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Critical Thinking
Test Exercise
2 Numbering Reasoning 1.Find two positive numbers if one is three times the other, their difference is
a.4 and12
b. 1 and 3
c. 7 and 21
d. 5 and 15

2. Find the smaller of two consecutive integers whose sum is 171.
a. 78
b. 85
c. 86
d. 88

3 Reasoning Based on
groups Using all or
some Statements
1.The fast-paced life is sprawling urban centers has made many people ignore
tradition and culture in the countryside or regards them as absurd or
ridiculous . What they fail to understand is that not everything in this world
can be explained easily by religion and science. It can be validly concluded
from the passage that _________.
a. All people in urban centers still value tradition and culture.
b. Some people in urban centers disregard tradition and culture.
c. All people living in urban centers no longer recognize traditions.
d. Some people in urban centers ignore tradition and culture.

2. Efren Peaflorida with his cariton classroom was recognized as CNNs Hero
of the Year and was also awarded the Lakandula Award.
Guided by the philosophy that No child is too poor or too damaged to
changed, he was able to reach out and transform the lives of hundreds of
out of school children and youth near dumpsites and squatter areas. From the
information given, it can be validly concluded that _____________.
a. Some children are too poor and too damaged to change.
b. All children can change no matter how poor or damaged they are.
c. Some children can change no matter how poor or how damaged
they are.
d. All children are transformed because of poverty.

4 Syllogistic Reasoning 1. A tissue is made up of different kinds of cells, organs are made up of
different tissues, a system is made up of organs. Blood is made up of red
blood cells, white blood cells and the platelets. Therefore ____________.
a. blood is a cell.
b. blood is a tissue.
c. blood is an organ.
d. blood is a system.

2. Classes at all levels in public and private schools will be suspended during
typhoon signal No.3. Capiz province is under typhoon signal No.2 during
typhoon Pablo. Therefore _________________.
a. Elementary, secondary and tertiary levels will be suspended.
b. Elementary classes will be suspended.
c. Secondary classes will be suspended.
d. Elementary and secondary levels will be suspended.

3. Chordates are animals with backbone. Fishes have internal vertebrae.
Therefore _________________.
a. Fishes are animals.
b. Fishes are chordates.
c. Fishes swim in the water.
d. Fishes have scales.

5 Evaluation of
1. (1.) Jeepneys are common form of transportation in the Philippines; (2)
They were originally made from left over military jeeps from the United
States; (3) Many jeepneys have different decorations, both inside and out,
and my favorites are the ones that are brightly colored; (4) Often times,
jeepneys can be very crowded and uncomfortable.
From the selection above, which sentence states an opinion?
a. selection 1
b. selection 2
c. selection 3
d. selection 4

2. Filipinos are rich in different traditions, beliefs, superstitions and practices.
These are parts of their culture and despite of modernization; most Filipinos
are still practicing some of these. Who among the following has a scientific
a. Mario: My wife is pregnant so I will not to let her eat twin
b. Pedro: Im suffering from LBM, so I will chew young guava leaves.
c. Maria: I wish to marry a millionaire so I keep on singing while I
d. Ana: Oh, theres a cat on my way, Id better go back and stay at

6 Decision from an
1. Ever since Nelbert was a small boy he knew he wanted to be a seaman. His
father was a seaman, and Nelbert wanted to be just like him. He worked very
hard through highschool and even earned a scholarship to a maritime school.
He graduated as a scholar and was very excited to look for a work. What
could be the outcome of the story?
a. Nelbert became a successful seaman.
b. His father was a seaman.
c. Nelbert studied very hard.
d. He suddenly decided to become a teacher.

2. Jackie was very nervous for English class tomorrow. It was the end of the
quarter and she had to perform her favorite poem in front of her peers. She
had spent hours trying to memorize it but always made a mistake on the third
stanza. She had a fitful sleep and her stomach was tied in knots. How do you
think Jackie would feel if classes were suddenly cancelled the next day?
a. She would feel nervous.
b. She would feel relieved.
c. She would feel angry.
d. She would feel sad.

7 Interpretation 1. What does the graph below tells us?

a. Mass is directly related to volume.
b. Mass is inversely related to volume.
c. No relationship between mass and volume.

2. What does the author mean when she wrote, while using the italicized
synecdoche, She was looking for a good pair of hands to help her cook
dinner for the whole family.
a. She needed another person to help her cook.
b. Her hands were not strong enough to cook.
c. Her hands were not big enough to cook.
d. Her hands were ugly.

8 Decision based on
neither or either

Thus, it can be validly concluded from the given situation that
a. Neither of them can be appointed to the committee.
b. Either one or the other will be appointed.
c. Both will be appointed to the committee.
d. The club president cannot determine what to do.


From the above scenario, what can be validly concluded?
a. Both will win the heart of Mikay.
b. Neither of Gino nor Jao will win the battle.
c. Either Gino or Jao will win the battle and possibly become Mikays
life partner.
d. The King will not permit the marriage.

9 Reasoning based
groups using most,
a few, almost,
many statements
1. Almost all of the young people were too excited to own a car. Everyday we
heard related car accidents everywhere. Some minors were discovered driving
From the statement given, it can be validly concluded that:
a. Many of the adults suffered difficulty in driving.
b. Most of the young drives without license.
c. Parents permit their children to drive.
d. Minors should not be allowed to drive without license.

10 Reasoning based on
if, then statements
1. If the use of all vertebrate animals are prohibited in a student research and
Vanessas study uses chicken as subject, then:
a. Vanessas study is a student research.
b. The chicken is a vertebrate animal.
c. Vanessa is prohibited to conduct a study.
d. Vanessas study is prohibited.

2. Anong mangyayari sa bayan kapag hindi nangibabaw ang tinatawag na
a. Ang isang bayan ay nagtatagal at bawat taoy magkakaisa.
b. Natutulad ang bayan sa isang dahong nalanta ng init ng panahon.
c. May maunlad na kabuhayan at positibong pananaw ang

Kung ang pag-ibig ay wala, ang mga bayan ay hindi nagtatagal at kara-
karakang mapapawi sa balat ng lupa ang lahat ng pagkakapisan at
pagkakaisa at ang kabuhayan ay matutulad sa isang dahon ng kahoy na
niluoy ng init at tinangay ng hanging mabilis.
Hango mula sa Ang Pag-ibig ni Emilio Jacinto
Beth and Connie are both members of Dramatics club, though they are not
in good terms and refuse to work with each other. Rico, the Dramatics Club
president, is appointing members to the fund raising committee, but he will
not appoint anyone without that persons consent.
Beth tells Rico, I will not consent to an appointment in that committee if
Connie will be a member of it.
And Connie says, I will not consent to be a member of that committee if
Princess Mikay is used to be the apple of the eye of Gino and Jao. Both of
them wanted to win the heart of Mikay. The King decided to test their
perseverance and steadfastness through a battle that constitutes courage
and bravery and proclaimed that whosoever wins the battle will be Mikays
life partner.

11 Reasoning by drawing
probable conclusion
1. Liza rarely rides to school each morning. She could take the school bus but
prefers to walk two miles from her home to school. She believes that the walk
wakes her up and improves her learning throughout the day.
What can be concluded to Liza?
a. Liza always rides the bus home at the end of the school day.
b. Liza never rides the bus to school.
c. Liza values learning.
d. Liza is always late in school.

2. All drug dependents who undergo rehabilitation eventually recover. Mr.
Tan, who leads a healthy lifestyle, did not undergo rehabilitation.
a. Mr. Tan will not recover.
b. Mr. Tan will eventually recover.
c. Mr. Tan is a drug dependent.
d. Mr. Tan is not a drug dependent.

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