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Jia Sun
Lynda Haas
Writing 39B
June 2, 2014
Thesis and One Paragraph Revision (RAEssay)
However, this convention has been twisted a little to adapt to the current society in recent
years. In order to attract more and more modern audience, the Sherlock story has been revised in
the BBC series and film version of Sherlock Holmes. Romantic element is blended into the great
detective stories since todays audience tends to be more interested in the emotional life of the
great detective.

Holmes is portrayed as having no romantic relationships in the original Conan Doyle
stories; however, arguable elements are blended in modern-day BBC series, Sherlock, directed
by Steven Moffat. It provides the audience enough room to imagine the emotional life of the
great detective.

A Scandal in Belgravia, the 4
episode in BBC series, Sherlock provides the
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audience with an opportunity to enjoy the modern-day Holmes story with their own
interpretations of the great detectives romantic relationship. The strange actions of Sherlock
demonstrate that he is a little sentimental after he knows the death of Irene Alder. This scene
shows a series of abnormal actions of Holmes after he knows the death of Irene Adler. HeHolmes
walks out the morgue of Bartholomews hospital silently and quickly when he recognizes the
dead body of Irene. Without saying a word, he just faces to the outside of the Bartholomews
hospital. The composition of this scene is specially made in postproduction; therefore, the
audience can only see his Holmess back from the small window in the door. Sherlocks
Holmess back is put on the right corner of the whole screen, and all the rest is filled with black.
The composition of this frame It gives the audience the feeling that they are looking through the
window and creates the depressing atmosphere expresses the depressive mood to them. In
addition, the high conreast lighting here, which shows the extreme comparison of the two parts
of the screen, indicates the serious mood of the main character. Sherlocks composition for
violin, which usually helps him to think, seems to contain his feeling of sadness; maybe he even
does not notice it. Mrs. Hudson takes away the food that Sherlock did not eat and says that she
has not heard this song before. At the beginning of this scene, the producer uses the diegetic
sound leads the audience into the scene and uses a full shot to shows Sherlocks back. This time
the composition of this scene is completely different from the morgue one. Sherlock is putted in
the middle of the whole screen, and the surroundings are all still life. The main purpose of this
specific composition is to let the audience pay more attention to the musical passage that
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Sherlock is playing since it expresses a sense of sorrow. Compared to the previous two songs he
played, God Save the Queen and We Wish You a Merry Christmas, it is obvious for the
audience to feel the difference of his mood from the two kinds of sounds. Those clues not only
make the relationship of Sherlock and Irene become more vague to the audience, but also bring a
brand-new feeling to them when they are watching the intense detective stories.
Meanwhile, there is no background music; therefore, the silence emphasizes the sudden jarring
noise when Mycroft gets out of the morgue and closes the door. Holmes feels surprised and asks
why when Mycroft passes a cigarette to him since they are not allowed smoking indoors.
Mycroft replies: Merry Christmas, but there can be another guess that he tries to let his
younger brother feel better. After Sherlock accepted his brothers cigarette, he takes a deep drag
on the cigarette and then puffs the smoke out. The extreme close shot here clearly shows the
series of facial expressions of Holmes. He frowns when he lights the cigarette, but looks very
relaxed after he puffs. It gives the audience a sense that Holmes releases the sadness of Irenes
death into the air and then comes back to the case. Although the story never tells the exact
feeling of Holmes through his words, the audience can use their imagination to take a bold guess
with their own understanding. In Neil Genzlingers review of Sherlock, Holmes and Watson,
Back to Bantering, he asks: she (Irene Adler) gives Holmes an eyeful in their first meeting, and
he is smitten. Or is he (1). It is hard to define whether Ms. Adler is special enough to Holmes or
not since he does not stop cracking the passcode of the phone at the end of this story, which
helps him defeat her. But those clues of their dubious behaviors not only make the relationship of
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Holmes and Adler become more vague to the audience, but also bring a brand-new feeling to
them when they are watching the intense detective stories.
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