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Course Outline:

Semester, ASY 2014-15 Atty. Bernabe L. Figueroa III
I. General Principles (Arts. 774-782)
A. Definition
1. Succession (Art. 774)
Cases: Atun vs. Nunez - 87 P 762757
Ledesma vs. Mclachlin - 66 P 547
Uson vs. Del Rosario - 92 P 530
Rodriguez vs. Borja - 17 S 418
Chavez vs. IAC - Nov. 8, 1990
2. Decedent and Testator (Art. 775)
3. Kinds (Arts. 778,779,780)
4. Inheritance (Arts. 776,781)
Cases: Lao vs. Dee - January 23, 1952, 90 P 868
Lintoja vs. Montilla - January 21, 1952, 90 P
Carillo vs. Salak de Paz - 91 P 265
Hemady vs. Luzon Surety - 100 P 388
Conde vs. Abaya - 13 P 249

B. When succession occurs (Art. 777)
Cases: Ibarle vs. Po - 92 P 721
Osorio vs. Osorio - 41 P 531
Ramirez vs. Baltazar - 22 S 918
De Borja vs. Mencias - 21 S 1133

C. Kinds of Successors: heirs, devisees, legatees (Art. 782)
Cases: Neri vs. Akutin - 74 P 185
Baranda vs. Baranda - May 20, 1987
Balais vs. Balis - 159 S 47

II. Testamentary Succession
A. Wills
1. In General
Case: Rivera vs. Palmori - 40 P 105
a.) Definition and characteristics (Arts. 783-787)
Case: Montinola vs. Herbosa - 3 CA Rep. (2
S) p. 377
Merza vs. Porras - 93 P 142
(i) Act of making a will a strictly personal act ( Arts. 784-785, 787)
Case: Testate Estate of Fr. Aranas-Castaneda vs. Alemany
May 29, 1987
3 P 426
(a) Exception (Art. 786)
(ii) Rules of Construction and Interpretation (Arts. 788-794)
(iii) Law Governing Formal Validity (Art. 795)
Case: Miciano vs. Brimo - 50 P 867

2. Testamentary Capacity and Intent (Arts. 796-803)
a.) Age Requirement (Art. 797)
b.) Soundness of Mind (Arts. 798-801)
(i) When Testator is to be deemed of sound mind
(ii) Presumptions
(iii) Supervening Incapacity
Cases: Bugnao vs. Ubag - 14 P 163
Neyra vs. Neyra - 76 P 296
Torres vs. Lopez - 48 P 772
In Re: Will of Bilbao - 87 P 114
Reyes vs. Zuniga - 91 P 126
Alsua-Betts vs. CA - 92 S 332

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