Virtue Essay

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Daisy Luna

Mrs. Belmonte
AP English Language and Composition
What or where will you get in life when you know your own virtues. irst in
order for you to know what you want to a!!omplish you have told virtues that will
help you determmine what it is that you want to a!!omplish . "he virtues you hold
depend on you as a person . #ot only do these virtues depend on you $ut also
on how so!iety views you. We live sorrounded $y a so!iety that will %udge you
positively or negatively $ased on the values you hold.
When you have failed in things you where really looking forward to do
what is it that you do & Do you %ust give up and de!ide its $est to stop trying or'
do you %ust take that e(perien!e as a way that will help you try even harder so
you will not fail again & Whether you give up or you try over and over again it all
depends on your virtues. )irtues that have high moral stantards. *n other words a
virtue that defferentiates in a!tions su!h like right !ondu!t.
*n the Menan!e of negative people is a perfe!t e(ample of how us
Ameri!ans view the world and what it is we must do in order to !hange the way
we view the world. *n paragraph + it states , Whether Ameri!ans see it as an
em$errassment or a point of pride' $eing positive - in effe!t' in mood' in outlook-
seems to $e engrained in our national !hara!ter, *t all starts from us ' on the
virtues we hold that lead us to view things differently. Later on in paragraph .. it
states , *f you have to !ut ties with people you have known for a long time
$e!ause theyre a!tually a negative drain on you' then so $e it."rust me' you/re
$etter off without them., When you have someone there that doesn/t aid you to
hold moral standards then it is $etter for you to not talk to them. 0imply $e!ause
whether they stay in your life or not the virtues you hold may !hange and !an
!ompletely !hange how you see the world.
Whether you hold virtues that have high moral standards that have good
!ondu!t or you dont have any virtues at all it will all depend on what you
Works Cited
Ehrenrei!h' Bar$ara. ,"he Mena!e of #egative People., The Bedford Reader.
Ed. 1. 2. 3ennedy' Dorthy M. 3ennedy' and 2ane E. Aaron. ed. Boston4
Bedford50t. Martin/s' 67.6. 89:-9;. Print.

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