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Workshop topics include:

- Symbols Used to Defne Who You Are - Diversity in the Community

- Leadership in a Global Environment - Oppression & Cultural Conformity
- Inclusion for LGBTQA Communites - Politically Incorrect
- Effective Communication in Leadership - Branding U
- Leadership & Diversity for the 21st Century

Diversity Leadership
Saturday, November 10
9:30AM Registration/10:00AM Welcome
University Center
Prizes, t-shirts, continental breakfast, and lunch provided
Come be inspired and leave equipped with strategies for
success, lessons on leadership, and practical skills that will be
helpful in navigating our global society
Co-sponsors: Butler Center for Service and Leadership, Dean of Students Offce, Greek Life, Hispanic Heritage Month
Committee, Housing & Residential Life, Multicultural Student Affairs, Offce of Academic Enhancement, Target,
United Black Students, & Unity Roundtable
For more information, please contact Multicultural
Student Affairs at
or call 305-284-2855.
Opening Session:
James Brown
Co-President ALFA World Wide, Ltd.
& a former Senior VP at ESPN
Keynote Address:
Rev. Dr. Jaime Washington
President & Founder of the Washington Consulting Group
The world is changing rapidly and we need leaders who have the skills,
competencies and experience to engage effectively across differences. The
next generation of leaders will be expected to know themselves and how
their identities and world views impact their working relationships.

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