siliosis. -s the "rilling proess itself
generate" "usts an" "usts are e!itte" at a spee" fro! the "rille" hole, it !a% *e "iffiult to
ontain the "ust at soure. Aor!all%, fi&e" shrou"s are use" to enlose the area *eneath the "rill
"ek. 1o#e$er, there are often signifiant a!ount of leakage "ue to)
18 Baps *et#een the shrou" an" groun" reate" *% raisingDle$eling the "rill,
28 Baps in the orner sea!s, an"
38 Torn "ek shrou"s.
C8 :ess attention to keep it fi&e".
Most "ek shrou"s are retangular an" onstrute" of four separate piees of ru**er *elting
attahe" to the "ek. 0eause of this "esign, there is usuall% a signifiant a!ount of "ust
esaping fro! the open sea!s as #ell as the open area *et#een the shrou" an" the groun". This
"ust an *e a signifiant soure of silia e&posure to "rill operators as #ell as other personnel
"o#n#in" of the "rill.
Figure 1'. Dr% "ust olletion s%ste! for *last hole "rill) irular "ek shrou".
Figure 1-. Drill operator at the ontrol panel.
To i!pro$e the effiien% of the "ust suppression irular "ek shrou"s are "esigne". This ne#
shrou" is irular an" slightl% onial in "esign an" is #ithout an% open sea!s. 'teel *an"ing is
use" to attah the shrou" to the *otto! of the "rill "ek an" lose the one sea!. The shrou" is
apa*le of *eing h%"rauliall% raise" to nearl% flush #ith the "rill "ek an" lo#ere" to !ake
ontat #ith the groun" after raising an" le$eling the "rill. - steel *an" is attahe" to the *otto!
of the shrou" to !aintain shape as #ell as to pro$i"e #eight for lo#ering. 'heet ru**er !aterial,
#hih is thinner than !aterial t%piall% use" for "ek shrou"s, is use" for fle&i*ilit%. .peration is
ao!plishe" *% gui"e #ires attahe" to the *otto! steel *an" an" a h%"rauli %lin"er. The
%lin"er is ontrolle" *% a han" $al$e loate" near the other "rill ontrols. The shrou" has a
s!all trap "oor #hih an *e !anuall% raise"Dlo#ere" so that the uttings an *e sho$ele" fro!
insi"e the shrou" #ithout losing "ust apture effiien%. 'uh inno$ati$e "esigns an re"ue "ust
e!ission fro! surfae !ines onsi"era*l%
13 Conclusion
In this leture $arious aspets of *last hole "rilling tehnolog% are intro"ue". 0asi issues for
i!pro$ing the "rilling operations are *riefl% "isusse". The "rilling an" *lasting eono!is #ill
ha$e to *e looke" together. In the follo#ing leture #e #ill "isuss the *lasting in surfae !ines.
E1F 0iggs, M. D. an" ,heatha!, =. 0. 1@?@, Theoretial fores for presri*e" !otion of a roller *it,
'o. .f Petro. Engr, =l, De 1@?@, p.C73.
E2F ,heatha!, =. 0. =r an" Bnirk, P. 6., 1@?? T1 !ehanis of rok failure assoiate" #ith "rilling at
"epth, Pro. G
'%!p on rok !ehanis, /ni$ of Minota.
E3F Pathak, K, 1@G@ Effet of operating para!eters an" rok for!ation t%pe on rotar% *last-hole "rill
perfor!ane, M. Teh Thesis, Dept. of Mining Engineering, I'M, Dhan*a" p.37
ECF Bokhale, 0. ;. 2003, 0lasthole Drilling Tehnolog%, Pu*lisher) Multifiel"s, Mu!*ai, p. 3

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