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Essay title: To what extent can Social Networking Sites (SNSs) be beneficial to individuals who use

Paragraph Main Point(s) Supporting Points
(statistics, ideas from other writers,
evidence, examples, quotations,
experience etc)
(to show where the support came
SNS Socializing (+ve aspects). SNS can
enhance social interaction between people
2009-2010 online socializing inc. 43%
SNS provides diff. media to communicate (e.g.
instant messaging, public/private bulletin boards,
internet phone services)
Friend-recommendation engine helps individuals
meet new friends, based on school attended,
current location, similar interest group
Dyrud (2011:475)
Kim et al (2010:219)

SNS Socializing (-ve aspects) risks associated
with socialising
Acc. to online research 72% of 12-17 yr. olds
bullied online in USA
Cyberbullying main concern for teenagers leads to
psychosocial consequences e.g. depression,
anxiety, severe isolation and tragically suicide
Individuals using SNS spending hours alone may
Livingstone + Brake (2010:79)
OKeefe + Clarke-Pearson (2011: 801)
Henty et al (2011:71)
have little physical interaction in real life
BUT poss. if parents control Int. use, SNS
Children becoming more sociable.
SNS + Education (+ve aspects) can help
users to attain formal/informal learning
Live connection through SNS est. supportive
campus env. by sending instant messages + using
easy-to-update programs
SNS users can org. info. interchange beyond
Can be part of social activities students can use
wall function of Facebook to respond
to/present ?s re. studies
Students use this type of learning more likely to
achieve educ. aims
Lester + Perini (2010:71)
Wodzicki et al (2010:10)
Lester + Perini (2010:72)

SNS + Education (-ve aspects) Inappropriate content. Acc to The UK Children
Go Online survey of 9-19 yr.olds:
57% had seen online pornography,
31% violence
11% racist content
31% had accepted sexual comments
28% had sent unrequested sexual materials
Livingstone + Brake (2010:78)
Digital footprints can affect future reputation
e.g. posting inappropriate content may affect
success with job applications
Excessive use of SNS leads to shortened attention
spans leads to reduced educ. potential
OKeefe + Clarke-Pearson (2011:802)
Greenfield, 2009, cited by Fletcher and
Matthews (2011; 126)
SNS + Work (+ve aspects) Employees can post co. products, photos/videos
on Facebook/Twitter sites. Therefore can
advertise co. products/services + manage rel. with
customers at same time
Job seekers can add co. web pages/job info.
groups, send ?s, post app., accept job/internship
Using SNS helps people to improve computer
skills inc. essential skill, esp. jobs needing
tech./networking skills
Kim et al (2010:219); Smith + Kidder
Smith + Kidder (2010:494)

SNS + Work (-ve aspects) Employers may choose wrong person bec. indiv
has exaggerated on app. forms
People using SNS at work can infect colleagues
computers w. viruses + can reveal passwords
become targets of spammers/phishing
Smith + Kidder (2010:495)
Kim et al (2010:219)

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