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EDUC 202 Class Profile Form

Directions: Complete this form during the first few days of observation. The cooperating
teacher or school counselor may be of assistance in securing this information.
students name: Charles W Best IV students school: First Colonial High School

grade/subject: 5
cooperating teacher: L

List subject (s) that will be taught: Launguage Arts

Student Identifying Information: How many
females males identified gifted disadvantaged
total number of
12 9 N/A N/A 2 21

Student Ethnicity Information: How many
Mexican Puerto Rican Caucasian/White other
7 0 1 1 12 0

Student Age Range Information
numerical age range cognitive age range
9-11 concrete operational (7-11)

What special situations should the intern be aware of, if any, during the internship time?

Conflict between individual students

In a paragraph or two, reflect upon the information youve researched above. How will it affect the
learning environment? How will you as an intern have to change your teaching techniques or style
in order to accommodate learning? What is your first impression of this class?

In this classroom the number of females greatly exceeded the number of males. If I were teaching
I would make it a point to avoid bia.

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

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