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Some scholars such as Maria Konnikova and T.J. Binyon, believe that
Sherlock made a good example of what a good detective should be like; in other
words, Holmes is the standard model for the detectives, both in novels and reality.
Other scholars like, Christopher Keep and Don Randall assert that the Holmes
characteristics, and especially his addiction, mirrors the real situation of the British
Empire at the time.
Literal scholars believe that the reason of why the stories of Sherlock Holmes are still
popular among countless detective stories is that Sherlock Holmes unique
characteristicincredibly intelligent and righteous, attracts readers attention greatly.
The most important achievement of Sherlock Holmes was the discovery of
three important elements for a qualified detective, and he set a standard for a good
detective. The three elements are observation, deduction and knowledge, which first
appeared in Conan Doyles novel, The Sign of Four. In Conan Doyles stories,
Sherlock Holmes is the genius who possesses plenty of knowledge which helps him to
solve cases. Scholar Leroy Lad Panek asserts that Here he embodies everyones
fantasy of being accomplished without effort, and the very fact that Holmes is an
expert without working at it and is able to snap out of lassitude into action also
contributes to our estimation of his genius (93). People envy his intelligence since
there is almost nothing he cannot accomplish; and that mostly because of the fact that
he is a genius. The fact is undeniable, especially when it comes to his most favorite
thinginvestigating cases. Holmes concludes that there are three necessities for a
qualified detectiveobservation, knowledge and deduction (221). In the bookDoyles
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stories, Watson iswas not a professional detective as SherlockHolmes, so when he
triesed to help HolmesSherlock to investigate the case, he canould only find those
clues which were are obvious to see. However, Sherlock Holmes collectesd all clues
including those which wereare tiny or hidden. A simple example from A Scandal in
Bohemia, a short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is that when Holmes asks the
number of steps that led up from the hall to the room, Watson fails to give the correct
answer even though he sees the stairs for hundreds of times. Unlike Watson, Holmes
not only sees, but also observes; Holmes notices every tiny object and remembers it.
He then analyzes them and makes inferences about the truth with his knowledgethis
process is deduction. He then analyzed them and made inferences about the truth. He
tellsold Watson when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains,
HOWEVER IMPROBABLE, must be the truth.(811) In many cases, his thoughts
and inferences turned out to be exactly the truth. Just like what Binyon, T.J. wrote in
Murder Will Out, It is remarkable, therefore, how seldom Holmess inferences
or deductionsprove incorrect. (11). Similarly with scholar Panek, Binyon also
agrees that Holmes ability to solve cases is unbeatable and impressive. His idea of
the three elements assist people to solve cases even today, which make people
worship his talent and ability. Besides the three elements, Sherlock used unique
methods to solve cases and his methods proved to be helpful till now. In order to
chase the criminals in The Sign of Four, he examined the footprint and handwriting
script, used a dog to chasing the smell, pretended to be an old man to collect
information and found help with the Baker Street Irregular. According to the book
How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes, written by Maria Konnikova, His explanations,
his methodology, his entire approach to thought presaged developments in
psychology and neuroscience that occurred over hundred years after his birthan d
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over eighty years after his creators birth (12). Sherlocks method promoted the
development of many scientific areas and had a significant positive effect on them. In
addition, Konnikova asserts that Sherlock had a unique thinking, which was different
with other detectives; this helped him to develop his own methods of solving
problems. It is not difficult to find the unbeatable status of Sherlock in the detective
area from Marias comment; otherwise, his methods would never be mentioned again.
Similarly, both Maria and Binyon had the same opinion that Sherlock Holmes
contributed to the detective area a lot and he was no doubt to become the most
influential detective in the world. Because of Holmes characteristic of super
intelligent, it makes more sense to let Sherlock Holmes be the most professional and
popular detective in the world. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New

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