Grade Level: 8 Date: 20/3/2014 Subject Matter: Math Term: 3 Number of Periods: 1 Title: Statistics Pre-Requisites

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Grade Level: 8 Date: 20/3/2014

Subject Matter: math Term: 3

Number of periods: 1
Title: Statistics
Addition Rounding Estimating
Lesson 1 (Hands On Model Subtraction from 2,000 )
Lesson 2 (Estimate Differences)
The most obvious rationale behind statistics is how much it is related to our daily life and important for
researches student do at schools.

General objective (aim): students will be able to:
Display the da in a fequncy polygon
Collect, analyze, and interpret data

Specific objectives (learning outcomes):
Skill: Students will be able to:
set a data.
analyze a data.
identify frequencies and mode.
Name: Omar barbarji
Global University
Teaching of science

Education Department
Template Lesson Plan

calculate mean and median.
Draw the frequency polygon

Instructional Procedures:

Materials needed: laptop speakers over head projector board markers powerpoint presentaton

Planned beginning:
Hello class, today we will learn more about statistics. First, let me share the objectives with you. I tell
them the objectives orally. After that, I start by asking the students to prepare their books and copy
books to start the new lesson. My explanation is provided in a powerpoint presentaton.

I will distribute cards for students containing different numbers and then I will ask them to tell me what
is the number each one got as away to write all the data on the board. Then I will introduce the concept
of frequency and let them relate this to our example (ex: how much does number 1 repeated on the
board) . After that, I will explain the concepts of median, mode, and mean, and let the students
provide the answers. Then, I will introduce the frequency polygon for them and give hm exrea exercies
to solve.

Name: Omar barbarji
Global University
Teaching of science

Education Department
Template Lesson Plan

As a closure, I will present a video the students that sammarizes tsome rules from the lesson with
providing extra exampleson each.

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