Pomoćni Glagol 'To Have' + Past Participle Glavnog Glagola

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Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense ( Sadanje Sloeno Vreme )

Nain graenja:

Pomoni glagol 'To have' + Past participle glavnog glagola.
Kod pravilnih glagola proli particip gradimo tako to na infinitiv dodajemo nastavak -ed ( worked,
studied...) Nepravilni glagoli imaju poseban past participle koji se mora nauiti napamet
(went,spoken, seen...) dakle koristimo tredu kolonu iz tabele neprevilnih glagola.

Prouite ovaj primer :

Tom is looking for his keys. He can't find it.
He has lost his keys.
He has lost his keys. To znai : Skoro je izgubio kljueve i jo uvek ne moe da ih nae

Have/Has lost je Present Perfect

Jednina :

- I have watched
- You have watched
- He has watched
- She has watched
- It has watched

Mnoina :

- We have watched
- You have watched
- They have watched

Oblici :

Present perfect koristimo :

Da opiemo radnju u neodreenoj prolosti.
Takoe koristimo ovo vreme da opiemo radnju ili stanje koje je pocelo u prolosti a nastavlja se u
Tom has worked in Italy since 2006 (and he still work there)
He hasn't smoked for two years. ( and he still doesn't smoke)
They have lived here for 5 years. (and they still live there)
You don't need your key. I've already opened the door ( and it's still open )

Sa prilozima kao to su ever, already,never,recently, yet,just...
She has never been in Spain.
My friend has been very busy recently.
Da opiemo radnju koja se desila u prolosti a tano vreme nam nije bitno:
They have watched this movie.
She has lost her keys.
Tom has changed his job.
Da govorimo o radnji koja se u skorije vreme zavrila:
Sarah has just washed her hair
We have just finished our lunch

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