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CMPF 124 Basic Skills for Knowledge


Lab 3 Introduction to Windows Operating Systems
Overview of Windows Software
By the end of the workshop you should be able to understand: -
What is Windows Software
How to make full use of Windows Software
Launc(ing an )pp*ication +otepad
Launching the Notepad Application
! "f necessary# start Windows!
$! %lick the Start button!
&! 'oint to 'rograms on the Start menu# point to Accessories on the 'rogram
submenu# and click Notepad on the Accessories submenu! (he )ntitled *
Notepad window displays and an insertion point +flashing ,ertical line-
displaying in the blank area below the menu bar!
%reating a .ocument )sing Notepad
! (ype (oday/s Homework * (uesday and then press 0N(01 key twice!
$! (ype ! Algebra * %omplete odd problem on page 23 and check answers
and then press the 0N(01 key!
&! (ype $! 0nglish * .e,elop outline of research paper and then press the
0N(01 key!
4! (ype &! Science * 1ead chapter $ and do end of chapter 5uestions and
then press the 0N(01 key!
6! (ype 4! History * Bring $ "nternet articles about Winston %hurchill to class
and then press 0N(01 key!
'rinting the (oday/s Homework .ocument
! %lick 7ile on the menu bar and then click 'rint! %lick the 'rint button in the
'rint dialog bo8 to print the document!
$! 1etrie,e the printed (oday/s Homework list from the printer!
%losing the Notepad Window
! %lick the %lose button on the Notepad title bar!
$! %lick the No button in the Notepad dialog bo8 to not sa,e the (oday/s
Homework document!
,sing &aint
Launching 'aint
! Start Windows

CMPF 124 Basic Skills for Knowledge

$! %lick the Start button
&! 'oint to 'rograms on the Start menu# point to Accessories
on the 'rogram submenu# and click 'aint on the
Accessories submenu!
9pening a file
! 9pen a file name %amel!:pg! "f the file does not e8ist# find any other file of
type :pg!
$! 9bser,e the file!
0diting an image file
! .o any changes to the ob:ect# either using# pencil# play with the color#
Sa,ing the new file
! Sa,e the file under new name!

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