The Game Plan

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Actually to start of with, this is my first

scribble thing and im here to write about the

execution of my first schedule plan for the
preparation of CAT.
Actually switching from GATE to crack CAT looks quite
insane. too had the feeling initially but being in the start of
it, i really feel this is my piece of cake.!ets discuss about
this later in the forthcoming writings.
n my opinion , "o matter what you plan ,
you will always end up with excuses.#ut the first
day was quite satisfying.
planned the schedule with a sudden lit of my
mind,while tra$elling from Cmbt to Trichy in a %ETC. The
consecuti$e day i landed up late so i didnt do
much.&oreo$er i was tired because of the pain in my left
thigh which started after a hea$y sleep after ha$ing a
hea$y meal last noon.
After returning from the firm, i was obsessed with the
plan.Took a bath and started with the no$el T'E ()& and
read it for an hour.(ollowed by %ectional test in Time
website and read the facts pdf of testfunda.%ince there
was no power at the time of start of my preparation i felt to
let it go.#esides, tried to catch the guy who brings food at
door step , the phone was not responding.%hit*
n the middle Guhan called up and asked for an out for
dinner.%o, went along with him and +radeep and came
after a long chat at ,- ,..As usual, slept in the morning till
/ and rushed to catch the bus."ext time complete stick to
the plan , no aberrance. This was the thought ho$ering
around my mind.

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