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Addressing a Social Justice Issue Poem

Grade Reading/Writing
Given: 4/8/2014
Due: 4/21/2014

Task: We have been looking at pieces that address a social justice issue. Your task is
to now write a poem that addresses an issue that you find relevant in your
community, city, state, country, or nation. Below you will find the requirements of
this poetry assignment.

Needs to:
1. Clearly address/state the issue
2. Have a title (1 point)
3. Include relevant facts (9 points, 3 for each fact)
a. 3 hard facts about the issue
i. People that are important to the issue
ii. People that advocate against the issue
iii. Who does it effects? People? Communities?
iv. Context (Location, time period, describing what it is)
v. Statistics
b. The research: Make sure the facts are relevant and accurate!
c. Sources that can be used: Newspapers, news sources (CNN, CBS), or
others can be found on the link on Schoology

What needs to be included:
Figurative Language (10 points)
o Personification (2 points)
o Simile (2 points)
o Metaphor (2 points)
o Hyperbole (2 points)
o Allusion (2 points)
Imagery (AT LEAST 3 senses) (3 points)
o Senses: Touch, smell, taste, hear, sight
1. Be written in poetry form (1point)
o 5 lines per stanza
o 5 stanzas MINIMUM

Does not:
Have to rhyme


Total: 24 points possible!

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