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Dear Parents and Students,
Have you filled a bucket today? The concept of bucket filling comes from
the popular childrens book series Bucket Filling by Carol cCloud! The concept
is based around filling your o"n or someone elses bucket by doing simple acts of
kindness for someone else! #t could be a simple act of helping a friend or using
positive behavior! $s a "hole, School %ell has decided to become a bucket filling
school! &e "ant to encourage our students to use positive behavior and be
thoughtful in their actions! 'ach class "ill have their o"n bo"l to fill each day and
the entire school "ill have one large bucket that students "ill "ork to"ards filling
up! 'very time a student or group of students are observed being good listeners,
cleaning up, being good hall "alkers, being kind to other friends, or displaying
positive behaviors, a cotton ball "ill be added to the class bucket! $t the end of
each day, each class "ill take their bucket and add their cotton balls to the school
bucket! &hen the school bucket is full "e "ill have a special re"ard for the
students! &e "ill then start over and "ork to"ards filling the school bucket again!
(ur hope is to encourage our students to find happiness and )oy "hen
helping others in filling their buckets! #f you have any *uestions or concerns,
please feel free to talk "ith your childs teacher! &e hope to have the support of
our families as "e begin our )ourney of filling our bucket+
Thank ,ou,
School %ell Staff

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